I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 251: Enriched product layout and intensively cultivated market segments

"I really can’t find a weak*closed convex set that is a near-impact set, so as to get the Hosdave topology. I believe that no mathematician in the world can prove every w* closed convex of x* by this way. The episode is the Chebyshev episode that is approaching.” Shen Qi was not too depressed, but was full of interest: “In the beginning I didn’t realize this was a dead end, because I didn’t come to the end of a dead end.”

"Then you have a good solution?" Mueller asked.

Shen Qi has an answer: "My solution is to establish a new subject on its own. I will temporarily name it the'Müller-Shen's approach theorem'. This theorem needs further verification. It can be regarded as'Müller-Shen's theorem. A corollary of the theorem."

"Then the new'Müller-Shen theorem' contains two theories. This is enough. We will complete the revision work within a few days and publish the research results of the'Müller-Shen theorem' publicly." Shen Qi gave The solution.

"In fact... we are equivalent to launching a ‘Müller-Shen Theorem’ of a ‘reduced version’." Professor Muller quickly understood Shen Qi’s new plan.

Shen Qi nodded: "Professor Mueller's metaphor is very appropriate, yes, the reduced version. In fact, the so-called reduced version is the standard version, because the judgment can be regarded as a new product."

"Actually, they are two bodies with different lengths but roughly the same exterior shape. They are equipped with the same powertrain system and sold separately. Well, Volkswagen often does this." Professor Muller was indeed German, as he said.

"Haha!" Shen Qi laughed and said, "So I bought Chevrolet."

Together, Mueller and Shen Qi did so, and first launched a low-profile version of the "Müller-Shen Theorem" to meet the basic needs of the market and preemptively occupy this market segment.

The high-end version of "Müller-Shen's Theorem" will be launched soon, and a new name will be given to it at that time. "Müller-Shen's Proximity Theorem" is a good choice to further enrich the product line and consolidate the "Müller" -Shen's market share and brand effect in this market segment.

The revision of the "Müller-Shen Theorem" was quickly completed.

"...After the proof, we get the following theorem:

Let x be the Banach space, then the assertion is equivalent to:

If x*∈s reaches its norm on s, then x* is the w* concave point of the unit ball b;

x is a strong smooth space. "

Finally, I checked the paper, and Professor Mueller personally uploaded the paper to arvix for pre-recording.

The task of formal delivery of the paper was handed over to Shen Qi.

The name of the paper is Mueller and Shen Qi are the first authors.

The paper is 24 pages long and contains a complete proof of the "Müller-Shen Theorem".

Of course, the "Müller-Shen theorem" was unilaterally declared by Mueller and Shen Qi. As for whether it can be included in the encyclopedia of imu's mathematical theorems, imu has the final say.

Shen Qi believed that the quality of this paper was very high, and it belonged to the four major journals, so he submitted it.

At the same time, the proof of the "Müller-Shen's Proximity Theorem" is also being carried out simultaneously. This work is mainly done by Shen Qi because Shen Qi proposed it.

It was another Wednesday in a blink of an eye.

This morning, Faltings habitually browsed arvix and found a paper named by his colleague and a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at General University.

"Oh, so I proved... the'Müller-Shen theorem' applies the close-closed convex subset of the approximation, as well as the rnp property of Banach space and the martingale theory. It seems that the old Allen can finally publish a paper this year Now.” Faltings read this paper in its entirety, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Grad Faltings is a German. He became famous very early. In 1983, he proved the sensational Model Conjecture. Faltings was only 29 years old at that time.

When he won the Fields Medal in 1986, Faltings was only 32 years old. His wife was also a mathematician, and his teacher was Grothendieck, the godfather of mathematics in the 20th century.

A disciple of a famous teacher, married a mathematician wife, and all the people around Faltings in this life are related to mathematics.

As the top master in mathematics today, Faltings is the editor-in-chief of the most authoritative mathematics journal.

In the afternoon, the coffee shop on the third floor of the Department of Mathematics, regular coffee time.

Faltings held the coffee cup, walked to the small table of Mueller and Shen Qi, and sat down.

"Ass?@@,*helu@*ful?." Faltings said something in German to Muller, and his expression seemed to be teasing.

"Daf@@aeu, @@?l!" Mueller snorted Faltings unhappily.

Shen Qi was stunned: "Can the two professors speak English?"

"Old Ellen, you finally published the paper." Faltings said.

"You are one year older than me, old Grad!" Mueller repeated the expression just now.

These two German old men are very cute...Shen Qi is amused. The learned person has reached the stage of an old man of 60 or 70, sometimes just as naughty as a child of 6 or 7 years old.

"Allen, it seems that you haven't published a paper or any academic monograph for the whole year this year." Faltings said.

Princeton has 1,200 professors or part-time professors. The number of papers and academic monographs published or published every year is more than 2,300, which is close to two per capita.

It is now October, and Mueller hasn't published a single paper or a monograph.

In Princeton, although the quantity and quality of theses or academic monographs are not linked to houses and titles, it is the place where academics are paramount after all, and theses or academic monographs occupy an important position in the hearts of most professors.

"Wait, Grad, you just said that I finally published the paper. Was it so fast?" Mueller asked.

"It should be a pre-recorded, Ellen, didn't you upload this essay to arvix?" Faltings was strange, and then he looked at Shen Qi with a sudden realization: "Is it you, Shen Qi?"

Shen Qi said: "Professor Muller did the pre-recording, and I did the formal delivery of the paper~www.readwn.com~Professor Faltings sent a congratulatory message: "Then I should congratulate you, Allen, Shen odd. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the proof of the ‘Müller-Shen theorem’. I believe that in the near future, the theorem named after your surnames will be widely cited in the research of Bachna space-related topics. "

"Grad, it seems you are not that annoying." Mueller said.

"Professor Faltings said that there is no problem, then it should be fine." Shen Qi felt that the problem was not big, and the review experts invited by imu could not be more professional than Professor Faltings, at best it was the same.

"Which journal did you vote for?" Faltings asked.

Shen Qi smiled: "."

"Really?" Faltings was surprised.

Faltings is the editor-in-chief of this journal, and the manuscript should still be in the process, and it has not reached the final approval process for him.

"That would have to be formally reviewed according to the rules, and I need to go back and study this paper again." Faltings said seriously.

"Old Grad, didn't you just say it's okay?" Professor Mueller was upset again.

"I don't count, but the reviewer says it. I'm not a reviewer." Faltings took the coffee cup and left.

It is a mathematics journal jointly sponsored by the Princeton Department of Mathematics and the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. It is the first of the four major journals.

When the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study was established, the research building was under construction. The first batch of researchers such as Einstein and von Neumann had no place to learn, so they stayed in the Princeton Department of Mathematics building for several years.

The relationship between the Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, and the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies is good. The researchers from the two companies often move around. Faltings also spent several years in the Department of Mathematics of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies.

The editorial department is located in the Mathematics Department of Pudong University, just above the floor where Shen Qi drinks coffee.

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