"Master, you..."

Xiao Mohe had a headache.

Having been with Chen Tianxing for so long, he also has a certain understanding of the leader.

Just looking at the other party's expression, Xiao Mohe had an ominous premonition.

Didn't you just say that you don't want to cause trouble in the Nine-Star Foreign Land?

Xiao Mohe didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Master, let's settle down for a while before making plans?"

Looking at Chen Tianxing's rolling eyes, Xiao Mohe felt that if he didn't say anything, something big would happen.

"Forget it."

Chen Tianxing waved his hand, "You still have to give your friend face, so just stay put."

stand still...

Xiao Mohe was completely defeated.

Is your old man really planning to occupy the nine-star foreign land for your own?

We... where are the soldiers?

He opened his mouth, but after looking at the sky, he didn't say anything after all.

Only Chen Tianxing was thinking hard beside him.

at the same time.

On the Hall of Mental Cultivation of Tai Dao Sect, a group of great powers from the sanctuary are gathering here.

It has to be said that after Chen Tianxing suffered a big loss in the Extreme Sky Demon Realm, his luck was not too bad.

The powers of the sanctuary gathered at the Taidao Sect, and jumped off the entrance of the nine-star foreign land near the Taidao Sect with Chen Tianxing, that is, the front and rear feet.

If these people came sooner, even if they didn't deliberately investigate, maybe someone would notice the presence of devilish energy nearby.

What's more, the fact that they gathered in Taidao Sect at this time was also related to Chen Tianxing.

Ye Changsheng sat at the head of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The unexpected breakthrough some time ago allowed him to reach the peak of the god transformation stage, and he was in the same realm as Chen Laomo.

He was originally the leader of the sanctuary, and now he has the right to speak.

As a result, there was a slight disturbance in the sanctuary of Zhongzhou, and the five sects and seven sects all followed Ye Changsheng's orders.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Hall of Mental Cultivation is a bit dignified.

After listening to the information brought back by the spies in the Demon Realm, no one spoke for a long time.

Even Ye Changsheng.

Ye Changsheng, who was originally complacent after breaking through his realm and thought that he could be evenly matched with Chen Laomo, was also frowning at this moment.

All of this was due to the news that came back suddenly.

The Demon Realm has undergone major changes!

This big change also happened to Chen Laomo, whom they had always regarded as their mortal enemy.

Chen Laomo... was defeated.

All along, Chen Laomo has been invincible

Existence, the reason why the sanctuary has been no match for the demon domain is precisely because of Chen Laomo.

Chen Laomo and the Heavenly Demon Sect have caused a lot of suffering to all the great powers in the sanctuary.

This even includes Ye Changsheng.

However, who would have thought that even such an old demon Chen would be overthrown by others and flee in a hurry one day.


Sanctuary should have been extremely excited about Chen Laomo's fate.

But the key person who caused all of this was that Demon Lord from back then!


This name was the reason why the atmosphere in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was oppressive.

It's only been more than a dozen years, and the shadow brought by the demon king to the people in the sanctuary is far from being lifted.

If the Mozun hadn't devoted himself to pursuing the supreme way of magic back then, and passed on to Chen Laomo when he was in his prime, maybe they would be even more troublesome now.

In this way, what they need to face is Mo Zun and Chen Laomo, the two extreme demon heads.

Whether the sanctuary can withstand it, or even exist, is hard to say.

Now the demon is back.

As soon as he made a move, it gave everyone a surprise.

There was actually a good show of master and apprentice fighting each other, and Chen Laomo was expelled from the Tianmo Sect abruptly.

He, Old Devil Chen, will also have today!

There are plenty of people who are excited about this.

And as far as their Moxiu's usual style of doing things is concerned, this matter is still reasonable.

But the question is, is it good or bad for the Zhongzhou Sanctuary that such a big change has happened in the Jitian Demon Realm?

What can they encounter from it?

Will the world be peaceful from now on?

Or continue to fight against the Demon Realm, but the number one enemy has changed from Old Demon Chen to the even more terrifying Demon Lord?

If it's Demon Lord...

Will it be easier to deal with than Chen Laomo?

The atmosphere in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was dignified, and after a while, someone finally spoke.

"Master Changsheng, in my opinion, this matter is very simple."

It was Meng Hanran who spoke.

Ever since the battle of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, Meng Hanran's admiration for Ye Changsheng had reached its peak, and he would always rush ahead of Ye Changsheng to solve his problems.

Ye Changsheng looked at him and said, "According to Sect Master Meng, how should this matter be resolved?"

There was a cold light in Meng Hanran's eyes, "No matter what mysteries he is playing in the Extreme Heaven Demon Region, as far as our Saint Region is concerned, the position is clear."

He looked around the scene, and said in an awe-inspiring manner: "That is to eliminate demons and defend the way!"

"The Demon Lord is a demon, and so is Old Demon Chen.

Devil, it makes no difference to us. "


After a pause, he said again: "Now is just an opportunity, let's take advantage of the opportunity of the devils biting dogs, and weaken their strength first!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the great powers present nodded their heads.

Not bad, why think so much?

God knows what the two masters and apprentices are arguing about.

If he doesn't act at this time, what if Old Mo Chen and Mo Zun reconcile again?

At that time, what they will face is a double blow, and the situation will be even more difficult.

"Sect Master Meng means..."

Ye Changsheng frowned slightly, and naturally understood what Meng Hanran meant, but he didn't agree with it like the others.

At least, it was expressionless.

Meng Hanran said loudly: "What Meng means is that, taking advantage of the fact that his current strength has been greatly reduced, we have to take the lead and kill this old devil!"

"It makes sense!"

"That's right, this old demon Chen killed my senior brother, and I will never forget this hatred, and I just took this opportunity to kill him!"

"I agree!"

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the crowd in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was furious, and they all agreed with Meng Hanran's words.

In the past ten years, how many great powers in the sanctuary have died at the hands of Chen Laomo?

Of the five sects and seven sects, who doesn't have a big enmity with Chen Laomo?

Now that the old devil is losing power, it is time for the wall to fall and everyone to push and beat the dog in the water.

If you don't fight today, when will you wait?

"Longevity real person!"

Meng Hanran said again: "Since the Demon Venerable is determined to get rid of Old Demon Chen, he can't stay in this Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, so it's very possible..."

He gritted his teeth, "Maybe Chen Laomo has sneaked into the sanctuary already, so Meng boldly suggested that our comrades in the sanctuary should go all out and swear to find this old devil and avoid future troubles!"

Thinking of the arrogance of Chen Laomo back then, Meng Hanran wished he could tear him to pieces.

How could he miss this opportunity now?

The voice fell, and there were many people who agreed.

For all the people in the sanctuary, who hasn't suffered from Chen Laomo's big loss in the past ten years?

This devil is used to being arrogant, not only does not take his sanctuary seriously, he even dares to challenge the devil, but now he has become the common enemy of the two realms.

Two words, deserve it!

Facing the anger of the crowd, Ye Changsheng's expression remained calm.

He pondered deeply, and after a long time, he slowly opened his mouth, "Everyone, please listen to the old Taoist's words."

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