"Blood Demon Tribulation Pill!"

As soon as Xiao Mohe said that, all the demon masters present couldn't sit still.

All of them stared into the little medicine box with shock on their faces.

This is baby!

The Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill is the top magic pill in the legend of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm!

The demonic energy of this pill is so huge that it cannot be tolerated by ordinary demon cultivators. The lowest level of consumption is the Shenyuan stage.

It is said that whether it is the Shenyuan stage or the Tiangang stage, just take one, and it will immediately break through the transformation stage!

However, the magic cultivator in the stage of transforming gods is already extremely powerful, taking this pill in this realm can still make people rise to at least one level of realm!

It is a magic pill with a price but no market!

But the refining method of the Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill has long been lost, and what the Heavenly Demon Sect retains is only the remnants.

Xiao Mohe is too modest.

To say it is an improvement, the correct way to say it should be to complete it!

The Wanyao Yixian is really extraordinary, he even has the means to complete and successfully refine such legendary magic pills! Biqu library

For a moment, the heads of all the demon masters exploded, and only then did they realize the weight of Xiao Mohe's four words, "Ten Thousand Medicine Doctor Immortal".

The gaze that looked at Xiao Mohe suddenly changed, and the intensity of it was estimated to burn him to ashes.


Chen Tianxing coughed twice, his voice was not loud but very sharp, "Xiao Yixian is the head of my Heavenly Demon Sect Medicine Hall!"

With a word, everyone is sad.

Xiao Mohe has joined the Heavenly Demon Sect, and with Old Demon Chen around, who would dare to have his ideas?



There have long been rumors that Xiao Mohe joined the Heavenly Demon Sect to avoid being hunted down, but he has been unknown for seven years.

Everyone only thought that he was someone who was trying to catch fame, but they didn't pay much attention to him.

Unexpectedly, he was so strong!

Who doesn't want a top-grade magic pill that can be upgraded by at least one stage even in the stage of transforming gods?

Who doesn't want Xiao Mohe to refine more and eat every meal?

Damn old devil Chen really picked up a treasure!

Jealousy changes people beyond recognition.

All the demon masters were crying, and they were never so sad when their parents died.

After finally calming down, a demon master cupped his hands to Chen Tianxing and said, "Master Chen, can I come closer and have a glimpse of the divine pill?"

Chen Tianxing groaned with a smile, "Yes, you can only watch but not eat!"

"Don't dare, dare not..."

The demon lord was seen through his mind, and his face was extremely embarrassing.

I still couldn't help being curious and went to the stage to observe the legendary magic pill carefully.

It took a long time before he stepped down with a look of amazement.

Although I have never seen blood

Shamo Tribulation Pill, but just based on the huge devilish energy emanating from this pill, the Demon Lord is convinced that this pill will have this magical effect.

It took a lot of perseverance to look away from the elixir, stepping back and stepping down.

Someone took the lead, and all the demon masters would not miss it, they all lined up on the stage to have a glimpse.

In the end, he licked his lips and felt that it would be better not to watch it.

Things are right in front of them, but they can't and dare not grab them, which makes everyone very uncomfortable.

"Chen Hierarch, is this Blood Demon Tribulation Pill... for sale?"

In the end, he was still unwilling to give up, someone couldn't help asking.

But there is no hope in my heart.

Who wouldn't want to eat such a magic pill?

That's a good thing that money can't buy, sell?

But Chen Tianxing didn't want to change his expression, he still had that smiling face, and said relaxedly: "Sell, as long as you can afford the price, why don't you sell it?"

Chen Tianxing had already sensed the strength of the Blood Demon Tribulation Pill in the stage of transforming gods, and it was useless for him to break through the realm.

Besides, where is Xiao Mo, it is not impossible to refine it after selling it.

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was silent for three breaths, and then a loud noise broke out.


Those two short words are full of shock and surprise.

"It's a real deal."

Chen Tianxing nodded, "My leader doesn't care about this cultivation level."

Demon Lords: "..."

You don't care, we care!

Some of these devil masters are stuck in the eighth level of the god transformation stage, and some have reached the ninth level, but they have never touched the peak.

They can even feel that if there is no chance, they may only be stuck in this realm in this life, and there will be no further progress.

However, the appearance of the Blood Demon Tribulation Pill...

The problems that have plagued them for a long time can be solved with just one pill!

This divine pill must be in my pocket!

At the same moment, there are not a few people who hold the same thought in their minds.

"I will offer one hundred thousand top-quality magic crystals!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Hmph! The old man has worked hard, five hundred thousand!"

"Crazy, you crazy... all of you are worth a million!"

"I, I offer 1.01 million, who dares to snatch it from me!"

In an instant, the Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill was priced at an astonishingly high price.

The smell of gunpowder at the scene was incomparably strong, if it wasn't for Chen Tianxing's presence, he would have been afraid of ruining the world on the spot.


A voice full of arrogance made the complexions of the demon lords who bid wildly change drastically.

Follow the sound, but it is in the Demon Realm

The second largest demon sect in China, second only to the Heavenly Demon Cult, is the Palace of Executioners.

It was Su Yiming, the master of killing gods, who looked at the scene with a proud face.

This is the only old devil Su who can be called an old devil besides old devil Chen!

The Temple of Exorcism has a strong heritage, and the 1.5 million top-grade magic spar is already worth the entire net worth of some small and medium-sized magic sects, and it is not even enough.

But he was easily called by Old Demon Su.

Knew it!

Being rich is self-willed!

Old Devil Su's bid immediately shocked the audience, causing all the demon masters to shake their heads and sigh.

Can't fight, can't fight.

Old Demon Su is extremely proud, and he is already sure to win.

He has been stuck in the Ninth Layer of Transformation God for decades, and if he gets the Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill, he can break through to the same peak of Transformation God as Chen Laomo!

How could he let go of such an opportunity to increase his strength?

"Any more bids?"

"If no one comes out, then accept it!"

Old Demon Su kept shouting, his eyes locked on the medicine box containing the Blood Demon Tribulation Pill.

"Wait a moment!"

But he didn't expect that when all the demon masters were silent, a flat voice broke the deadlock.

Old Mo Su's expression froze, and he looked at Chen Tianxing in disbelief.

"Chen Hierarch... It's not good for you to bid for the things you put out for sale yourself?"

He looked ugly, staring at Chen Tianxing who suddenly stopped.

The things are from Tianmojiao, that is, from Chen Tianxing.

If he must compete with himself, he can freely quote, anyway, he doesn't have to pay.

On the one hand, he is talking about the real top-quality magic spar, and on the other hand, he is talking nonsense, how can he fight?

Chen Tianxing raised the price casually without pressure, and he had to go bankrupt.

"What does Palace Master Su think!"

Chen Tianxing asked in surprise: "How could my leader do such a shameless thing?"

Old Demon Su gritted his teeth: "Then Master Chen means..."

Chen Tianxing shrugged his shoulders and said relaxedly: "You are too excited, I bid blindly before the leader finished speaking."

Old Demon Su was so angry that he almost vomited blood, so I bid blindly?

"This Hierarch means..."

Chen Tianxing slowly scanned the audience, "This Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill can be sold, but on conditional terms."

Su Laomo suppressed his anger and asked loudly: "Dare to ask Master Chen, what are the so-called conditions?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianxing ignored him, turned his head and asked Du Lingfeng: "Old Du, do you want this Blood Demon Tribulation Pill?"

Du Lingfeng was stunned when asked this question.

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