
Gu Nandi asked Wang Tianqi to give him that pendant?

Chen Tianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked directly at Gu Nandi.

Why did it directly mention that pendant?

It is the usual practice of high-ranking monks to pay back all kindness. The reason is that Gu Nandi said that once there is any delay or arrears, it will be detrimental to one's future practice.

In particular, the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship, but who can guarantee that it will always be a cooperative relationship?

Is there any possibility of turning against each other?

If so, will the favor be returned by then?

Also, it is equivalent to betraying the plane of the sacred tree.

If you don't pay it back, Wang Tianqi's life is over with this debt of favor, and there is no possibility of promotion.

Therefore, it was not a problem for Gu Nandi to ask Wang Tianqi to return this life-saving favor to Chen Tianxing on the spot.

The question is, why point directly to that piece of pendant?

What did Gu Nandi notice?

He saw his attempt on the Tai Chi pendant?

But if you see it, shouldn't you stop yourself from getting it?

Why did Wang Tianqi give things to himself directly?

If there is a problem, there must be a problem here!

Ignoring Chen Tianxing's vigilant gaze, Gu Nandi saw that Wang Tianqi was still in a daze, and asked again: "Why, you don't want to?"


"No no!"

Wang Tianqi woke up like a dream, and hurriedly shouted: "Patriarch Gu is doing his best for his disciple, how could this disciple not want to?"


He looked at the pendant and said hesitantly: "The disciple is thinking that this kind of worthless thing does not seem to be able to express the gratitude in the disciple's heart, so should I..."

"That's not necessary."

Gu Nandi smiled and said, "What kind of person is Master Chen? How could he take the kindness of saving his life in order to repay him?"

"You racked your brains to give something of great value, which is actually an insult to Master Chen."

"It might as well be your pendant, which is of great significance to you, but its actual value is not that great, so that Master Chen can feel your sincerity."

"Master Chen, can this old man see you right?"

The last sentence was addressed to Chen Tianxing.

Chen Tianxing sneered, and thought to himself, you are so sure!

But he remained calm on the face, and said: "As the leader of the largest demon sect in the Extreme Heaven Demon Territory, do you want anything?


"Naturally, I don't care about any valuable gifts from you, but..."

He glanced at Wang Tianqi's Tai Chi pendant, and said with a smile: "This thing is very rare. I wanted to come and play with it before."

Wang Tianqi frowned, looking very relieved, "Master Chen really likes it?"

"Then what's the problem!"

He took off the pendant from his neck, walked solemnly in front of Chen Tianxing, and said in a deep voice: "This time, the leader Chen saved me. Tianqi is very grateful. If the leader Chen doesn't dislike it, please accept this pendant. It's a little bit of apocalypse!"

Having said that, Wang Tianqi was still surprised.

He didn't understand, what happened to the pendant?

Why did Patriarch Gu ask him to give the pendant to Chen Tianxing, but Chen Tianxing didn't refuse, both of them seemed to agree on the pendant?

But this thing...

This pendant was indeed accidentally obtained by his elders from the plane battlefield.

Things that originally came from the plane battlefield will naturally be valued, let alone such a mysterious pattern?

But this pendant has been in the Wang family for a long time, and it has also been studied for a long time. The final conclusion is that this thing is completely useless, and the pattern on it may just be carved by a monk when he was bored. Waste of time on this.

On the contrary, Wang Tianqi felt that the pattern was a bit special, and it seemed to imply the way of formation, so he liked it for a while, so he asked for it from his elders.

It's just that after so many years, he didn't get any insights from the pendant, nor did he improve his formation skills. It was just hanging around his neck purely because of habit.

If you give it away, you will give it away, he doesn't feel bad.

But Gu Nandi and Chen Tianxing both mentioned this pendant, which made Wang Tianqi a little puzzled.

Could it be that there is really some secret in this pendant that he doesn't know?

Recalling the scene where Chen Tianxing went straight to him when he first arrived in Xuanyuan Continent, and picked up the pendant to look at it. Now that he thinks about it again, he thinks this is very possible.


Where there are secrets, there are secrets.

Wang Tianqi is very open-minded in other things except that he is easy to get into the horns of the formation.

He smiled casually, even if he had a secret, he kept it with him so

I haven't found it for a long time, which is enough to show that this is not my chance, and it is not a pity to lose it.

Chen Tianxing took over the Tai Chi pendant.

This thing is finally in my hands, but now is naturally not the time to focus on research.

What's more, it was because of Gu Nandi that he got the pendant, which made him even more vigilant.

What did this old man notice?

Chen Tianxing is more concerned about this issue at the moment.

It's a pity that it is naturally impossible to ask this question directly, and it is easy to be asked back by the other party, and instead become speechless.

However, it doesn't hurt to have things in your hands.

If Chen Tianxing failed to discover anything from this Tai Chi pendant before, the resonance between the Tai Chi diagram in the spiritual world and this Tai Chi pendant can be enough to show that this thing is not what it seems on the surface. Then it's useless.

"Okay, my leader will accept your thank you gift, and we will settle the matter!"

Chen Tianxing waved his hand slightly, as if to expose the matter.

However, he wanted to expose it, but the matter did not end there, and instead gave him another trouble.

"Then thank you, Master Chen!"

Wang Tianqi heaved a sigh of relief, bowed solemnly to Chen Tianxing again, and then retreated to the back to adjust his breath to heal his injury.

So, at this moment.

Suddenly, three golden auras shot out from Wang Tianqi's body, heading straight for Chen Tianxing's head.


Chen Tianxing raised his brows, suddenly feeling bad.

How could you forget about this?

He received sincere thanks from Wang Tianqi.

Although the person on the plane of the divine tree couldn't see the white light on his body, just like when he made Gu Mochen really admire him before, there would be breath coming out of the opponent's body and then sinking into his body.

This is one of the basic benefits that Taijitu has always brought him, but he hasn't paid attention to it for too long, and he hasn't deliberately tried to get it again.

After all, with the theory of heaven, his power of the five elements has reached an unimaginable level, and there is really no need to get a lot of cultivation base from the Taiji diagram.

But he couldn't stop the influx of the three breaths from Wang Tianqi's body.

Because this is not what he wants at all, but what Tai Chi Tu in the spiritual world wants!

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