"Grandpa, you...kill me."

Gu Mochen stared blankly at Gu Nandi, who was even more hollow than himself, for a long while, finally mustered up the courage to speak.

Kill him, maybe only he can be responsible for Gu Jinglei's death.

"kill you?"

Gu Nandi stared blankly at his grandson.

The word "kill" caused an unspeakable emotion to appear in his eyes.

It also stirred the holes in his eyes to quickly dissipate.

"What's the use of killing you?"

Gu Nandi finally regained the strength to speak.

He gave a wry smile, and lightly ran his palm across Gu Mochen's face.

"Do you want me to send a white-haired man to a black-haired man again?"

He said, withdrew his hand, took two steps back, and looked at Gu Mochen carefully.

Not long ago, he suppressed the grief in his heart with great perseverance, and after reluctantly explaining a few words to Leng Buxiu and others, he didn't know where to go for a while.

Back to the plane of the divine tree?

When they go back, they have to continue to face Wang Kemo and Leng Buhan.

But now, the last thing Gu Nandi wants to face is a series of problems after Gu Jinglei's death.

It is true that Gu Jinglei is dead, but he came to Xuanyuan Continent after all, and he almost succeeded in killing Chen Tianxing.

More importantly, he also recruited a helper, He Rongzhou.

He Rongzhou is a member of the He family, and he is also a genius in formation that the He family values ​​very much.

If the He family had not been on the side of the Gu family, they would not even have sent He Rongzhou to the Xuanyuan Continent this time.

But He Rongzhou has become an idiot at this moment.

An irreversible idiot.

The mind disturbed by Chen Tianxing's Devil Soul Eater that day, even Gu Nandi, who has an extremely powerful spiritual power, cannot repair it.

This is not like the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha's kind of slight damage that just modified some memories, but a serious damage that spreads throughout the entire brain.

Together with Gu Jinglei, He Rongzhou's ultimate goal is to kick Chen Tianxing out and solve him.

Chen Tianxing will naturally not show mercy to his subordinates.

So this mess has to be handed over to Gu Nandi to deal with.

He has to explain to the He family.

If this was just He Rongzhou's personal actions, then he would not be explaining, but would be holding the He family accountable.

However, this incident happened because of Gu Jinglei, a member of his Gu family.

Gu Jinglei instigated

He Rongzhou secretly sabotaged the perfection of the formation. The biggest problem in this matter is still the Gu family.

When Gu Nandi returned to the plane of the Divine Tree, he could imagine that he would face a lot of trouble, and he couldn't be confident when facing the He family.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Coupled with the impact of Gu Jinglei's death on him, for a while, Gu Nandi had the idea of ​​fleeing.

But where can he escape to?

He is the head of the Gu family, and there is a whole family that needs him to command.

The cooperation between the two planes is also a decision he made with a strong attitude on the plane of the sacred tree. Once he leaves, what will the other families think?

How will you deal with the Gu family?

And the Li family whose intentions are unknown until now.

Can't escape.

Gu Nandi knew the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Therefore, he cannot escape.

But before going back, he really wanted to visit the Quicksand Desert.

His spiritual power has returned to his body, as long as Gu Mochen is not hiding in the small plane, he must not be able to escape his perception.

So he came, came to the desert of quicksand.

But for a while, he didn't know how to face Gu Mochen.

What kind of way and what kind of emotion should we face Gu Mochen.

Blame him?

That's right, if it wasn't for Gu Mochen, things wouldn't have evolved to where they are today.

But Gu Nandi also knew that it was precisely because of Gu Jinglei's strength and urgency that Gu Mochen rebelled.

If you want to blame Gu Mochen, it seems that you can't blame him?

Unbalanced, Gu Nandi hesitated.

Therefore, even though he had already arrived in the desert of quicksand, he suddenly lost the courage to find Gu Mochen, so he could only vent his grief shallowly when no one was present.

But even though he didn't find Gu Mochen, Gu Mochen still sensed his arrival.

So after making arrangements for Xiao Mohe, Yue Qingling and others, he came to Gu Nandi.

He came here with the intention of being killed by Gu Nandi. m.x.com

The grandfather and grandson met each other's eyes, and were speechless for a moment.

"Ink dust."

After a long while, Gu Nandi let out a long sigh and said, "Now there is no need to make a point, right or wrong."

"Your father is dead, and you are still the next successor of my Gu family, so you... still don't

Ready to go back with me? "

"go back?"

Gu Mochen's eyes flickered slightly, and he instinctively developed a sense of resistance.

However, the next moment he realized that the person who made him feel most terrified and helpless in the Divine Tree plane was dead.


Gu Mochen looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to pass through the space barrier, and saw the familiar yet unfamiliar plane of the sacred tree at a glance.

Yes, it seems that it is not impossible to go back.

After making out the five five-element giant pillars, Gu Mochen's role in Xuanyuan Continent has been minimal.

He still had reasons before, wanting to develop his own power on the Xuanyuan Continent, let Gu Jinglei take a good look, he Gu Mochen is definitely not the trash that he often talks about. m.x.com

Even, Gu Mochen is ready to fight against the plane of the sacred tree together with Chen Tianxing and others.

He was ready for a bloody battle before being killed by a strong man from the Divine Tree plane.

Coming from the Divine Tree plane, he naturally knew the strength comparison between the two planes.

With the five five-element giant pillars he randomly made, although a large number of Void-Returning Realm cultivators appeared in Xuanyuan Continent, if it is said that with this power, it can evenly compete with the Divine Tree Plane and prevent the opponent from invading. Idiots are dreaming.

But what he never expected was that in a short period of time, the direction of the matter suddenly deviated from his original expectation.

Chen Tianxing actually reached an agreement with Gu Nandi, and the two reached a cooperation between the two planes.

Everything was developing in a good direction, but what followed was his own emptiness.

Gu Mochen... He couldn't find his target all of a sudden.

The enemies who were supposed to fight to the death in a bloody battle have now become the five powerful formations from the plane of the sacred tree.

The five-element giant pillar he made indiscriminately also became the key to the cooperation between the two parties.

So far, he, Gu Mochen, seems redundant in the Xuanyuan Continent.

There is nothing he can interfere with.

It was before, and it is now.

When Gu Jinglei died on Xuanyuan Continent, Gu Mochen lost all his goals and excuses.


Looking away, Gu Mochen smiled bitterly and said, "I'm already a sinner of the Gu family, right?"

"How can a person like me go back home?"

"Can you continue to be the successor of the next Patriarch of the Gu family?"

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