I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 102 Familiar Strangers

Tang Yezhi hugged Du Caige's shoulders, and his 200-pound weight was almost all on Du Caige's shoulders. Du Caige had long been dizzy, staggered and almost fell.

If he fell down and was crushed by a 200-pound fat man, he wouldn't be able to get up in an instant.

Du Caige himself drank a little too much, so he didn't care about the pungent smell of alcohol.

I just heard Tang Yezhi lowered his voice and said, I'm very happy, very happy that you can come back! You have to be careful, you don't like you, there are many people who want to deal with you. In the entertainment industry, sometimes they are very forgetful, sometimes they are very forgetful. vengeance.

Speaking of this, Tang Yezhi patted his chest loudly, If you have anything, remember to find me! We are good brothers, the best brothers! The sky is falling, brother, I will help you!

Du Caige was deeply suspicious of these remarks. He wasn't drunk enough to lose his mind.

Tang Yezhi may be a good friend of the original owner. Knowing that the original owner likes comics, Du Caige only knows two people so far: Duan Xiaochen and Tang Yezhi.

But Tang Yezhi and the original owner will never reach the level of life and death brothers.

But he couldn't tell whether Tang Yezhi was drinking too much to sing a big show here, or whether he was approaching it with the strength of wine.

Maybe both. Okay, what you said, don't deny it when I go to you for help.

It doesn't make sense for you to say that! I am old Tang like this! Tang Yezhi looked insulted.

Du Caige apologized casually very insincerely.

Let's talk to you, brother. Tang Yezhi's tongue was a little big, but his eyes were still very energetic.

Du Caige knew that the drama was coming. If you have something to say, just say it.

That's right, brother, Tang Yezhi said, Have you ever thought about changing your stage name?



Du Caige slept in the afternoon, and when he woke up, his headache had basically been relieved.

After taking a bath and carrying 10,000 words, he took a break.

Remembering what he had promised those musicians yesterday, he logged into the Weibo account of Weiguang, opened the memo on his mobile phone, and followed the Weibo of the musicians including Tang Yezhi.

Weibo Weiguang is the earliest Weibo product of Bluestar, and it is also the most widely used Weibo product, which has almost formed a monopoly on the market.

It started online testing at the end of 2006 and is a product of Yuanguang Group.

Naturally, Tang Yezhi and others used Weibo, which is also called Gloomy Light.

In the evening, the editor Zhongyi sent a pop-up window: Did you write songs before? The Lin Ke who wrote songs for Duan Tianhou and Su Tianhou?

Du Caige was stunned for a moment, then replied, Yeah, how did you know?

I added your Weibo with a trumpet, and I saw it.

Du Caige immediately landed on Weibo.

Before looking closely, he immediately noticed the difference.

Originally, the number of fans on his Weibo account was about 50,000. Although there are many fans of Zhu Xian, not every reader will follow his Weibo.

But now, the number of followers of this Weibo account has reached more than 70,000.

In half a day, it rose by more than 20,000, nearly half.

Then there are 99+ private messages.

Du Caige checked carefully, only to find out that there are a few @ own Weibo, which were posted by the musicians yesterday, and most of these fans were brought by them.

Ping Xia: There used to be a saying that the talent in the music industry is one stone, and Lin Ke owns eight buckets. I used to think that this statement was too exaggerated, but it was not until I got to know Lin Ke himself that I realized that the sentence was too conservative. It should account for nine buckets. Emmmm, those new songs written by Lin Ke are really nice.

It is followed by a string of @.

@ Hemingway, and more than a dozen other Weibo accounts, it is estimated that they are all from the music circle.

And the one named Yuan Yin also posted a Weibo.

By fate: Lin Ke,

Welcome back. Without you, this circle is very lonely.

This person's Weibo name does not use his real name.

Looking at this sentence, people who didn't know it thought that he had a good relationship with Lin Ke.

In fact, Du Caige had felt it during dinner before, that this person should know the original owner, but the relationship was not good, and he had not shown signs of himself many times.

Several other musicians also expressed their opinions.

Some simply say welcome back.

Someone said, Brother Lin Ke, I look forward to your new song coming out.

Others were very enthusiastic and said: I met my idol Lin Ke today. I was not disappointed. He is exactly what I have always imagined. He is talented, witty, and a very cute big boy. The most important thing is that he is in music. The accomplishments make people look up to the mountains.”

These people are all famous musicians and have their own fans.

Thousands less, hundreds of thousands more.

This is the reason why Lin Ke's Weibo fans have skyrocketed, and many fans of these musicians have followed him.

Du Caige's Shimmer Weibo has always been quite lively, and fans of the book often urge updates, discuss the plot, and implore Du Caige to show mercy to a certain character in the book.

On the day of Baguio's death, Du Caige's Weibo was devastated, and the angry book fans even left thousands of messages, scolding Du Caige bloody.

It can be seen that most of his fans are live fans, and the level of activity is quite high.

And today, his Weibo is also quite active, and a large number of new influx of fans greet him in various ways.

Are you really Lin Ke? I like the songs you wrote so much.

Lin Keda, when will you write some good songs for our Duan Tian!

Su Rui fans came to report, please continue to cooperate with Lin Keda and Su Rui!

You still have the face to write songs? Please die on the spot immediately!

Stay away from our Su Tianhou! Don't even think about eating swan meat!

Then Du Caige's fans were stunned.

That's a lot of information!

This bastard who wrote Baguio to death seems to have been in the music circle and has such a great reputation?

With the help of Bailing Search, book fans quickly understood Lin Ke's past deeds and the popular songs he wrote.

Fuck, The Great Wall is my favorite song. It has been played on loop countless times. I didn't expect it to be written by our Hai Da!

My favorite is love like a tide, and I burst into tears when I heard it.

Book fans generally call Du Caige Haida, which is derived from his pseudonym Hemingway.

I just found out today that my favorite songs are all written by Hai Da! Hai Daniel Beep!

No wonder Zhu Xian writes so beautifully. It turns out that Haida used to be a musical genius and could write such beautiful lyrics. Haida, when will Zhu Xian be made into a TV series? Will you write the theme song for the Zhuxian TV series yourself!

But more fans are: Who is Lin Ke? Is he famous?

Someone immediately gave him popular science: You are too young, you know about the photography scandal a few years ago?

The one upstairs is right. By the way, do you have a collection? Borrow one to talk.

Someone else said: The Great Wall? Feeling ashamed? This is all sung by the Band of Walkers. Love is like a tide was sung by Su Rui. What does it have to do with Lin Ke?

Please look at the songwriters of these songs.

The name Lin Ke is naturally famous in the music circle.

Almost all of the people who have sung songs written by Lin Ke are well-known stars.

But for the average person, no one cares about a musician behind the scenes.

It can be said that 99.9% of Dahua people have heard at least one song written by Lin Ke.

However, those who are familiar with the name Lin Ke are probably less than 5 million people.

And among these 5 million people, most of them know Lin Ke because they have seen scandals about Lin Ke and certain actresses, or through the Lin Ke photography scandal.

There are a lot of star chasing people, but people are not interested in getting to know a songwriter.

The paparazzi are also not interested in digging into a character that the masses are not interested in.

Du Caige once felt that the original owner's photography scandal was equivalent to Guan Xige's splendid door on earth.

But in fact, the popularity of Lin Ke is not even a fraction of that of Guan Xi.

Even after the photography scandal broke out, people are more concerned about the actresses and celebrities involved, and no one cares about a man named Lin Ke who is not even a star.

In addition, in the days when Lin Ke was active, the Internet was not yet developed, and many forums did not even have the function of uploading pictures. Mobile phones either did not have cameras, and those with cameras were basically decorations.

Therefore, the identity of Lin Ke has been kept very secret.

For the general public, Lin Ke is a familiar stranger.

Du Caige's Weibo became a stage for fans to revel in.

However, Du Caige himself is not interested in participating.

He thought about it, and first sent a message to Li Zhe, so that his team could not recognize the identity of Lin Ke on his social platform.

Then updated a Weibo.

Thank you for your support. Recently, in addition to coding every day, I'm still writing songs for Xiao Jiang. Maybe you don't know him yet. Jiang Youxi is a very talented young singer. I hope that through my music, the world will know him.

At the end, @@ all his Weibo friends, including these newly met musicians, Jiang Youxi, and Jin Chengming who followed him a few days ago.

Jiang Youxi's Weibo name is Jiang Youxi, who has been certified by Weibo celebrities.

After posting a small advertisement to Jiang Youxi, Du Caige closed Weibo and stopped following him.

He only has more than 70,000 fans now. Looking at the number of fans, he can't make waves at all.

In the last life, as the director of the billion-dollar club, he had only a little over 100,000 followers on Weibo, which was incomparable to those stars, and even worse than those young traffic.

As a behind-the-scenes creator, Du Caige has a good mentality because he can't compare with celebrities in terms of popularity.

He doesn't even need to have many fans of his own.

You don't even need to know my name.

As long as you are willing to read the books I brought, like to listen to the songs I brought, and willing to go into the cinema to watch my movies, and let the culture of the earth and the aesthetics of the earth affect you silently, it is enough.

This is the meaning of my rebirth in this world.

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