Chapter 853 is fighting against people… (second more! Seeking subscription!)

When Su Lijing heard the words, he waved his hand and said calmly: “This time a good news, the wife has half the credit, but not all of it.”

Su Qianya heard this and immediately said, “Mrs. Lao, who is far away in Sect, and I have to worry about the front line.”

The Patriarch of the Si Hong clan was slightly startled. With such key information, why Si Hongqing only told Sect Leader, but did not reveal a word to him at all?

However, since it was Si Hongqing’s contribution, Si Hong’s clan was also honored.

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of Si Hong immediately said: “The wife is the wife of Sect Leader, and she is one body with Sect Leader. Madam’s work is also the work of Sect Leader.”

At this time, Su Lijing glanced at the silent Li Wugui, raised his hand to stop Su Qianya and Si Hong’s patronage, and said lightly: “Recently, there have been rumors that the holy son is walking in the Cold Dark Sword Sect. After slaughtering several cities, I also collected a lot of mortal female corpses with excellent qualifications for weekends and divination?”

Hearing this, Li Wujiu’s expression changed just right, and he immediately shook his head decisively: “No such thing! Shengzi is wanted by the five pseudo-daos for his past achievements. Among the five, he killed his heart with the Han-Dark Sword Sect. The heaviest, the most cruel to me and the holy way, the holy son is the son of a daughter, how can he go to the Cold Dark Sword Sect if he can’t sit down in the hall?”

Seeing this, Su Lijing squinted his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: “This seat does not mean to blame, but the status of the holy son is precious and the future is boundless, and its safety is related to the future of my holy sect. It should not be neglected!”

Next, Su Li Jinglue said a few scenes, even if the whirlpool showed the intention of seeing off the guests.

When the three Patriarchs left in one file, there was only Su Lijing left in the spacious Guangdian.

His expression was indifferent, his thoughts moved slightly, and his confidant subordinates quickly spoke to him: “Sword Sect of Cold Darkness, within three days, this seat will see Pei Ling’s head!”

The subordinates replied in a deep voice: “Yes!”

After the sound transmission was over, Su Lijing squinted his eyes and quickly calculated.

The main force of the Dark Dark Sword Sect has now all gone to the Samsara Tower. Unless Pei Ling directly hides in the Sword Sect of Cold Darkness, otherwise, this time the opponent will definitely be unable to escape!

After confirming that his own arrangement was infallible, Su Lijing nodded slightly. Si Hongqing made such a great contribution this time.

Whether it is because of the attitude of a Sect Master, or to win over the wife, don’t make trouble for himself, he has to prepare a gift for the other party now…

So he sent a letter and asked if the other party lacked the virgins who have been cultivating the blood path recently…

Thinking of this, Su Lijing immediately took out a long hazel scroll with no words on it. Upon closer inspection, there were countless tiny bloodshots roaming around, slowly squirming.

This is Lingxi paper. He and Si Hongqing each hold a copy. When either party writes on it, the other Lingxi paper will instantly appear exactly the same handwriting.

At this moment, Su Lijing set up the inkstone platform, grinds the ink by himself, grabs his sleeves and lifts the pen, and begins to write on the Lingxi paper…


The boundary of the Samsara Tower.

The Bone Palace.

Inside the main hall, spring is full of the room.

The snow-white limbs entangled like a snake, and the movement of the flesh colliding against each other, accompanied by the sound of the shaking of the flails, sounded rhythmically.

At this time, Pei Ling didn’t know what was happening outside, and Si Hongqing kept gasping and yelling. He couldn’t even say a complete sentence, and it was impossible to tell him what happened.

There was a slight panting, the shaking of the flail gradually became violent, and the iron thorns kept leaving a little red mark on Si Hongqing’s snowy skin…

The blood flowed through the condensed skin, making the blood veins stretched.

Just as Pei Ling became more and more unscrupulous, Si Hongqing suddenly noticed something, and immediately moved his mind. A dark grid not far away opened automatically, and a long hazel scroll flew out, suspended in the air, and slowly opened.

Seeing this scene, Pei Ling was slightly surprised, and immediately asked through a voice transmission: “What is this?”

Si Hongqing said “Ah” and “Ah” twice, and then replied out of breath: “Rao…forgive my palace… my palace… my palace will tell you everything… this, this is Lingxi paper… for husband Su Lijing and this palace to transmit letters…”

Su Lijing!

Pei Ling was shocked, Su Lijing and Si Hongqing were spreading a letter at this time. Could it be that they found something…

Just when he was hesitating whether to flee immediately, he saw that line after line suddenly appeared on the Lingxi paper: “Mrs. Youlao reminded that now the battle is going well, and the Holy Sect has captured many.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with your wife? Can you need top grade boys and girls?”

Su Lijing is still on the battlefield of Jiuyi Mountain?

Peiling breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and involuntarily increased his strength a bit.

Si Hongqing suddenly let out two unbearable whimpers.

Just listen to Pei Ling’s instructions: “Tell him, no need!”

Si Hongqing gasped for a while, and was about to do so, but suddenly stopped, and said angrily, “Buddhist! This…this palace and…and her husband spread the letter, of course, it is right! You are a disciple, yes. What qualifications do you mean?!”

Hearing that, Pei Ling immediately understood Si Hongqing’s meaning, the other party was not too exciting!

So he suddenly reprimanded: “What madam! You are the madam only in front of Su Lijing.”

“Now you are the Human Cauldron of Ben Shengzi, do as Ben Shengzi said!”

As he said, Peiling slapped Si Hongqing’s white ass fiercely with a slap.

“Ah…ah…this…this palace…” Si Hongqing suddenly lost his arrogance, and said softly, “this palace knows… the lord… the master…”

As she said, her heart moved, and two words suddenly appeared on the Lingxi paper: “No need.”

Not long after, a line of writing appeared on the paper: “This harvest, Madam has done a great job, what gift do you want?”

Seeing this, Si Hongqing immediately turned her head and looked at Peiling. Her cheeks were red, and the water vapor in her eyes was dim. The whole person seemed to be boneless, soft and incredibly soft. Without the control of a yoke, she seemed to be able to transform into something at any time. A rush of spring water.

Pei Ling was also not polite, wandering around her with both hands freely, and said coarsely: “Do whatever you want!”

Si Hongqing didn’t resist this time, but rather obediently wrote on the Lingxi paper…

However, at this time, another line of text appeared on the paper: “By the way, the trail of Pei Ling was found in the Sword Sect of Cold Darkness, and this seat has already ordered people to intercept and kill.”

Pei Ling’s expression was startled, before he realized what was going on, he saw Si Hongqing writing down very angrily: “Kill! Must kill! Must kill the following, unruly bastard! He! The two previous deaths of this palace are simply unforgivable…”

Before Si Hongqing finished writing, there was more Su Lijing’s handwriting on the paper: “Madam, why are your lettering so scribbled?”

Si Hongqing breathlessly wrote: “My palace is now fighting against others…”

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