I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 282: Psychological transition


Shen Qi, Muller, Mary, and Jonas opened a bottle of champagne in the faculty dining room on Princeton campus and held a small celebration party.

Shen Qi became a big hit, and Mueller, Mary, and Jonas also became popular. After all, the three of them and Shen Qi have jointly completed the proof of Riemann's conjecture, and their names are on the paper.

Just now, Professor Mueller was inexplicably nominated as the candidate for this year's "Leibniz Prize". The Leibniz Prize is the highest award in German mathematics and is only awarded to mathematicians of German nationality.

Mary, who holds the title of PhD, will no longer be Mueller's teaching assistant. She was hired by the Princeton Department of Mathematics as a researcher and will soon take up her post.

When Jonas returned from vacation, he received a shocking news that he would obtain a PhD from Princeton and compulsorily graduate.

Jonas, who has been studying in Princeton for nine years, doesn't know what to do after his Ph.D. The Swedish PhD is at a loss.

The biggest hero, Shen Qi, he will soon be able to get his PhD. The notice from the department is: Qi, will reply within the month, go through a cutscene, and start officially in September.

The news that Shen Qi got is that from September this year, he will become a lecturer in Princeton's Department of Mathematics.

The lecturer has also gone through the process. After a semester, starting next spring, Shen Qi will be promoted to associate professor.

Associate Professor → How long does it take for Professor?

The department didn't say anything, nor did Shen Qi ask.

The transition from student to teacher requires a psychological transition period. Shen Qi agrees with the arrangement within the department. Let's transition for a period of time.

Although there are many happy events, a Riemann conjecture benefits the entire team, but Professor Mueller is a little sad: "From next month, the three of you will leave me."

"Mary and I will stay in Princeton. Professor Muller, have you forgotten? The supplementary theorem of Riemann's theorem, that is, the subject project called the'third expression' by IMU. We are still a team, and our work has not It's over." Shen Qi said, and he asked Jonas: "What about you, Jonas, what are your plans after graduating from your PhD? Will you continue to stay in our team?"

"Why not?" Jonas was no longer confused, he was going to follow Shen Qi.

Within this month, both Shen Qi and Jonas will receive PhDs, which means that they are no longer students of Professor Mueller.

The subject of "RT Third Expression" is currently under the name of Professor Mueller. On the day when Shen Qi gets his PhD, he will become the first person in charge of the "RT Third Expression" project, with the right to control the project funds, and Other academic rights.

So Jonas is about to follow Shen Qi.

RH is the English abbreviation of Riemann’s conjecture. Now RH has become history, because RH was proved by Shen Qi and the others.

T stands for Theorem, the theorem.

RT is the abbreviation of Riemann's theorem, which is a new name that has just become popular in mathematics.

The "RT Third Expression" project has actually been carried out for a few months. During this time, Shen Qi had too much work and his teammates were busy, so the progress was temporarily shelved.

In the Princeton faculty dining room, from time to time, professors at the next table raised their wine glasses to pay tribute to Shen Qi and the others at this table a few meters away.

On the second day, Shen Qi gave a speech to all teachers and students in Princeton.

I entered the summer vacation of American universities in early June. The lecture hall was full of audiences. Some students postponed their vacation in order to listen to Shen Qi’s speech.

This speech was organized by the University of Generalife and was Shen Qi's first official speech after the Riemann conjecture proved to be recognized by the IMU.

"Someone asked me, among the remaining six millennium problems, why did I attack the Riemann conjecture first?" Shen Qi gave a speech in full spirit, and the audience was in high spirits.

"The reason is very simple, RH is a purely mathematical problem, Riemann conjecture, I call it'the movement of prime numbers.'"

"A similar millennium problem is BSD, that is, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dale conjecture. It is also a purely mathematical problem, more specifically, a number theory problem. To be more specific, BSD is about the Diophantine equation Guess, I call it'this equation is a bit cold'."

"The mathematics community generally believes that Hodge's conjecture is the most difficult millennium problem. It belongs to algebraic geometry problem. I call it the'geometric problem without graphics'."

"The research and solution of the above three millennium puzzles is enough to rely solely on mathematical knowledge." At this point, Shen Qi paused for a while.

"That's you, strange!" Some students shouted in the audience. They felt that they had been injured by the crit, but they still listened with relish.

"The remaining three problems caused physicists and computer scientists to collapse, and also made mathematicians helpless." Shen Qi continued.

"The Navier-Stokes equation is the most interesting equation. We use the NS equation to create waves and manipulate nature... Theoretically this is the case. We have also practiced some of them. Now we lack a recognized and reasonable one. Solution."

"Similar to the NS equation~www.readwn.com~ The general solution of the Yang-Mills equation is the treasure we have always wanted to obtain. What constitutes us is the field, and we are stuck in the field. It is difficult to distinguish the direction... This is Yang-Mills. The meaning of the equation, it points us the way."

"In fact, the last thing I want to touch is the P vs. NP problem. I am not good at this field and I am in awe. In the face of P vs. NP, the computer can do nothing, and I can do nothing."

"Ladies and gentlemen, mathematics is elusive, and mathematics is also full of fun. My team and I have proved Riemann’s conjecture. This is just the starting point. There are more challenges waiting for us in the future."

"My team welcomes you to join at any time. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student, as long as you like mathematics, you can find me, thank you!"

Shen Qi finished his speech and won thunderous applause.

Zhou Yuan was one of the applauding audiences. He said to Shen Qi after the speech report: "Mr. Shen, this wave of your enrollment advertisement is really a show."

Shen Qi said: “I’m under a lot of pressure, Lao Zhou. Next semester, I will take a math class as a lecturer. I am good at writing questions, writing essays, and cracking guesses. As a teacher, I don’t know what to do. This is not a tutorial. Class, but a serious class."

"Mr. Shen, don't be humble. The undergraduates, postgraduates, boys and girls of the Mathematics Department of Universal University are all your fans now. Your team will grow stronger and stronger in the future. You can choose from outstanding mathematics youths of Universal University.

"Zhou Yuan, when can you join my team?"

"Then you have to give me a professional counterpart project! I am not good at number theory, and your subjects are number theory projects."

"Forget it, I'm not your mentor, and I am not qualified to take graduate students. I'm just a preparatory lecturer who has not yet started."

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