Chen Tianxing, he... thought of a perfect plan?

Gu Mochen was stunned when he heard Gu Nandi's words, but when he turned around, he saw Ye Changsheng was also stunned on the spot.

The situation has come to this point, is there any surefire solution?

Not to mention Chen Tianxing...

Gu Mochen felt very strange in his heart.

Just like Gu Nandi also had a moment of disbelief.

If there is really a perfect solution, maybe there is, but it seems strange to say it from Chen Tianxing's mouth.

Even Ye Changsheng felt unbelievable.

He knows Chen Tianxing better.

Going forward bravely, leader Chen, when will he consider any perfect plan?


"You're not trying to lie to me, are you?"

Gu Mochen held firm and questioned his grandfather.


Gu Nandi said angrily: "With your trivial tricks, is it necessary for this old man to lie to you?"

"Do you think that in this small plane, the old man has nothing to do with you?"

As he said that, his body, which was embodied with spiritual consciousness, suddenly changed, and his whole body turned into a big hand with spiritual consciousness.

From the palm, Gu Nandi's deep voice came out: "Bring it to you!"

As soon as the words fell, the big hand of divine consciousness roared over.

Gu Mochen and Ye Changsheng's expressions changed drastically.

However, with Gu Nandi's drink, it seemed to have preemptively restrained the spiritual consciousness of the two of them.

Right now, not to mention avoiding the sweeping hand of the divine sense, it is impossible to even move a finger.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them suddenly felt their bodies tighten, and they were firmly held by big hands.

Then there was a sudden change.

When the two came back to their senses, Qiqi was speechless for a while.

They had already been grabbed out of the small plane abruptly by Gu Nandi.

Gu Nandi's spiritual power is invincible. When he was on the plane of the sacred tree, he could pass through the space barrier and descend to the Xuanyuan Continent without any loss.

And now that he is on the Xuanyuan Continent, he can naturally travel through the spiritual consciousness again and enter the small plane that has been discovered.

Not only that, but with the power of his divine sense alone, he can kill and injure the people inside through the plane, or grab people out of it like now.

At this moment, Gu Mochen and Ye Changsheng are being grasped by the big hands of divine consciousness, drifting away

Floating above a small island in an endless sea.

"If you still think the old man is lying to you, then ask him yourself!"

Gu Nandi didn't talk nonsense, he swung his hands with his divine sense, and directly threw the two of them in the direction of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

It was also thanks to Gu Mochen and Ye Changsheng who had practiced in the small plane for a period of time, especially Ye Changsheng, whose strength level had made great progress.

Otherwise, it would be just this throw, and he would have to be thrown until his bones were broken and he died.

But even so, the two of them were also thrown to the ground, their ears were whistling, and they were all gusts of wind pouring in, and their brains went blank because of this, unable to do any coping and reaction at all, they could only Involuntarily flying towards the direction of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

Ye Changsheng was shocked.

Just one throw can restrict all his movements?

It's not just because he couldn't deal with the power of the throw of the big hand of divine sense.

Rather, since he was caught, his spiritual power, which was extremely powerful after the mutation, which could compete with the powerhouses in the fusion state, has lost the possibility of displaying it, and has been completely controlled by Gu Nandi's spiritual power. It's restricted.

Is this the strength of the peak powerhouse of the Rongshen tree?

Even after passing through the space barrier, Gu Nandi's realm has been lowered, but his spiritual power is so strong that it is not restricted by this.

Before Gu Jinglei, Ye Changsheng could still clearly feel that the other party's spiritual consciousness was also reduced because of passing through the space barrier!

Such a person is too terrifying!

When he was dazzled and even wanted to vomit, Ye Changsheng was shocked by Gu Nandi's strength like never before.

At the same time, it was hard for him to imagine how Gu Nandi, who had such strength, was persuaded by Chen Tianxing and chose to believe in Chen Tianxing.

That's right, although Gu Mochen still thought his grandfather was lying to him, Ye Changsheng believed that Chen Tianxing must have come up with some great plan, so that Gu Nandi gave up his original plan and chose to marry Chen Tianxing. Tianxing teamed up.

Master Chen!

Whenever I feel hopeless about the situation, there always seems to be a light that is still on in the dark.

That lamp is the leader Chen Tianxing.

It's great not to have to fight against Master Chen anymore!

I don't know why,

Ye Changsheng, who had always been persevering, seemed to be a little weaker after his consciousness was banned.

After a while of darkness, the two of them suddenly felt that their uncontrolled bodies seemed to be drawn by a gentle pulling force, and the strong castration dropped instantly.

This kind of transition from extremely fast to extremely slow, even though the traction force was gentle enough, still made the two of them turn pale suddenly, and suffered serious internal injuries.

Then it finally stopped completely.

The one who made the move was still Gu Nandi.

But it is no longer the power of divine consciousness, but his body.

After being thrown, the two were directly thrown from the Great Sun Zen Realm back to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, and the landing point was extremely accurate, where the avatars of Gu Nandi and Chen Tianxing were located.

"Master Chen!"

Setsuna, who was stopped by Ye Changsheng's body, already sensed that the other party had lifted the restriction on his consciousness.

Therefore, his spiritual consciousness was one step faster than the naked eye, sensing the existence of Gu Nandi and Chen Tianxing.


The next moment, he frowned slightly.

He found that although Chen Tianxing was floating in front of him, judging from the fluctuations of his spiritual consciousness, this was not his real body, but just a clone.

"You feel it?"

Chen Tianxing smiled, and glanced at Gu Mochen who was still in a daze.

I couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Although Gu Mochen's real realm is much higher, Ye Changsheng's potential is definitely stronger than Gu Mochen's.

So this can also be confirmed from the side, even people living in Xuanyuan Continent are not necessarily weaker than people on the plane of the sacred tree.

Gu Nandi withdrew his consciousness, stared at Gu Mochen, and said: "Chen Tianxing is here, ask him yourself, has this old man lied to you?"

As he said that, a wave of spiritual consciousness enveloped him, but it helped Gu Mochen stabilize his mind.

Only then did he feel better, but the feeling of boredom in his heart was still there.

"here is……"

Gu Mochen looked down, and he had a panoramic view of the five-element giant pillar and the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall below.

Chen Tianxing actually brought grandpa here?

Although he had already guessed this, he still felt incredible.

What kind of method did this Chen Tianxing come up with, to dare to do this, to expose all their deployments under the eyes of grandpa?

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