Du Lingfeng left with the members of the Blood Demon Sect.

At the same time, it also took away his unwillingness.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Tianxing.

He is satisfied at the moment, very satisfied.

That Li Wuming is simply a divine assist!

Just now Du Lingfeng wanted to tell him the name of the person who spread the rumors, but Chen Tianxing casually mentioned the most suspicious one, but he didn't expect it to be.

It's just that this made Du Lingfeng misunderstand, thinking that everything was Chen Laomo's idea.

Chen Tianxing didn't bother to explain, and when he was in a good mood, he even wanted to save Li Wuming's life.

Stay, have to stay.

Maybe such a god teammate will be useful someday?

And Chen Tianxing understood what Li Wuming was thinking.

He did it for one thing.

That is to let Chen Tianxing understand the disadvantages of the new canon of the Tianmo Sect, and want to use this to make him take back his life.

It's just that if this is the case, coupled with the credit for being self-defeating, it is not a crime to die.

Before coming to Youmo Tiangou, Chen Tianxing had already beaten on the Tianmo Temple, which scared Li Wuming half to death, and the floor under his feet was soaked in cold sweat.

And the Great Elder Huang Quan, who was supposed to be an accomplice, was watching from behind, not daring to say a word.

In this way, deterrence is enough.

Right now, the Tianmo Sect is in the stage of calming down. If there is no need, Chen Tianxing is not willing to see blood.

I didn't expect to receive such a big gift just after returning from the sanctuary.

To tell the truth, disciples bearing white light have begun to appear in Tianmo Sect, which makes Chen Tianxing very satisfied.

In addition, he is also thinking about how to expand his influence.

Just because he, a Heavenly Demon Sect, is too independent in the Extreme Heavenly Demon Realm, it will also make people in the sect unstable.

Why can other demon sects be unscrupulous, but my Tianmo sect has to talk about civilization?

As time goes by, this kind of complaint will increase.

At least more than white light appears.

But what if everyone is the same?

Again, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

If the entire Extreme Heaven Demon Territory starts to talk about civilization and establish a new style, won't this atmosphere gradually change?

Whoever has something else to say at that time will be a maverick.

There is no need for Chen Tianxing to do anything, naturally someone will reward him with two big mouths.

The Blood Demon Gate was his first step in extending his tentacles outside the Heavenly Demon Cult.

Killing Du Lingfeng can deter other people from the Demon Sect, making them dare not think about the Demon Sect anymore.

At the same time, it can also make people like Li Wuming, who have evil intentions, restrain themselves a lot.

It's not without its benefits.

But if Du Lingfeng is not killed, the benefits will be even greater.

don't kill him, in

Frightened, Du Lingfeng agreed to change the family rules without thinking about it, and at the same time made the oath of the demon god.

This is a poisonous oath of the same level as Ye Changsheng's oath of heaven, and no one dares to break it.

As a result, Du Lingfeng's blood demon sect became the second demon sect to implement new regulations after the Tianmo sect.

In addition, there are four other magic gates.

Those four families didn't even need Chen Tianxing to come forward in person, Du Lingfeng had to take care of things.

Once these people heard that Old Devil Chen was not dead and that his cultivation had improved, wouldn't they write the little note that Du Lingfeng brought with him overnight?

As a result, six of the One Hundred and Eight Demon Sects of the Demon Realm are operating according to Chen Tianxing's regulations, and the situation is not bad.

This is what Chen Tianxing wants more.

Standing in front of the abyss of the Youmo Gutter, Chen Tianxing sorted out the past and the past, and was in a good mood for a while.

From time to time, demon energy rises from the abyss.

He lowered his head and took a look. In the bottomless abyss, the thick devilish energy was slowly rotating, as if a huge and ferocious devil's eye was staring at him fiercely.

Chen Tianxing chuckled lightly, showing no fear.

If all goes well, this Extreme Heaven Demon Realm will be renamed Extreme Heaven Sanctuary in a few days.

Nine Nether Demon Gods?

Sorry, I just want to be a good person.


Heavenly Demon Palace.

Chen Tianxing had already left, but none of the high-ranking members of the Heavenly Demon Cult dared to move, they were still stuck in the hall.

"Old Li, what do you think?"

The third elder, Sha Jinchen, shook his head and sighed, "How dare you come up with such a bad idea, even dare to spread the news that the preacher is dead?"

"You're really not afraid..."

Li Wuming trembled all over.

He is not afraid?


But compared to delivering a female beast for a thousand years in the wild beastland, he felt that he might as well be dead.

However, thinking about it that way, when he faced the leader's fierce eyes, Li Wuming realized that he was not as close to death as he imagined.

"The leader will come back later...you have to talk about it for me!"

Li Wuming wanted to cry but said without tears: "Aren't I also thinking of the big guys?"

When he came back from the Wild Beast Realm, the first person he looked for was Luo Beihai, and he told Luo Beihai his plan.

But this old boy was very cunning, on the surface he agreed with his plan, and even put forward a lot of opinions, and the two of them completed the whole plan on the big tree.

When it came time to implement it, Luo Beihai stopped showing off.

In desperation, Li Wuming went to the Great Elder Huang Quan again.

If this matter does not have a few high-level assistance, he may not succeed in the first place

, Secondly, I am also afraid in my heart!

The so-called law does not blame the public, as long as there are more people involved, the leader can't kill them all, can he?

The Great Elder was honest and upright, so he recruited a few elders with better acquaintances to participate.

Everyone thought it was feasible.

There are loopholes in the canon that cannot kill people. In a good way, they are checking for gaps for the leader and making him aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Secondly, even if the leader refuses to admit it, the rule of not killing people is his own.

Could it be that he violated it so happily?

If he killed Li Wuming, wouldn't he be admitting that there was something wrong with his canon?

This is self-contradictory.

So no matter whether it was good or bad, even if the leader Lei Ting was furious, Li Wuming would not die.

Well, this plan works.

It's just that Lao Du was sacrificed.

Who cares, Lao Du is not from the Blood Demon Sect!

However, when the Dongchuang incident was revealed, all those involved were silent.

In the end, he was Li Wuming who carried everything.

He looked at Huang Quan for help.

The Great Elder sighed, "Don't worry, the Elder Ben was indeed involved in this matter. When the leader comes back, I will beg him for mercy, and I will finally save you."

As soon as the words were finished, before Li Wuming could thank him, there was a devil's voice piercing his ears in front of the hall.

"The people that this sect wants to kill, can you keep Huangquan?"

Everyone trembled, knowing that Chen Tianxing had returned, and everyone was solemn.

The Great Elder turned around, bowed deeply to Chen Tianxing, and said in a deep voice: "Master Li, it is true that Palace Master Li cannot be entirely blamed for this matter, the old man is also involved."

It was Chen Tianxing who appeared outside the hall.

Hearing this, he sneered and said: "Huang Quan, your seniority in Tianmo Sect is not low. When my master was the leader of the sect, you were already the Great Elder."

"But this is not the reason for you to rely on the old to sell the old!"

Being scolded like this in public, Huang Quan's old face trembled, and anger welled up in his heart.

After enduring and enduring, finally he let out a long sigh: "It's the old man's fault."

"This old man's crippled body is not worth mentioning, but Palace Master Li, after all, out of good intentions, he also asked the leader to let him live for the sake of Palace Master Li's life and death for the sect for many years."

"All the faults will be borne by the old man, and I will let the leader deal with it!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Wuming cried out in pain: "Great Elder, why did you treat me like this!"

"Master, you..."

"you shut up!"

Chen Tianxing shouted suddenly, but his gaze was fixed on Huang Quan's face.

Just now, he clearly saw... When Huang Quan's voice fell, a white light shone from his body.

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