"That's fast?"

Ye Changsheng was surprised.

In his perception, he had already spent a long time with Gu Nandi in it, and it should have taken a lot of time just to comprehend all kinds of things in the field of stars.

But in the eyes of Chen Tianxing, Gu Mochen and others, they really only went in for a short while, that is to say, they came out as soon as Gu Mochen broke through.


Gu Nandi explained lightly, but looked at Gu Mochen in surprise.

Going in and then coming out, with the speed of the transmission of spiritual consciousness, it really didn't take much time.

But in such a short period of time, Gu Mochen broke through the two realms in a row?


It's just Setsuna, Gu Nandi's spiritual sense imperceptibly circled around Gu Mochen, and he immediately understood the reason.

So, his surprised eyes looked at Xiao Mohe.

He had observed this person before, and he was a rare alchemy talent in Xuanyuan Continent.

Even at that time, Gu Nandi was thinking of cherishing his talents, and thought about what kind of achievements he would have if he brought Xiao Mohe back to the plane of the Divine Tree and trained him well.

It's a pity that he also saw how much Chen Tianxing valued Xiao Mohe, so naturally he wouldn't have a conflict with Chen Tianxing because of an alchemist at this time. Biqu library

But Xiao Mohe's alchemy talent is even higher than his observation.

In such a short period of time, Xiao Mohe himself is only in the stage of transformation.

But the elixir refined by him can already work on Gu Mochen.

You must know that although Gu Mochen himself is already a strong man at the peak of the Guixu Realm, his loss on the Xuanyuan Continent only needs to be supplemented by a large amount of power of the Five Elements.

But Xiao Mohe's supplement to Gu Mochen was too much.

From the third level to the fifth level of Returning to the Void, how much power of the Five Elements is needed?

With such a huge power of five elements, Xiao Mohe only used one pill to solve it.


Time and time again, Gu Nandi's impression of Xuanyuan Continent was impacted and changed.

How many buried geniuses are there on the Xuanyuan Continent, which has been looked down upon by their divine tree plane?

It seems... They are indeed arrogant.

Gu Nandi couldn't help but let out another sigh.

It shouldn't be like this!

He vaguely remembered reading from an ancient book that a long time ago, a patriarch of the five great aristocratic families proposed an idea.

That is, strengthen the connection with the Xuanyuan Continent, and select the outstanding ones to bring them to the plane of the Divine Tree for training.

Some people agreed with this idea at the time, but more people opposed it.

In fact, at that time, some people had already seen the potential of Xuanyuan Continent.

Although at the time of the first generation of great powers, those who broke the void were all the best in the continent, but it is undeniable that there were talents from generation to generation, and later on the Xuanyuan Continent, there were also many talented people.

It's just a pity that their cultivation environment is no better than the plane of the sacred tree, so they will be buried, and they will stop at the stage of transforming gods all their lives, or those with good luck will break through to the return to the void state.

But if they can go to the plane of the sacred tree to practice, the situation will be different.

With their high talents, they will definitely make a difference, even local monks who surpass the plane of the sacred tree are no problem.

In this way, it is still the strength of the Divine Tree Plane that is enhanced.

This should be a good cycle.

But although some people agree with this idea, most of the monks are opposed to it.

This is related to one's own vital interests.

Yes, there are many good seedlings in Xuanyuan Continent, but there is only one opportunity missing.

But at the same time, is it guaranteed that someone born on the plane of the Divine Tree will be very talented?

In the plane of the Divine Tree, it is not enough to be talented, but with a better cultivation environment, people who forcibly reached a good level.

So what will happen to these people if the passage between the Xuanyuan Continent and the Divine Tree plane is opened?

When the first generation of powers left the Xuanyuan Continent and left those who were not talented enough in cultivation at that time, this decision can be expressed in four words.

That is survival of the fittest!

Those with stronger strength are worthy of a better cultivation environment and stronger strength.

Those with weaker strength can only struggle to survive in the basic plane.

That's all.

So once this channel is opened, wouldn't it be another round of survival of the fittest?

You must know that the power of the five elements in the plane of the sacred tree is also numerous. Once the limit is exceeded, all monks in the plane will be affected.

Xuanyuan Continent

The introduction of geniuses into the plane of the sacred tree will cause the cultivation resources that should belong to them to be divided up, and it will also lead to a situation where there are too many monks and too little food for the not so much power of the five elements.

Then, according to the idea of ​​survival of the fittest, when the Divine Tree Plane can no longer afford a large number of monks to practice, will those who are not strong enough be sent to the Xuanyuan Continent?

Who wants this?

Who would like to go to the basic plane that has always been looked down upon by oneself to live?

And it's not a matter of willingness or not.

It's a shameful question.

Is it a very face-saving thing to be overtaken by the despised monks of the Xuanyuan Continent?

If there is a day when he will be sent to the Xuanyuan Continent, he might as well just die.

It was precisely because of such worries and worries that the idea back then was collectively rejected by the five aristocratic families not long after it was proposed.

It was never mentioned again.

Although everyone knows that making the Xuanyuan Continent and the Divine Tree plane reinforce each other is the best way for the two planes, and it is also the fastest way to improve their strength.

When Gu Nandi was flipping through this part of the content, he had imagined that kind of situation.

Apart from other things, with the potential threat of Xuanyuan Continent, will it also force the monks on the plane of the sacred tree to practice even more desperately because they don't want to be eliminated?

It is said that there is pressure to be motivated. The current stability of the Divine Tree plane has also made many monks in it lose a sense of urgency.

Maybe if it had happened back then, the current plane of the Divine Tree would have become stronger, and it would be no problem to invade a few basic planes.

But Gu Nandi also understood that this incident was not to blame for those opponents.

Even if he had been there, he believed his position would have ultimately been on the side of the naysayers.

This is human nature, not to mention the plane of the sacred tree, isn't it the same for other pure energy planes?

It seems that everyone knows that it is good, but it will not increase the strength of the plane in a very short period of time, and it will infringe on its own interests. Who would be willing to do it?

If you want to unite the two planes and see results, it will take the joint efforts of several generations before you can see some results. However, in this process, the internal shock of the plane may destroy it. Myself!

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