"Into... hundreds of thousands of base planes?"

Gu Nandi's words directly stunned He Wentian.

Not only him, but the rest of the powerhouses also widened their eyes.

Some people even sneaked out their spiritual sense, wanting to test if Gu Nandi is real, or is there an enemy pretending to be his spiritual sense to tease them?

But as soon as this consciousness came out, he was stared back by Gu Nandi.

Although his current spiritual power is only about half left, but the strength is online. Before the spiritual consciousness is not overused, he still has the spiritual strength of the peak of the fusion state, which cannot be insulted by anyone.

It was also because of this that no one had any objection to his results when he was screening for his spiritual consciousness.

"That's right. According to the current situation, about five hundred basic planes can be created in a short period of time."

Gu Nandi ignored everyone's shock and continued to throw bombs into the already boiling lake.

"Five hundred?"

"The base plane?"

Finally, someone couldn't care about his identity and exclaimed.

"Master Gu, did you make a mistake?"

It was He Wentian who came back to his senses first, and couldn't help frowning deeply.

Regarding Gu Nandi's words, he didn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

The basic plane!

The so-called foundation is the root of every pure energy plane, and it is the most important thing.

Why is there a plane battlefield?

Why do different planes of pure energy always want to invade other planes?

Isn't it the base plane?

Every additional base plane will mean that the power of the five elements provided will be even greater.

And the huge power of the five elements will also make the monks living in this plane get a stronger promotion, and there will also be an explosive growth in the number of high-level monks.

How important is this?

Every additional base plane can be said to be a big deal, let alone five hundred in a short period of time?

Then the plane of the sacred tree can't take off in place?

It is not difficult to directly destroy all pure energy planes and become the master of the planes!

This Gu Nandi went to Xuanyuan Continent and burned his brain out?

Except for He Wentian, the others also did not believe what Gu Nandi said.

Get five hundred base planes in a short time?

Oh, I really want

If it works out, it's okay for me to use my head as a stool for him!

It is also okay to eat something in front of the whole plane.

Gu Nandi looked at the expressions of the crowd, he had expected their reaction, and was not annoyed at all.

After the noise in the hall calmed down a bit, he said again: "Of course, the five hundred base planes are not as huge as the Xuanyuan Continent, but five hundred small planes."

"But it's pretty amazing, isn't it?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was another wave of disbelief on the spot.

But this time, it was the meaning in the words of Gu Nandi.

He Wentian turned his head to look at the other Patriarchs, and when he looked back at Gu Nandi, he said in a difficult tone, "Patriarch Gu...are you serious?"

Gu Nandi smiled, and turned his head to look at Ye Changsheng, who had already breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Why do you think that the old man did not hesitate to issue the family summoning order just to make a joke with you?"

"But this..."

He Wentian frowned.

Next to him, Li Shizheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Why don't you let Patriarch Gu continue?"

Those who can still stay awake are the top powerhouses of the Divine Tree plane. Of course, they know what it means to have five hundred more base planes. Even if it is the small plane that Gu Nandi said, it is indeed remarkable. .

Gu Nandi nodded, and then said: "Not long ago, the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha reported the abnormality in Xuanyuan Continent to the old man, but at that time, the situation had not yet reached the point where it was completely out of control, so the old man only sent the inferior Sun Gu Mo Chen will deal with it."

These words made everyone nod their heads.

They all have their own people in the Gu family, and they have already received rumors about Gu Mochen's going to Xuanyuan Continent.

Not only Gu Mochen, but they even found out that Gu Jinglei also went after that.

In the end, even Gu Nandi went.

At that time, several companies even laughed secretly.

It was a joke that the Gu family, as the controllers on duty, was so unbearable in dealing with problems, that the small Xuanyuan Continent would let the head of the family, who is also the controller of the plane, go to ask in person.

But when Gu Nandi briefly introduced the situation in Xuanyuan Continent, they couldn't laugh anymore.

"I thought it was a very easy problem to deal with, but it is really not good, and we can discuss it earlier.

plans are implemented. "

Gu Nandi said again.

Then, he will start with Gu Mochen, and then a series of things will be explained in detail.

What he was facing was the high-level leaders of the five great families. At the same time, the other four family heads had also taken turns as the controllers of the planes, so they were not much worse than him in terms of the overall situation.

That's why he had to tell the whole process, and at the same time add his own considerations for others' reference.

It took almost an hour to say this, and then he said it from beginning to end, and stopped when he and Ye Changsheng used their spiritual consciousness to travel back to the plane of the divine tree.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Nandi's eyes swept over the heads of each family one by one.

But he saw that their expressions at the moment were not much better than when he was in Xuanyuan Continent.

They also found it difficult to deal with Chen Tianxing's self-destruct threat.

"That kid, how dare he say that?"

Li Shizheng still had an impression of Chen Tianxing, and he clenched his fist when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, based on his previous understanding of Chen Tianxing, who hadn't yet matured, this guy seemed to be someone who would do such a thing.

But He Wentian's focus is different.

Among the large amount of information that Gu Nandi uttered, he was most interested in the five hundred basic planes.

He bowed his head and pondered for a moment, and said: "If you say it like this, the five hundred basic planes are very likely to succeed, but..."

He Wentian looked at Gu Nandi, and said solemnly: "However, if you want to do this, you have to cut off the connection between Xuanyuan Continent and the plane of the Divine Tree first. Is this too risky?"

As soon as this remark came out, the others nodded in agreement.

Yes, the temptation of the five hundred basic planes is indeed great, no matter how you look at it, it is much better than absorbing the unstable power of the Five Elements from the Xuanyuan Continent.

And the five hundred base planes added up are greater than the power of the five elements provided by Xuanyuan Continent, which can be regarded as the level of three Xuanyuan Continents.

The spiritual consciousness of all the people present was extremely powerful, and after a little calculation from the specific information given by Gu Nandi, it was easy to draw this conclusion.

But as How Wentian said, if you want to do this, you must first cut off the connection between the two planes. Is it worth it?

Is this risk too great?

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