After a few days.

Chen Tianxing and his group hid in Tibet. Finally, under the guidance of Xiao Mohe, they sneaked from the Demon Realm into the Sanctuary, and then circled around the Taixuan Mansion where the Taidao Sect was located, and finally plunged into the deep mountains and dense forests .

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mohe led them all the way up, and stopped in front of a cliff.

"I said, Old Xiao, can you rely on something?"

Chen Tianxing glanced down the cliff, and suddenly got angry.

He had a lot of doubts along the way, and Huang Quan even secretly reminded him halfway.

Xiao Mohe led everyone straight to Taixuan Mansion, which is the territory of Taidao Sect!

In case Xiao Mohe had any bad thoughts, they would have to be here.

Chen Tianxing is not afraid of this.

It's just old man Ye, can you beat him?

Furthermore, he had great trust in Xiao Mohe, and he didn't believe that Xiao Mohe had surrendered himself with a group of demon cultivators.

But when Xiao Mohe led the crowd here and said that they had arrived, Chen Tianxing couldn't help it.


Where are you?

The wind on the cliff was fierce and fierce, and the clouds and mist were lingering, and it was impossible to tell how deep it was.

Even Chen Tianxing tightened his clothes, relying on the deep magic power in his body, this made him feel better.

The other disciples all turned pale.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that it's too cold.

"Xiao Yixian, you said you would take us to the nine-star foreign land, but this is the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, right?"

Great Elder Huang Quan frowned.

Xiao Mohe nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed a sanctuary, but we did not go wrong."

"I wonder if the Great Elder knows the exact location of the Nine Stars Exotic Land?"

This rhetorical question made Huang Quan speechless.

Nine-star foreign land, nine-star foreign land.

Everyone in the world knows the existence of the nine-star foreign land, but no one can tell where the foreign land is.

The Extreme Sky Demon Realm is connected to the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, so the friction between the two sides continues.

However, there is a desert of 100,000 miles at the border of the wild beast domain, which is a natural isolation zone. There are many dangers in the desert and there is no life, which prevents the alien beasts in the beast domain from fleeing to the other two domains.

If it is a powerful person, it is extremely difficult to cross the desert to reach the wild beast realm.

The Da Ri Zen Domain is located in the endless sea, and it is an extremely vast sea and land, which can be regarded as a self-contained body.

But Nine Stars Foreign Land, so far no one

know its exact location.

Some people even speculated whether it might also be in the endless sea.

It is precisely because of this that when Xiao Mohe said that he would take everyone to the Nine Stars foreign land for a while, everyone thought it was reliable.

Is there a better hiding place than this in a foreign land where you don't even know how to get there?

But Xiao Mohe took everyone around the sanctuary, and then ran to the cliff with nowhere to go.

Huang Quan had reason to suspect that this guy was either stupid after taking medicine, or he was still brooding over the matter of using him to get rid of the Demon Lord. Was he just teasing them?

"Actually, the nine-star foreign land has entrances in the other four major domains."

Xiao Mohe said to everyone: "There are Demon Realms, and there are also Sanctuary Realms, but with our current identities, we are not suitable to show off in Demon Realm, so we came to Sanctuary Realm."


Huang Quan was puzzled and said, "Where is the entrance?"

"Could it be that this nine-star foreign land does not exist on this plane, just like Su Laogui's Demon Execution Hall?"

Xiao Mohe shook his head, "That's not true, but there are some similarities."

He said: "The nine-star foreign land does exist in the Xuanyuan Continent, but no one knows exactly where it is, and very few people know only a certain entrance."

"Perhaps it is more appropriate for us to understand it as a portal."

After a pause, he pointed to the cliff under his feet in the face of everyone's puzzled eyes, and said with a smile: "And the entrance to the foreign realm of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary is here."


Chen Tianxing poked his head out to take another look, feeling dizzy even though he didn't have a fear of heights.

"Good guy, this must be deeper than the Youmo Gutter, right?"

He was amazed.

In his memory, the arrogant and conceited original owner once jumped over the Youmo Gutter, so he knew that although there were various legends about the Youmo Gutter in the Demon Realm, there was indeed a bottom to it, and he had descended to the bottom.

And the cliff here seems ordinary, judging from the fierce wind blowing up from the cliff, it is unknown how much deeper than Youmo Gutter.

"How to get in?"

Chen Tianxing looked around, trying to find some mechanism hidden in the dark.

Xiao Mohe said: "Just jump down."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expression changed.

"Jump off?"

Huang Quan said angrily, "Are you crazy?"

"Here it is, it's okay for the leader to jump off, what do you ask other people to do?"

others, the dozens

The white light disciples looked even paler at this moment. This time, they were indeed frightened.

Even Chen Tianxing cast a puzzled look.

Still the same question, is it reliable?

Xiao Mohe smiled wryly: "If there is no other way, who is willing to leave their hometown and join a foreign land?"

"If you don't jump, you will definitely die, but if you jump, you can still fight for a way out."

"In other words, this is actually a way of survival for the descendants of the ancestors who pioneered the nine-star foreign land, and it is also a test."

He also looked down and said in a deep voice: "Whether you are determined to enter a foreign land depends on how desperate you are."

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "In this kind of place, does Miss Le dare to dance?"

Seeing Xiao Mohe's gaze, he shrugged and changed his words, "I mean my niece."

"She dares."

Xiao Mohe said: "Actually, Xiao Ling'er is from Nine Stars!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianxing was startled.

A proud daughter of heaven who is greatly favored in the Shenyi Medicine Sect is actually a person from a foreign land with nine stars?

Xiao Mohe recalled: "When I was still in the secret door, I accidentally saved a person who risked his life to return to the sanctuary. It is because of him that I can know so many things about the nine-star foreign land."

"At that time, Xiao Ling'er was still in her infancy, and the man didn't want her to go back to another land to suffer, so he asked me to take Xiao Ling'er in at the price of a pill recipe that had been lost in the sanctuary."

"But at that time, I was only seeking pills, and I didn't have the energy to take care of a little baby, but I was reluctant to give up the pill formula. In the end, I agreed to his request and brought Xiao Ling'er into the Shenyi Medicine Sect."

Chen Tianxing's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but said: "That pill recipe, shouldn't it be Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill?"

Xiao Mohe remained silent.

Chen Tianxing was also speechless for a moment.

Xiao Mohe couldn't bear to give birth to the prescription of Blood Coagulation Pill, so he agreed to take care of Yue Qingling, which changed Yue Qingling's life.

But he never thought at that time that his life would also be changed by Sheng Xue Congealing Pill.

After encountering a catastrophe, Xiao Mohe did not vent his anger on Le Qingling, which is very rare.

Patting Xiao Mohe on the shoulder, Chen Tianxing sighed: "Old Xiao, I guess you have to work harder for what I promised you earlier."

Xiao Mohe slowly closed his eyes, "What the leader said is that the son gave birth to a grandson, and the grandson gave birth to a son?"

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