The forbidden area of ​​the Temple of Execution.

Luo Beihai's expression became more and more serious as Su Yiming walked in the secret passage deep in the ground of the Zhushen Temple.

Even several times, he had the urge to turn around and run away.

The further you go in, the closer you are to the refining pool, the greater the psychological pressure.

The pressure comes from the intense pull that comes in waves.

The pulling force was so strong that Luo Beihai felt that his cultivation was being pulled out of his body.

This seems to be a power that surpasses everything in the world, no matter how strong your skills are, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you cannot resist it.

Look at Su Yiming again.

Even though he himself relied on the Demon Refining Pool to cultivate, when he came here, his face was no less dignified than himself.

Luo Beihai took a deep breath, barely suppressed the instinctive fear, and firmly grasped the crystal bottle containing the blood of the demon in his hand.

I laughed bitterly in my heart.

This Heavenly Demon Heart was left when the Great Heavenly Demon of the first generation of the Heavenly Demon Sect shattered the void.

Don't look at it as just a drop of blood. Apart from being liquid, its toughness is no less than any kind of defensive artifact. If you want to break open this drop of blood, you can touch the strand of primordial spirit left by the Demon Lord...


At least Luo Beihai tried many times, but couldn't do it.

Maybe Chen Laomo, who is in the same line with the Demon Lord's technique, has the strength to break through the demon's blood?

Luo Beihai thought silently.

Of course it was impossible to ask Old Devil Chen for help.

After thinking about it, he realized that using the Demon Refining Pool in the Temple of Punishment might be able to destroy the blood of the Heavenly Demon.

The secret passage is very long, and the further you go down, the more terrifying the pulling force will be.

Just when Luo Beihai couldn't hold on any longer and planned to give the Heavenly Demon Blood to Su Yiming, and fled back to the top by himself, Su Yiming who was walking in front suddenly stopped.


As Su Yiming's words fell, Luo Beihai suddenly found that his body was covered with a soft film.

At the same time, the strong pulling force suddenly disappeared, as if it was isolated from the membrane.

This is Lao Mo Su's unique magic skill.

Luo Hokkaido thanked him, and looked past Su Yiming.

I saw a small pool in front of me, the surface of the pool was shrouded in mist, and I couldn't see the situation inside clearly, but the strong pulling force came from this thick mist like fairy energy.

Su Yiming said: "Just throw the demon blood over there."


Whether or not this method works is up to you to decide for yourself. "

Luo Beihai nodded.

The Demon Refining Pond was the only way he could think of to destroy the blood of the Heavenly Demon.

But destroying is destroying, but this method is irreversible.

Even Old Demon Su couldn't directly enter the Demon Refining Pool, otherwise his body would be corroded into a puddle of blood.

Therefore, if the Demon Refining Pool cannot destroy the Heavenly Demon Blood, it will never be taken back.

Luo Beihai gritted his teeth, so what if it's irreversible?

He couldn't take it anymore, and there was nothing else he could do.

Immediately open the stopper on the crystal bottle.


In Setsuna, a terrifying demonic energy surged into the sky.

Under the powerful demon energy, Luo Beihai's knees softened, and he fell to his knees uncontrollably.

"Damn it, can't you wait until I'm far away before opening it?"

Su Yiming cursed wildly beside him.

Not only Luo Beihai, but he also couldn't bear the demon energy in this drop of demonic blood, so he knelt beside Luo Beihai at this moment.

This devilish energy is a bit like the pulling force in the devil refining pool. It has nothing to do with cultivation, but belongs to the barbaric suppression of the realm.

Of course, just a drop of demonic energy in the blood of the demon could not make these two people lose all their resistance.

After getting used to it for a while, the two stood up.

Luo Beihai stretched out his hand and passed the crystal bottle out of the film.

In an instant, the Demon Refining Pool also went berserk.

The mist that was originally calm and windy changed violently, and huge palms condensed out of it, rushing towards the crystal bottle frantically.

Luo Beihai trembled in fright, lest someone who lost control would pull his devilish energy out of his body.

He quickly let go of his hand, and quickly retracted it.

Before the crystal bottle fell to the ground, the huge foggy palm had already dragged it into the demon refining pool.

The bursting mist rolled wildly.

That berserk posture seemed to explode at any moment.

Su Yiming's face was not very good-looking.

He has practiced magic kung fu by this magic pool for quite some time. Has he ever seen such a violent time in the pool?

Is it possible that with my own cultivation, I can't compare to a small drop of Heavenly Demon blood?


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the refining pool.

Luo Beihai's heart beat violently, and he didn't know whether it was the crystal bottle or the demon's blood that shattered.

The two just waited in silence.


but they

From the fierce and violent surge of the demon refining pool, until the fog in the pool gradually subsided.


Luo Beihai's eyes widened, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

The subsidence of the Demon Refining Pool meant that that drop of Heavenly Demon blood had been refined.

But he kept maximizing his perception throughout the whole process, confident that he didn't miss any details.

But after waiting for so long, he didn't feel the breath of the demon's primordial spirit.

This, how is this possible?

Luo Beihai was a person of the same period as Mozun. The two had met in Tianmojiao long before Mozun became the leader.

He was very familiar with the Demon Lord's breath, even if it was just a trace, Luo Beihai believed that he would not fail to perceive it.

However, he really didn't feel any breath of the Demon Lord.

Could it be that Demon Venerable... is really no longer in this world?

Or, the strength of the Demon Refining Pool was beyond his expectation, not only the Heavenly Demon Blood was refined, but even the trace of the primordial spirit left behind by the Demon Venerable was instantly refined?

Then... what should I do?

Luo Beihai panicked.

His last hope is to find the demon king, so that he can suppress Chen Tianxing.

But the demon's blood was gone, and the demon's primordial spirit didn't sense it either.

Isn't the last hope gone?

"Are you...sure that the Demon Lord is still alive?"

Su Yiming frowned, and from Luo Beihai's expression, he could see that this matter might be serious.

To be honest, apart from a little disappointment, Su Yiming was still relieved in his heart.

Because he really didn't want to face the fear he had back then.

"Are you... sure the deity is dead?"

However, just as his words fell, someone responded faintly behind him.


Luo Beihai was shocked, and he was naturally not the one who answered the conversation.

But there were only the two of them here, and the one who spoke suddenly was...

"Demon Venerable!"

Luo Beihai was overjoyed, turned around abruptly, and knelt down without even looking at it.

That voice of Demon Lord, full of grievance and helplessness in his tone, really made those who heard it sad and those who listened shed tears.

Compared to Luo Beihai, Su Yiming's body was stiff, and he didn't even want to look back.

So, I heard the person behind me say calmly again: "Old Ghost Su, you haven't improved much in the past ten years!"

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