Ye Changsheng originally thought that Gu Nandi let him calm down and understand, but he was going to teach him the secret method of the star field.

But at the next moment, he realized that the other party seemed to have just said a polite word.

Let him calm down?

When Gu Nandi's body began to shine with stars, Ye Changsheng found that it was difficult for him not to meditate.

His eyes, his mind, and everything about him were all attracted by a faintly bright star that Gu Nandi lightly pointed out.

He watched the star fluttering and flickering towards him.

At this moment, the illusion that the world is invincible and everything is under control is still there.

This made Ye Changsheng couldn't help raising his hand, releasing his spiritual power, to put the star into his palm.

This star is his!

A strong feeling arose in Ye Changsheng's heart. Although the stars flew from the place where they were in danger, he still insisted that this thing belonged to him in the first place.

When Gu Nandi pointed out this star, he just wanted to return it to its original owner.

There was confusion in Ye Changsheng's heart.

With Gu Nandi's words first, he himself has kept his divine sense, trying to calm himself down and not be disturbed by that illusion.

So, on the one hand, he is sober.

He clearly knew that this was passed on to him by Gu Nandi.

But on the other hand, the illusion of being invincible in the world told him that this star belonged to him!

These two feelings were intertwined, making him suddenly feel bored. Biqu library

"Calm down!"

Gu Nandi spoke suddenly, not loudly, but it shook Ye Changsheng's heart.

It made his mind tremble.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the star that fell in the palm of the hand followed the momentary loss of mind, and penetrated into his body from the air.


So, right in front of Ye Changsheng's eyes, he was shocked to see another piece of stars and universe unfolded with himself as the center.

Star after star.

There is another universe superimposed on the universe, which should be difficult to distinguish.

Looking around, apart from the countless stars and the endless dark universe, how can one tell who is who?

But Ye Changsheng was extremely clear, and he could clearly see that his star universe and Gu Nandi's star universe had a distinct boundary.

His star universe is very small, as if it is in its infancy stage, and Gu Nandi's star universe

The universe is so big that it can completely enclose his universe in it.

If his star universe is just a glass of water, then Gu Nandi's star universe is an endless ocean!

The disparity is so great that if someone with a weak heart comes, he will immediately feel desperate.

But Ye Changsheng's spiritual consciousness is extremely huge, and his determination is also incomparable.

Under this desperate comparison, it made him feel competitive.

As long as he practices more, his star universe will surely reach the state of Gu Nandi!

In any case, no matter how small it is, this is a piece of universe after all.

Ye Changsheng realized that he, like Gu Nandi, was sitting in the center of his universe of stars, and he was still the master of this universe on this one-third of an acre of land.

The illusion of invincibility reappeared.

But this time, Ye Changsheng believed that this was not an illusion.

As long as he is in this star universe, he is the invincible master!

As the first star in his universe lit up, a huge amount of information suddenly flooded into his brain.

Every time a part is absorbed, a second star will light up, and more information will be transmitted, and so on.

Until his universe was full of stars, Ye Changsheng had completely sent Gu Nandi, receiving everything about the field of stars.

Immediately, he looked at Gu Nandi who was shining with divine light from his own universe, and there were also bright stars in his eyes.

"Ye Changsheng, thank you, Senior Gu, for your generous teaching!"

He got up suddenly, stood in his own star universe, and bowed to Gu Nandi from afar.

Both of them are strong in spiritual consciousness, and for things like imparting exercises, only the spiritual consciousness needs to meet the spiritual consciousness.

Gu Nandi taught it quickly, and Ye Changsheng also understood it quickly. At this moment, he has comprehended all the secret methods in the field of stars.

Only then did Gu Nandi open his eyes, his eyes still had stars shining, but compared to Ye Changsheng's vigorous vitality, there was a kind of exhausted gloom.

He shook his head slowly, and said: "You don't have to thank me, you and I both know why we did this."

Having said this, Gu Nandi smiled wryly in his heart.

This time, it was a big loss.

Although the power of spiritual consciousness passed on to Ye Changsheng is not countless times as much as the other party perceives, but it also has a part of Gu Nandi's own spiritual consciousness.

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about half.

He is a strong man at the pinnacle of the God Fusion Realm!

Ever since he retired from the position of the Patriarch of the Gu family, Gu Nandi has devoted himself to the cultivation of his spiritual consciousness.

It can be said that he has been in his star universe for decades.

Since he practiced so far, his spiritual consciousness is so powerful that he is a top existence even in the plane of the sacred tree.

But today, half of his spiritual consciousness was given to Ye Changsheng.

During his tens of years of penance, he made a wedding dress for the other party.

"Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that Changsheng has been greatly favored by seniors!"

Ye Changsheng earnestly said: "As long as Changsheng shares the same standpoint as senior, then senior is Changsheng's master!"

This is all from the heart.

Ye Changsheng didn't have a deep enough understanding of Gu Nandi's spiritual power before he realized this star field.

So at that time, he was still able to distinguish the priorities, knowing that accepting Gu Nandi's divine sense was not a reward for nothing, but it was very necessary, and it was also for the good of Xuanyuan Continent.

But when he really received the incomparably huge spiritual consciousness, Ye Changsheng realized what a great gift Gu Nandi had given him.

Of course, Chen Tianxing also contributed to this great gift.

But no matter what, he easily accepted the power of the other party's spiritual sense that he had cultivated for decades, and this matter made Ye Changsheng feel ashamed.

That's why he regarded the other party as his master from the bottom of his heart.


The words also made it clear that as long as the two of them had the same standpoint, Ye Changsheng would treat Gu Nandi as his master.

"What if the position is different?"

Hearing his words, Gu Nandi didn't know whether to be happy or angry, so he couldn't help asking angrily.

"If the position is different..."

Ye Changsheng frowned slightly, and then sighed: "If the position is different, please forgive Changsheng for still focusing on Xuanyuan Continent, but, what Master taught today, Changsheng will definitely return it!"

Gu Nandi said coldly: "Do you think that such things as spiritual consciousness can be given back whenever you want?"

"If you pay me back, you will die."

These words were filled with murderous intent, but Ye Changsheng was not moved by them.

He bowed again, and solemnly said: "Even if it is death, Changsheng will definitely repay Master's kindness!"

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