Luo Beihai beat a drum in his heart.

Looking around, there are more than 8,000 magic monks behind him, and they are chasing after the people in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou under his leadership.

Not long ago, because of Shen Shiguang's tracking secret technique, they followed the retreating Ye Changsheng and others, and finally found the hidden large army in the sanctuary.

If it was in the past, Luo Beihai, whose city is extremely deep, would definitely not make such a move, but would report the opponent's whereabouts to Chen Tianxing, and then the opponent would charge forward.

The number of times he fought the enemy head-on in his life can be counted on the fingers.

But this time is different.

Strictly speaking, it is imperative.

A month ago, Chen Laomo led the crowd to attack the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, but returned with serious injuries.

At that time, Chen Laomo was besieged by a group of Confucian and Taoist powers headed by Ye Changsheng, and Luo Beihai could see clearly from the periphery.

Because of this, Luo Beihai's hidden ambition was moved.

Even the Zhongzhou Sanctuary finally decided to attack the Demon Realm on a large scale, and Luo Beihai was also responsible for this.

It was he who secretly caused people to disclose the news of Chen Laomo's serious injury and retreat to Sanctuary. Ye Changsheng combined with the battle a month ago, and finally made up his mind.

But who would have thought that Chen Laomo's injury would heal so quickly?

Or maybe...

What worried Luo Beihai was that Chen Laomo was probably not injured at the beginning, but wanted to use this to test the loyalty of his subordinates.

If that's the case... I would be very unwise. Biqu library

Especially when discussing the attack on the sanctuary yesterday, Chen Laomo couldn't have been unaware of his indistinct temptation.

Otherwise, why did he let him leave calmly even though he clearly had a big advantage in the battle with Ye Changsheng?

This is testing yourself!

Luo Beihai thought it through.

This old devil Chen must want to test himself with Ye Changsheng.

So now is the time to show your loyalty.

Chen Laomo's departure is also giving himself this opportunity. If he doesn't seize it, he will be the first to clean up after the Zhongzhou Sanctuary retreats.

It must be meritorious!

Having made great contributions to repelling the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, even if Chen Laomo wanted to deal with him afterwards, he had to think carefully.

In desperation, Luo Beihai could only stand up by himself.

Fortunately, he had already notified the other demon sects of the attack on the sanctuary, and now he only needed to recruit people in the name of Chen Laomo.

What made Luo Beihai even more delighted was that Xu Shi was frightened by Chen Laomo.

Ye Changsheng didn't delay for a moment after returning to the hiding place, and led the large army to retreat towards the sanctuary.

Then maybe, he didn't need to go through a bloody battle to drive the people in the sanctuary out of the demon domain.

The only concern is that this is Ye Changsheng's trick.

When he pursued too deeply, the opponent suddenly returned his carbine, that would be bad.

So don't chase too hard!

While showing off his arrogance as the deputy head of the Tianmo Sect, Luo Beihai was controlling the speed of his pursuit, trying not to have any substantive contact with the opponent.

The two sides just chased and fled like this. On the surface, it seemed that the Luo Beihai Demon was mighty, and he was in the limelight for a while.

But this angered all the sanctuary powers.

How high-spirited I was when I first came to Demon Realm, how frustrated I am now.

"Master Changsheng, why are we running away?"

Meng Hanran, the lord of the Tianyan Sword Sect, has the hottest temper. He gritted his teeth and glared at the back, his tone obviously full of anger.

Ye Changsheng was still heartbroken over Chen Qingxuan's death, and sighed after hearing the words: "We have all fallen into that devil's trap!"

He returned in a hurry, and when he returned, he ordered everyone to return to Zhongzhou, so except for those from Tai Dao Sect, the others were still at a loss.

But Ye Changsheng figured it out!

Damn old devil Chen, he wasn't injured at all!

All this is the conspiracy of the other party!

Ye Changsheng felt a little strange about the battle a month ago.

At that time, Old Devil Chen was obviously killing all directions, but suddenly he seemed to be possessed by a demon and remained motionless, forcefully taking heavy blows from himself and others.

Thinking about it now, the devil must have done it on purpose.

This is a set you set for yourself.

He let himself think that he was seriously injured, so he did not hesitate to gather the power of the sanctuary to attack the extreme sky demon domain, in order to eradicate this demon forever.

But the basis for achieving all this is that Chen Laomo was really seriously injured.

But in today's battle, Ye Changsheng felt very clearly, how could this devil look injured?

There must be something weird about pretending to be seriously injured without being injured.

I'm afraid... this is exactly the plan of the old devil, and what he does is to wipe out the backbone of his Zhongzhou sanctuary!

Junior brother Qingxuan died because of this.

The sudden appearance of people from the Demon Realm further confirmed Ye Changsheng's guess.

Chen Laomo let them go on purpose!

The reason is to find the sanctuary

The hiding place of the large army.

I still fell into the other party's trap.

Ye Changsheng sighed, and shared his analysis with the top five sects and seven sects, including Meng Hanran.

"Is the devil not injured?"

Meng Hanran stared, his face full of disbelief.

He said decisively: "Impossible! That day he forcibly took Meng Mou's Chi Yan Nine Ranks, how could he not be injured?"

The other sanctuary powers also showed doubts.

Ye Changsheng said: "Everyone can think about it, my Supreme Dao Sect and that devil have long been incompatible, but if there is a chance, how dare the poor Daoist not try his best?"

"Master Changsheng misunderstood!"

Reverend Lingxuge Luo hurriedly said: "We people respect Reverend Changsheng very much, and we will never doubt Reverend's intentions, but I'm afraid that there may be fraud in it!"

Meng Hanran also nodded and said, "That's right, the old devil already had the upper hand that day, there's no reason to make such a mystery. From Meng's point of view, there may be something hidden in this!"

As soon as these words came out, even Ye Changsheng's heart moved slightly.

"You mean..."

Meng Hanran's face turned serious, and he said, "It's not true, you have to try him before you can make a conclusion!"

Seeing that Ye Changsheng was still hesitating, he said boldly: "Let me, Tianyan Sword Sect, take the lead in this battle, and I will ask Daoist Changsheng and all of you to lead the battle for me. If this demon is really deceitful, we will not be helpless." force!"

Having said all this, Ye Changsheng was also in a state of confusion at the moment, so he gritted his teeth, "In this way, there will be Sect Master Lao Meng."

Even for him, after summoning such a huge force, he fled in despair, no matter what.

"Tianyan belongs, follow me as queen!"

As he raised his arms and shouted, hundreds of disciples dressed in the costumes of Tianyan Sword Sect immediately left the retreating sanctuary team.

Meng Hanran flew back to the end of the team, held his sword proudly, looked coldly at the monks who were chasing after him, and shouted: "Tianyan Sword Formation!"

After finishing speaking, hundreds of disciples quickly lined up with him as the hilt of their swords.

In an instant, a huge heavenly sword has been formed.

There was a clanging sound, and Meng Hanran pulled out the Yanyan blood sword, the treasure of Zhenzong, and the bloody light appeared in Setsuna's room, rendering the whole sword array with a touch of murderous blood.


The sky sword slashed down, and the huge blood-colored sword light that reached the sky and the earth angrily swept away everyone in the Demon Realm.

"not good!"

The complexion of Luo Beihai, who was chasing vigorously, changed drastically.

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