Gu Nandi exhausted his mind to create such a scene.

You must know that all the top powerhouses from the Divine Tree Plane are present here. As powerhouses in the God Fusion Realm, their spiritual powers are all extremely powerful.

Even in his heyday, he couldn't suppress these people with his spiritual sense. Maybe some of them had hidden strengths, and they might be stronger than him in terms of spiritual sense.

Therefore, in this situation, using some primitive strategies can achieve unexpected results.

The communication between him and He Wentian used tricks that ordinary people can use, but it confuses these strong people present, making them never expect that the situation will suddenly become unbearable Thinking of a dead end.

Gu Nandi's scolding and his rhetoric, although passionate, are definitely not enough to make these extremely strong men change their minds easily.

It is impossible for all five great families to agree to this adventurous plan.

Just like back then, when the head of a family proposed to select talented monks from the Xuanyuan Continent to the Divine Tree Plane, once his own interests were involved, there would definitely be opposition.

Their current situation is actually similar to that proposal back then.

When the Xuanyuan Continent regains the power of the five elements, it is conceivable that the two planes will no longer be in a subordinate relationship in the future, but will become an existence that can communicate on an equal footing.

The five aristocratic families will no longer be the clear controllers of the plane of the Divine Tree, and they will no longer be able to obtain the greatest benefits from the plane.

Among other things, Chen Tianxing, who gathered the five elements together, is very likely to threaten the dominance of the five great families in the future.

Even Gu Jinglei had considered this way back then, let alone people from other aristocratic families.

Profit comes first in everything.

Keeping the status quo, their interests will not be damaged in the short term. As for how long the Divine Tree Plane can be maintained, it should be quite long from now on, at least in their lifetimes, and the lifetimes of their next three generations , there will be no change.

further back?

They already have a handful of loess, can they still manage the future?

Those who think this way are by no means a minority.

Therefore, Gu Nandi is very clear that if they are not here now, their roots will be touched, and this matter will be destroyed.

Biqu library

Things never work out.

The sudden alliance between the Gu family and the He family caught people off guard, and they couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while.

What's more, the two of them had already discussed with each other and considered all possible situations. How could they easily think of a way to break the situation?

Gu Nandi is even very confident. After the situation has followed the route he set to the present, even if they are given two more days to think slowly, they may not necessarily come up with a countermeasure.

In fact, this is why he wants to change.

The divine tree plane is very stable?

Why is it stable?

It is precisely because of their five great families.

Different from the intrigue in some planes, the five great families are very clear about themselves.

Although they also have ambitions, they still maintain a superficial peace despite their lack of strength. There will be no friction between aristocratic families.

That is to say, unanimously external.

The five great aristocratic families are the five cornerstones, which together form the plane of the sacred tree. One is indispensable, and one will perish.

This is a good thing, but it is also a worry.

Even Gu Nandi himself can't guarantee that their Gu family will continue to be strong, so how can the five aristocratic families guarantee that their five cornerstones will not be loosened one day?

How long can it be stable?

Gu Nandi feels that this is like walking a tightrope. Once the balance of the five cornerstones is broken, the Divine Tree Plane will fall from the tightrope into an abyss beyond redemption.

What He Wentian said was right.

Only Gu Nandi is really thinking about the future of the Divine Tree Plane.

And this is why he is willing to help Gu Nandi.

Right now, the general trend has come, and Gu Nandi feels relaxed.

No matter how the remaining three great aristocratic families are chosen, it is time for the Divine Tree Plane to make changes.

Or, everyone fights a game, and then waits to be taken advantage of by other planes.

Or, taking a gamble, the Divine Tree Plane may not be without the possibility of becoming a powerful and invincible existence in the future.

That's a good choice, right?

Gu Nandi and He Wentian looked at each other, and then looked at the people from all the families present.

He said again: "Since everyone has no objection, then let's start without delay."

What does this start?

Everyone was shocked again, so do we agree?

Gu Nandi glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Why, haven't you acquiesced?"

"If you have different opinions, you can raise them. Let's discuss it again and see if there is a good way that everyone agrees with?"

See what this says!

Li Shizheng secretly rolled his eyes in his heart.

How to mention?

Even if you mention it, you can listen to it!

It's a good way to get everyone's approval, this is even more false.

How many people are there in a whole plane?

Who can come up with a solution that pleases everyone?

So, we actually...

He also looked around, but what he saw was an ugly expression like his.

But still no one spoke.

It is useless to say anything now if there is no way to solve the difficult situation.

And they would never have imagined that after cultivating their spiritual consciousness for a lifetime, they would be set up with an ordinary trick of alienation.

So in fact, their silence now, just like what Gu Nandi said, is an acquiescence.

"Patriarch Gu..."

The patriarch of the Leng family, Leng Xiufeng, who had been silent all this time, said with difficulty: "If you must gamble, it's not impossible, but I think there should be some necessary guarantees."

Gu Nandi looked at him.

Now that the other party has let go, the details behind are naturally not too important.

He nodded and said: "This old man has also considered this point, and of course there will be safeguards."

"As a matter of fact, we've already got the biggest guarantee, why don't Patriarch Leng think about it more carefully?"

As soon as this remark came out, Leng Xiufeng lowered his eyes slightly and was not surprised.

That's right, he can naturally think of what Gu Nandi said.

For the Divine Tree Plane, the best protection is the five hundred five-element giant pillars.

The Xuanyuan Continent did not have the ability to perfect the giant pillars of the five elements, which required the intervention of the Divine Tree Plane.

The transformation of the Five Elements Giant Pillar on the Divine Tree Plane may not be the most perfect, but it is the most suitable for the development of the Divine Tree Plane.

From the giant pillar of the five elements, they will take the premise of maximizing the absorption of the power of the five elements, and also have to take into account the sturdiness of the giant pillar.

As long as the Five Elements Giant Pillar can be strong enough not to be damaged by the monks on the Xuanyuan Continent, then it is the best guarantee for them.

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