"Death to the devil!"

"Death to the devil!"

Just as Ye Changsheng's words fell, the space in this area suddenly shook.

A sound of scolding was like Hong Zhong Dalu, and it exploded in Chen Tianxing's heart.

Thousands of monsters were not as powerful as Chen Tianxing's body, and more than half of them exploded into black mist in the violent shock.

"You can't follow what you say?"

Chen Tianxing grinned, "It's really boring."

With a glance, it turned out that as Ye Changsheng said, a large number of disciples of the Taiyi Sect suddenly appeared outside, and they were already fighting with the remaining monsters.

He is surrounded.

Ye Changsheng, who is cautious by nature, suddenly sensed that Xu Qiushuang had crushed the jade slip, and the location where he appeared made him suspicious.

Just in case, he did not act alone, but summoned the three elders of Tai Dao Sect and hundreds of core disciples to come together.

"It's good to come!"

Chen Tianxing licked his lips, not panicking.

Ye Changsheng's white light was even more dazzling than Xu Qiushuang, so if he killed him, he would definitely turn around three times before running away.

He now only has the chance to kill one sanctuary master, and he will do it if he has to.

But if there is a choice.

"Heavenly Demon Purgatory!"

Chen Tianxing blasted his fist into the sky, and the demon energy gathered to form a terrifying demon head, which seemed to swallow the sky.


The sky trembled violently, chopping down infinite purple electricity, as if the end was approaching.

After thunder and rain!

A large amount of purple-black lightning rain mixed with demonic energy fell from the sky, enveloping all the disciples of Taiyi Sect.


There was a scream on the spot.

These raindrops are extremely corrosive, and when they accidentally fall on the exposed skin, the flesh and blood will instantly melt, exposing the white bones.

Fortunately, Chen Tianxing controlled the power of the demonic energy. Although these disciples were seriously injured, they did not die.

On the other hand, the remaining monsters seemed to have taken Shiquan Dabu pills. Not only were they no longer afraid of the Taoist words, but their size also skyrocketed.

"Everyone, be careful, surround yourself with profound strength!"

An elder reminded loudly that his body was already wrapped in thick profound energy, and Ziyu couldn't soak it through.

The rest of the disciples followed suit one after another, but it is a pity that there are strong and weak profound strengths, and many of them were tottered by the raindrops and suffered terribly.

Under the ebb and flow, the monster was no longer restrained, but it did not attack the disciples around it, but went straight to Ye Changsheng.

"Old Devil, is your injury healed?"

At this moment, Ye Changsheng looked surprised, his eyes flickering at Chen Tianxing.

He dared to hit Chen Tianxing's idea, the biggest confidence was to be sure that the other party was seriously injured.

even for a month

The buffer time is only 50% to 60% recovery at most.

However, from what he saw at this moment, Chen Tianxing's mighty power, how could he look injured at all?

Chen Tianxing imitated Chen Laomo's appearance and laughed a few times.

I have to admit that this awkward laughter fits his old devil temperament very well.

"If you want to hurt Lao Tzu, go ahead and make your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

"Old man Ye, take your life!"

While speaking, those huge monsters rushed to Ye Changsheng.

Ye Changsheng frowned slightly, and drew a circle in front of him without haste.

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

As the whisk passed by, a circle of golden profound energy rose up around him, enveloping him and Xu Qiushuang.


bang bang bang!

The monster collided with the golden profound energy and instantly exploded into balls of black mist.

Ye Changsheng was also slightly shaken by the bump, and his complexion became more dignified due to this.

If it was just a guess, now it can be concluded that Chen Laomo is not injured!

how is this possible?

The Bliss Heaven Demon Art is not only quick to practice, but also so fast to heal wounds?

How many women did he harm?

If this demon is not eliminated, the world will never have peace!

Ye Changsheng's heart is for the common people, and his murderous intentions are agitated.

"Heavenly cycle!"

The whisk in his hand pointed to the sky.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the purple-black demonic cloud all over the sky, and then a large net of golden light squeezed out from the demonic cloud.

"I will control this demon rain, you all attack together, you must not let this demon go today!"

Ye Changsheng turned the whisk, and the golden net also turned, as if it had infinite suction, pulling countless magic rains into endless rotations, unable to fall.

Without the threat of the magic rain, Qi Qi, a disciple of Taiyi Sect, breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to act according to Ye Changsheng's order, when suddenly there were many ghosts in front of him.

"Hey, I still have more, are you angry?"

Chen Tianxing laughed loudly and snapped his fingers. A large number of monsters reunited burst into a sky-shattering roar and rushed towards all the Taoist disciples fiercely. Biqu library


Ye Changsheng gritted his teeth, but seemed helpless.

At this moment, he is also splitting his mind, he has to maintain the defense of the ground as a prison, and at the same time he has to stop all the magic rain, and he has tried his best.

Chen Tianxing's cultivation level overwhelmed him in the end.

But at this time, Ye Changsheng, who gritted his teeth and persisted, did not realize that Chen Tianxing's purpose was not here.

The demon head blasted earlier did not dissipate after triggering the vision of heaven and earth, but hid in the demon cloud.

The devil opened his huge one-eyed, looking down at the battlefield below.

Turning into a demon outside the body!

magic eye

Everything he saw was as if Chen Tianxing had seen it in person, so even though he was facing Ye Changsheng, he knew everything on the spot very clearly.

He is looking.

Find a goal that has enough weight without overwhelming yourself.

Now, he has locked his target.

Chen Qingxuan, one of the three Taidao Sect elders who came with Ye Changsheng.

Still a family.

There is such a No. 1 person in Chen Laomo's memory, which shows that the other party's status in Tai Dao Sect is not low.

According to the observation in the magic eye, Chen Qingxuan has been wandering on the edge since the beginning of the battle.

Don't look at him shouting and shouting, and constantly displaying magical powers, but compared with the other two elders, he never tried to approach and attack him.

Even those monsters, Chen Qingxuan could not touch them without touching them.

It can be said that in such a chaotic battlefield, he is the safest one among Tai Dao Sect members.

Another decisive factor for Chen Tianxing to target him was that this guy didn't have a single trace of white light on his body!

O hypocrite!

Chen Tianxing sneered in his heart, but his face remained silent, still yelling at Ye Changsheng.

"Fighting the leader of the sect and trying to save everyone, Ye Changsheng, you will die under your mercy today!"

Without any explanation, he rushed towards Ye Changsheng.

"Heavenly demon possessed!"

While rushing forward, a large amount of demon energy surged out, condensing a piece of heavenly demon armor on his body.

At this moment, Chen Tianxing turned into a ferocious sky demon, carrying infinite tyrannical aura, according to Ye Changsheng's painting, the ground is a prison, and he punched hard.


With just one punch, the golden light dissipated, and there was no obstacle in front of the opponent.


Chen Tianxing laughed maniacally, his eyebrows sharpened, and he punched heavily again.


At the critical moment, Ye Changsheng's eyes lit up.


Qingbai Xunying emerged from Ye Changsheng's chest, and then Xu Qiushuang also pierced from his chest, rushing towards Chen Tianxing with the force of a human sword.

Fumo Qingyun Sword!

What she holds in her hand is the supreme treasure of Tai Dao Sect, which is the nemesis of all evil things.

The sword was swift and strong, and it was very close to Chen Tianxing, and the hesitating sword glow easily pierced through the demon's armor.


Xu Qiushuang's pretty eyes widened at the touch of stabbing the real thing in his hand.

Her sword pierced into Chen Tianxing's chest abruptly, and most of the sword body sank into it!

i did it!

I stabbed the old devil!

Brother, I avenged you!

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Changsheng's body behind him dissipated like smoke, but it was a phantom.

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