I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 174 I want your voice of nature to be heard by the whole world

After speaking, Duan Xiaochen bowed deeply.

Du Caige couldn't control his surprised expression.

He thought that Duan Xiaochen was playing this game today to force the palace on him.

Without thinking, Duan Xiaochen took the initiative to explain and clarify.

At this moment, his feeling for Duan Xiaochen was more than moved and grateful.

Duan Xiaochen said, Then next, the last fan friend who will sing with me on stage tonight will be selected.

Du Caige, who was in a complicated mood, silently went to draw the last prize. After the draw, he glanced at it and handed it to Duan Xiaochen.

The touch of his fingertips didn't make his heart feel like a deer - after all, he was not a teenager, but it only made him clearly feel that Duan Xiaochen played a small gesture and changed a note.

Du Caige looked at Duan Xiaochen in astonishment, while Duan Xiaochen smiled mischievously, as if to say: Shh, this is our little secret!

Then she quickly unfolded another note and read, Friend number 9527!

Liu Shanshan covered her mouth, looked around, then jumped up and waved quickly: It's me, it's me! I've been drawn!

Already in Duan Xiaochen's villa, she was not so excited that she was incoherent, or her movements were deformed.

She walked a few steps with the graceful steps unique to flight attendants, then jumped onto the stage nimbly without anyone's help, and hugged Duan Xiaochen before taking the microphone.

Duan Xiaochen smiled and said, What's your name?

Hello Chenchen, my name is Liu Shanshan. I have been your loyal fan since 5 years ago. Liu Shanshan pretended to meet Duan Xiaochen for the first time and answered seriously. Her acting is not bad, no flaws.

Hello Liu Shanshan, which song do you want to sing with me?

Liu Shanshan thought for a while, then suddenly grinned: Chenchen, I suddenly don't want to sing with you.


I want to hear you and Hemingway sing another song!

Duan Xiaochen has not expressed his position yet, but the fans in the audience have applauded: Good job!

Hemingway! Hemingway!

Duan Xiaochen smiled sweetly: So Hemingway is so popular? I'm a little jealous. So this beautiful Liu Shanshan, which song do you want to hear me and Hemingway sing?

Liu Shanshan pondered for a moment, and there were already many people in the audience who were coming up with ideas.

Acacia in the storm!

Knowing lover!

Clear my heart!

A little tempted!


They are all classic love song duets brought to this world by Lin Ke.

Liu Shanshan nodded vigorously: That's a little tempting!

She vaguely felt that this Hemingway seemed to be a little tempted by Chenchen.

As for choice, confidant lover, lovesickness, etc., it is not enough.

A little temptation is real.

Duan Xiaochen showed an embarrassed expression: But 'a little tempted' is not my song. This may have some copyright issues, unless the original songwriter's consent is obtained.

The previous Love in Hiroshima was sung by Duan Xiaochen and Zhang Zhuowei, and this A Little Heart is the work of Su Rui and another female singer.

Duan Xiaochen was obviously playing tricks, and the fans under the stage immediately booed, of course, it was just a joke.

Liu Shanshan tilted her head and stared at Du Caige: Do you agree?

Du Caige felt uncomfortable by her, so she put on the mask of Sesshomaru again, You have to ask Lin Ke, I'm Hemingway.

Liu Shanshan asked with a smile, Then do you think Lin Ke would agree?

Du Caige hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, Yes.

WOW! the fans cheered, with joy in the air.

Duan Xiaochen shrugged helplessly and said, Then there is no way, sing. What do you think? She looked at Du Caige.

Du Caige naturally would not refuse.

If time could be reversed, when Duan Xiaochen named him to come to power,

will turn and run away.

No, he won't come to the concert at all.

But now that we have reached this stage, there is no need to be pretentious. Let's finish this concert smoothly first.

Duan Xiaochen snapped his fingers playfully: MUSIC!

There is no possibility that the band invited today will not be able to play a classic old song like A Little Heart.

The performance sounded very quickly, and Du Caige recognized that this was a slightly fine-tuned version of the arrangement, but generally not much has changed.

Beating the beat in his heart, he sang, You and I, men and women, can't escape love...

The previous paragraph was fine.

But in the second paragraph, Duan Xiaochen suddenly took his hand again and looked at him affectionately from the side.

Du Caige didn't dare to look directly, but Duan Xiaochen's eyes could be clearly caught in the corner of his eyes.

However, at this time, what he sang in his mouth was: I am a little tempted by you, but I am so afraid to look into your eyes...

The fans in the audience burst into laughter.

Du Caige noticed something was wrong, and immediately turned his head in a pretentious manner, looked at Duan Xiaochen, and then sang: I'm a little bit tempted, a little hesitant, I can't believe I can't help it.

And Duan Xiaochen's singing is still like the sound of nature, descending from heaven, and every beat falls on the most vulnerable and soft place in the heart of the heart: I have a little temptation for you, I don't know if the result is sadness or joy.

There is a little bit of temptation, a little bit of hesitation, and I'm afraid that I will lose it after I love it.

Her expression was brave and firm, but then she flinched and hesitated a little, which vividly reflected the worrying and worrying about facing emotions.

Du Caige smiled bitterly in his heart.

Is this showing the truth or acting? He couldn't tell.

The chorus part comes: It's hard to resist, people are most afraid of being emotional.

Although I don't want to, I don't want to watch or listen...

But in love!

By this time, Duan Xiaochen's voice was no longer in the most perfect state.

Tired, a little hoarse, a little tight.

But most of the fans were mesmerized.

Ding Wei was also shaking his head, reciting words in his mouth: I really... have never seen you so powerful. Tonight's singing is the peak of your 10-year career, and it is unsurpassed.

I just wonder if you can maintain this state in the future?

Lin Ke said before that he wants your voice of nature to be heard by the whole world.

I want, too.


No matter how beautiful a flower blooms, it will eventually wither.

No matter how touching the music is, there will always be a time when the song ends.

After the two of them sang the last sentence, the band played the end of the last bit, and then played the climax part in a loop. The subtitles have been typed on the big screen: Thank you for coming to Duan Xiaochen, the Queen of Heaven - Thanksgiving 10th Anniversary Tour Concert Magic City Station.

Please pay attention to safety, exit in an orderly manner, and do not cause congestion and stampede accidents.

This beautiful night is coming to an end.

But fans are still reluctant.

Although the stamina gauge of the fans is basically empty, most of them don't want to leave.

Maybe in the future, when everyone comes to recall this evening, there will be too many topics: the debut of Lin Ke or Hemingway; the small ambiguous interaction between Hemingway and Chenchen; Chenchen sang far more than the original version. Ask slaps Su Tianhou in the face; Chenchen's peak performance since his debut...

However, at this time they just want to stay here and let the good times be fixed here.

Duan Xiaochen let go of Du Caige's hand, and after saying a few words to Liu Shanshan, Liu Shanshan returned to her seat under the escort of the staff.

Du Caige also wanted to go back to his seat. Duan Xiaochen took off the microphone and asked him with a smile, Are you sure? Do you really want to go back to your seat at this time?

Du Caige thought for a while, then shook his head decisively.

I will arrange for someone to bring your sister to the backstage, don't worry.

After Duan Xiaochen finished speaking, she motioned for Du Caige to go to the backstage to wait first, and she began to call the curtain.

Under the escort of the staff, Du Caige went to the temporary backstage dressing room.

Along the way, he could hear the fans' shouts one after another. Although he couldn't hear them clearly, he should be keeping Duan Xiaochen incessantly. The word Encore appeared repeatedly.

Listening to the sound, the curtain on the stage should have been lowered, but Duan Xiaochen should not have gone backstage.

Du Caige estimates that Duan Xiaochen will satisfy the fans and encore one song, which is also the meaning of the title.

Anxiety, no concerts.

Although the time has passed 22:30 now, the organizer of the concert will definitely give a little allowance when reporting to the city government. It is estimated that it will be fine to officially end before 23:00.

Duan Xiaochen must have expected it, and it is almost a routine to encore once before the official end.

However, to his surprise, a series of hurried footsteps chased after him, Mr. Hemingway, Mr. Hemingway!

Du Caige stopped and turned around. The visitor was a young staff member, panting, Mr. Hemingway, please wait a moment, the fans want you to come back and sing another song.

Du Caige pointed to his nose, his face full of confusion.

It doesn't look like this is my concert, does it? He gestured with his eyes.

The fans strongly ask you to come back, and Duan Tianhou can't hold anymore, so I have to stop you. The staff member was also very interesting, and kept winking and clasping his hands together, Please, please, please be safe. Yes!

I go!

Du Caige shook his head, a little helpless.

But I've done so much tonight, not nearly as much.

As he walked back, he thought about what song to sing to deal with Duan Xiaochen's fans.

When she came to the stage, the curtain was pulled down. Duan Xiaochen stood behind the curtain and looked at her with a smile.

Against the backdrop of the dark blue curtain, she looked so charming, and the fiery red evening dress set off her fresh and refined face with a touch of sexy.

In front of the staff, she did not appear ambiguous, but she seemed close enough: Brother, what song are you going to sing?

Du Caige has already thought about it.

Bring me a piano!

Duan Xiaochen had an expression of as I expected. First, he ordered the staff to get the piano ready, and then asked him with a smile, Sing a new song, or 'Long time no see'? 'Long time no see' actually fits the occasion.

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