
Following Chen Tianxing's departure, he had just stepped out of the five-element giant pillar with one foot, and when half of his body was still inside, there was a sudden big shock in the five-element giant pillar, which was originally stable and calm.

Just when Wang Tianqi didn't know why, he was shocked to see that all the power of the five elements in the giant pillar was following Chen Tianxing's footsteps, rushing out like crazy.

"not good!"

He was shocked, but his hands were not slow, and he flew into a cloud of afterimages, but he did not know how many seals evolved in an instant.

But even though Wang Tianqi was sweating profusely with the seals, he could only watch helplessly that all the forces of the five elements were still chasing Chen Tianxing.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Tianxing also noticed something, stopped and looked back, and was also very surprised.

The energies he sent into the five-element giant pillar are all rushing back crazily at this moment!

He was not afraid of it.

The power of these five elements is just less than half of the total amount of golden core in his body.

If it was hit by someone with a powerful technique, it might be very difficult for him to catch it.

But if it's just a surge of pure energy, the power of these five elements can't do anything to him.

But the question is, what happened?

Chen Tianxing was at a loss, and while preparing a defensive posture, he looked at Wang Tianqi who was sweating profusely behind him.


Another shock exploded in the five-element giant pillar.

Chen Tianxing saw that this time, those mysterious patterns that were drawn out began to tremble after this shock.

These thin lines are the key to stabilizing the entire five-element giant pillar. When they vibrate, it means that the five-element giant pillar is vibrating. Chen Tianxing even saw that some places were cracked by the shock, revealing a little bit of the outside world .

"This is……"

He raised his brows, and he already felt that he was about to collapse?

The giant pillar of five elements that Wang Tianqi was so proud of was about to collapse when he was about to leave?

Chen Tianxing thought for a while, then withdrew the leg that went out.

If it was because of his departure that the Five Elements Giant Pillar collapsed, what would happen if he came in again?

Stabilize first, and then let Wang Tianqi find out what the problem is.

Chen Tianxing originally thought so, and also did so.

But he was surprised to see that even though he had already returned to the Five Elements Giant Pillar

, but he couldn't stop all the power of the five elements from rushing towards him, and the vibration and collapse of the giant pillar of the five elements didn't stop.

Even, it is getting more and more intense!

"Can you do it?" Biquku

Chen Tianxing raised his head and shouted towards Wang Tianqi.

"Don't worry, Master Chen, I... I can do it!"

Wang Tianqi took time out of his busy schedule to answer, and then his body flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

Just like before, his whole body became a part of this formation, and he began to search for the reason.

But even so, the collapse of the Five Elements Giant Pillar is becoming more and more violent.

As far as Chen Tianxing could see, a large number of cracks were constantly appearing, and those mysterious thin lines that constructed the entire five-element giant column were now fragmented, and there was no longer the feeling of fascination at first sight.

This collapse is unstoppable!

A clear understanding suddenly arises in my heart.

Although Chen Tianxing himself doesn't know anything about the formation, he is in it, so he can tell whether he can hold on to a plane or not.

"Hey, it seems like it's going to die!"

Unable to see Wang Tianqi's figure, he could only shout into the void: "Why don't we go out first and think of another way?"

The voice fell, and there was no response from Wang Tianqi except for the constant loud noise.

"This guy!"

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly.

He can also perceive the existence of Wang Tianqi in the giant pillar of five elements.

This shows that Wang Tianqi is still alive, but at this moment he can't even open his mouth to respond, and all his mind is on the stable five-element giant pillar.


It's useless!

Chen Tianxing shook his head.

He didn't feel that the collapse speed of the Five Elements Pillar was slowing down.

Even at this moment, at the four positions of the giant pillars, he could see the four formation masters slowly revealing their bodies, all with painful expressions on their faces.

Even they are revealed?

Compared with the previous four images, this can already be regarded as ruins, right?


At this moment, the huge power of the five elements finally rushed back to Chen Tianxing, but he was taken back into his body one by one by him who had been prepared for a long time.

Only now did he realize that the power of these five elements hadn't changed at all!

This is still his power of the five elements.

The so-called change is that he changes the five elements

After the force is conveyed into the five-element giant pillar, it is contained by the giant pillar itself, and then circulates and reciprocates according to the internal operation rules of the giant pillar, so as to achieve the purpose of endless life.

Only in this way can the power of these five elements always exist in the giant pillar, and it can also be used by others for cultivation.

Therefore, if in Gu Mochen's five-element giant pillar, even if Chen Tianxing enters, as long as Gu Mochen thinks, he can use the power of these five elements to attack him, whether it can cause damage is another matter.

But now?

He was ready to defend, and he was ready for the impact.

But the power of these five elements did not attack him at all, and was taken back by him very smoothly.

This means that the power of these five elements is still his own power, and has no connection with Wang Tianqi's giant pillar of the five elements.

Then, it is a failure!

Chen Tianxing once made a small plane with Gu Mochen.

You know, although the power of the five elements in that small plane is still Chen Tianxing's own, he can even cultivate in it!

That is the power of the five elements that really belongs to a plane, and it can also prove that the power of the five elements has a connection with the small plane.

And Wang Tianqi's five-element giant pillar seemed to be successful just now, but the power of these five elements did not recognize him, so when he was about to leave here, he chased him like crazy, and even caused the five-element giant The collapse of the column.

"This thing is wrong!"

Thinking of this, Chen Tianxing shouted again: "You come out first, let's discuss and discuss!"

However, he still hadn't waited for Wang Tianqi's response when he said this.

available in perception...

Chen Tianxing frowned.

Even he could feel it now, Wang Tianqi's aura became weaker and weaker.

This is... the vitality is being consumed crazily!

"Chen Hierarch, quickly help save people!"

At this moment, Leng Zuixue suddenly woke up, his complexion changed greatly: "This old man can't persuade Nephew Tianqi, he, he seems to be insane!"


Chen Tianxing was slightly startled, what and what?

How did you go mad?

This guy Wang Tianqi, his psychological endurance is too bad, right?

Without hesitation, he frowned and said, "What should I do?"

Leng Buxiu hurriedly said: "I also ask Master Chen to smash the five-element giant pillar directly, and don't give nephew Tianqi a chance to continue repairing it!"

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