Before studying Banach space, we need to fully understand the differences and connections between Banach space, Hilbert inner product space, and normed linear space.

Normed linear space is a distance space, Hilbert inner product space must be a normed linear space, and Banach space is a complete normed linear space. This is the basic relationship between the three.

As senior experts and mathematics researchers with master level, Muller and Shen Qi also need to rely on the most basic theories to prove the theorems in the system.

The inner product in the inner product space can define the norm, and the norm does not have to be defined by the inner product. Hilbert space is a special case of Banach space, and Banach space is a special case of complete distance space.

Therefore, Shen Qi redefined it as follows based on a proof by Mueller in 1982:

"A non-empty subset c of Banach space x is called approximately compact, which means that for any ∞n=1∈c and any y∈x, if such


Then ∞n=1, there is a Cauchy column, saying that x is approximately compact, and each closed convex subset of x is approximately compact. "

"The thinking becomes clearer. Shen Qi, do you think that a Banach space x is approximately compact if and only if it has the drop property." Professor Mueller re-examined the prerequisites set by Shen Qi.

Banach space integrates many branches such as functional analysis, topology, space geometry, etc. It is a difficult field and not suitable for beginners.

"Yes." Shen Qi and Mueller communicated very smoothly. Smart people don't talk nonsense, and mathematicians don't talk too much.

"What do I need to do?" Professor Muller asked, without putting on the airs of professors and mentors. He regarded Shen Qi as an equal academic partner, just like Hardy and Ramanujan, Gauss and Riemann, Euler and Lagrange, Euclid and Archimedes.

A master who treats his apprentices equally in academic terms can often be recorded in the annals of history with his apprentices. Pythagoras, who loves to eliminate his apprentices, has a negative score for his reputation in the history of mathematics.

Shen Qi said: "The rnp nature of Banach space and the martingale theory analysis is up to Professor Muller. You are an expert in this field."

"Ok, then what are we waiting for? Let's work separately, and strive to compile the manuscript in a month." Professor Mueller did it himself. After all, this was the first theorem he proposed. He has to complete this project by himself. Spring and Autumn, the subject of permeating complex emotions.

"Ok." Shen Qi packed up the materials and prepared to leave Mueller's office to complete the first mathematical theorem named after his surname in his life.

"By the way, you will bring a tutorial tomorrow. This is a backup of my lesson plan and student information. Please familiarize yourself with it." Mueller handed Shen Qi a thick and heavy file bag.

"It seems that Professor Mueller's 120 dollars is not easy to earn." Shen Qi smiled, took the file bag and left.

In the evening and the next morning, Shen Qi began to write the proof part of the "Müller-Shen Theorem" he was responsible for.

Shen Qi insisted on putting his surname at the back to show respect for his mentor.

Throughout the afternoon, Shen Qi carefully studied Mueller’s teaching plan on non-Euclidean geometry, which was part of his work. He was one of Mueller’s teaching assistants.

In this semester, Muller is in charge of a course of non-Euclidean geometry for undergraduates in the Department of Mathematics of General University.

There are two types of lectures, large classes and tutorial classes.

Large classes are usually arranged in large classrooms that can accommodate more than one hundred students, and the lecturer is a professor.

When former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was the principal of U.S. University, he added a "preceptorial" course, that is, a tutorial course. It was 1905 and this course continues to this day.

The tutorial classes are implemented in small classes, usually by teaching assistants. A tutorial class has 10-12 students, and no more than 15 students.

In the tutorial classes, the assistants lead the undergraduates to review their studies for the past week. Most of the tutorials in the Department of Mathematics consist of problem solving and discussion.

Princeton attaches great importance to the education of undergraduates. Undergraduates have to take tutorials after major courses. Each core professional course has tutorials.

Undergraduates of General University have a heavy academic work. They can get a in their homework. They can also find girls or handsome guys. They can also take care of club activities and sports. Then he or she must be the best minority elite.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Shen Qi arrived in the small classroom. This was the first time he was in charge of a tutorial as a teaching assistant.

A tutorial course usually lasts about 2 hours, and Shen Qi can receive a salary of 120 US dollars.

An hourly salary of $60 is not low in the United States. After all, Shen Qi is engaged in high-quality mental work.

In addition to the tuition fees, Shen Qi also has a fixed salary, and his monthly income is several thousand dollars, which is similar to that of white-collar workers outside.

"Good evening, gentlemen, I’m Shen Qi, from China, the person in charge of your tutorials. You can call me Shen, or Qi, or Shen Qi. Come, follow me, wet clothes, Shen Qi, wife Yi Qi, Shen~Qi~" Shen Qi said to 12 second-year undergraduates in the classroom, and wrote his name "shen-qi" on the blackboard.

"~ki~" The twelve second-year students are all boys, with an average age of 20, a little younger than Shen Qi.

"Key, you are so young, you are the youngest teaching assistant I have ever seen."

"Hey, key, have you got the phd?"

"Key, I guess you are Pisces."

The juniors are very interested in Shen Qi's age and identity. I have never seen such a young person in charge of tutorials.

"Shen" is difficult for crooked nuts to master the standard pronunciation, so the juniors called Shen Qi "qi".

Because of my pronunciation habits, I read "qi" as "ki" by the students, which is consistent with the pronunciation of the word "key". In American English, the key does not have a long sound, just the phonetic transcription.

"Actually I am reading a Ph.D. As for my age, it is kept secret. And my horoscope is also kept secret." Shen Qi laughed. These young people are full of vigor, enthusiasm, curiosity and excitement, reminding him of his youth. If you answer a question correctly, I will unlock one of my secrets. "Shen Qi said.

"Come on, come on, key, when you walk out of the classroom in two hours, there will be no more secrets." A white student said confidently, and he has a strong desire for discovery.

"Although it is a tutorial course of non-Euclidean geometry, I will ask a few questions about the history of mathematics before starting the tutorial of non-Euclidean geometry. I always think that only by understanding the history of mathematics can you learn mathematics well." Shen Qi said, "I passed The roster has memorized the names of twelve handsome guys. Next, I will name them one by one. I want to know each of you."

"Stephen Corey, how many three-pointers did you score yesterday?" Shen Qi locked a few white boys. He felt that Stephen Corey should be produced among several people.

"Unfortunately, I played center." A white boy about 1.8 meters tall raised his hand and signaled that he is Stephen Curry. This name is exactly the same as the pronunciation of NBA star Stephen Curry, with the only difference. Is the spelling method.

"Well, our powerful insider Stephen, please tell me, who rescued European mathematics from the long darkness of the Middle Ages?" Shen Qi asked.

"Undoubtedly, this savior is Cardan." Stephen answered without hesitation, and then immediately asked: "Key, please tell me, what is your age? If you are younger than mine, I will not be able to accept this reality. !"

"I was in the same year as Fibonacci." Shen Qi wrote a line of information on the blackboard, Leonardo Fibonacci, 1175-1250.

"No-way!" Stephen made an exaggeration. Of course he knew that Shen Qi could not be the same year as Fibonacci. He also realized that his first question was answered incorrectly. It was Fibonacci who saved European mathematics. Not Cardan.

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