I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 176 I don't want to work with a singer who doesn't pursue perfection

This kind of teenagers who are not fans of artists, but fans of creators, are really rare creatures.

At least Du Caige has only met him online in his two lifetimes, and this is the first time he has met him in reality.

Du Caige only hesitated for a moment, then took the notebook and the signature pen.

When I opened it, it was still empty.

What's your name? Du Caige asked.

Shao Yongshi. The boy replied.

It doesn't always feel like my real name. But of course Du Caige would not delve into it, and wrote down a few words.

Gift to Shao Yongshi: May your life be like a poem and a song, and write a magnificent chapter.

Then hand it back to the other party.

The boy took it, looked at it, and the corners of his mouth twitched immediately.

Compared with his non-mainstream dress, his smile is very clean and pure.

Thank you, Hemingway! I'll try.

Well, goodbye. Du Caige nodded politely, pulled up his sister and left.

After walking a little further, he called Jiang Youxi.

Jiang Youxi said that she met a friend, chatted a little, and made an appointment to meet him at the parking place.

Du Caige and his sister walked slowly to the parking lot.

After walking a few steps, I heard the voice of a fan next to me: Hey, look, is that Hemingway?

Looks like oh, go and get an autograph!

He's so handsome, I want to take a photo with him!

It was too late for Du Caige to run, and soon he was surrounded by water.

Fans babbled: Hemingway, can you sign me?

Hemingway, are you Chenchen's boyfriend?

Hemingway, are those two piano pieces your work? Will you post them online for us to download?



Du Zege only felt that there were a thousand flies buzzing in his ears.

He and his sister looked at each other, and Du Qiqi looked disgusted, as if to say: Look at the trouble you have caused!

Du Caige could only smile bitterly, he really underestimated the curiosity and vigorous energy of these fans. In other words, he underestimated his current influence.

He also regards himself as a little transparent behind-the-scenes creator, but at least for a short time, he cannot continue to hide behind the scenes.

Not only did the fans at the scene recognize him, but since the concert was broadcast live by several TV stations, there may be millions of people who can recognize his face now.

For two generations, this is the first time to enjoy star treatment.

Although he was also a public figure and a great director when he was on Earth, when he appeared with the actors, people would always only crowd around those star actors.

Du Caige couldn't help laughing and laughing, so he could only sign dozens of names at the request of these fans, and then drag Du Qiqi to run away.

After finally arriving at the parking place, before Jiang Youxi arrived, Du Caige and her sister stood by the car and chatted to pass the time.

Du Ruoqi talked about school affairs, some open and secret fights between girls, some teachers' gossip, and a boy who was out in the society, but was deceived badly...

Hey, so he smokes! Du Qiqi suddenly said in surprise.

Du Caige turned around and saw that Jiang Youxi and his shy smile were walking over together.

Brother! You are so handsome tonight! Jiang Youxi greeted Du Caige with a smile from afar, and threw away half of her cigarettes.

Du Caige didn't speak, watching him calmly.

What's wrong? Jiang Youxi didn't realize that something was wrong until she walked in front of Du Caige.

He looked anxiously at Du Caige and then at Du Rongqi, a little confused.

It wasn't until he felt that his scalp started to go numb that Du Caige said, Are you floating?

Jiang Youxi was a little aggrieved: I didn't, brother, I have a good attitude.

Du Caige stared at him: It's not floating, then why are you smoking? I've told you a few times.

Jiang Youxi hurriedly explained: Oh,

Smoking ah? I'm not addicted to smoking, I just smoke a couple of puffs to play.

His hair boy Li Xuzhi also shyly helped explain: Haida, he doesn't usually smoke. I just forced it on him. If you want to blame me, you can blame me.

Du Caige still stared at Jiang Youxi, and after a long while, he pressed the electric key to open the car door and got into the driver's seat.

Jiang Youxi breathed a sigh of relief, but saw Du Ruqi make a face at him, and said silently with his lips, You are miserable!

Jiang Youxi smiled, disapprovingly.

After everyone got in the car, Du Caige started the car, and said lightly: I will communicate with Sister Mingming. For the next few songs, let her find a more professional producer for you to record. For the future, I will won't interfere again.

Jiang Youxi's body froze, and she blurted out: Brother, you don't care about me?

Du Caige concentrated on driving and ignored him.

Brother, what's wrong? Can I admit my mistake?

Du Caige just ignored it.

Jiang Youxi was a little worried for a while, and then felt that Du Caige was too lenient, and was very wronged, so she didn't speak at all.

The atmosphere in the car was awkward.

Du Yanqi secretly pursed his lips and smiled, put on his earphones, and listened to the English words on his mobile phone.

Back in the community, Du Caige drove the car straight into the underground garage.

After parking the car, the four of them walked into the elevator in silence. Du Caige remained silent until the elevator stopped on the 5th floor.

The elevator door opened, and Du Caige stepped out.

Jiang Youxi finally couldn't bear it anymore. She reached out to block the elevator door from closing, and shouted, Brother, there's no need for this, right? I just smoked a cigarette.

The meaning of grievance can be heard by anyone.

Du Caige turned back and smiled at him, and said, We are friends, that will not change.

Just when Jiang Youxi thought she passed the test smoothly, Du Caige added: But in terms of music, I don't want to continue to cooperate with a singer who doesn't care for his voice. Let's stop here! We are still friends, but we don't cooperate in music anymore. Of course, if you can't understand or accept it, then I can't help it, I can only wish you all the best.

After saying that, he opened the door and entered the house.

Du Ruoqi stopped for a moment, gave Jiang Youxi a sympathetic look, and followed him in and closed the door.

Under Li Xuzhi's worried eyes, Jiang Youxi punched the elevator wall heavily.


When Du Caige was busy changing shoes, Du Qiqi said, Brother, are you really ignoring him?

Du Caige explained patiently: I didn't ignore him, I still regard him as a friend, but I won't write songs for him anymore.

But if you don't write songs for him, does he think you can't be friends?

Then I can't do anything about it, Du Caige said with a smile, I can't forcibly reverse his perception. Although I will feel regretful, I will not change my approach because of this.

But smoking is not a big deal. Many singers smoke. Du Yanqi said he didn't understand.

Smoking will eventually affect the throat a little bit. If you are a singer who pursues perfection, you will definitely not smoke, Du Caige said. I don't want to work with a singer who doesn't pursue perfection.

Du Ruoqi stuck out his tongue: I suddenly feel that you are very strict now. You were not like this before. Brother, you have changed a lot.

Du Caige's movements paused for a moment. sleep early.


Du Caige was sitting in a noisy bar.

The reckless rolling neon lights, the nighttime music that made the eardrums hurt, the writhing sexy body on the dance floor, and the flickering lights freeze people's wild movements into bizarre scenes, just like the most absurd Ukiyo-e.

He occupied a small table by himself, with nothing more than a fruit bowl and an ordinary Macallan 18-year-old double sherry barrel.

His eyes were looking around, not out of boredom.

He could feel that he was desperately looking for something.

Finally, his eyes fell on a girl of medium height, but with a plump body that was almost bursting.

The girl looked young, her hair was half dyed red, and sometimes she had a few drinks with people at this table, and sometimes ran to the table to chat with people a few times. It was obviously a wine girl.

She deftly dodged the salty pig's hands that stretched out from under the table, from behind, and from all hidden angles. She was not taking advantage of it, but she hooked the other party and made the other party's heart itch.

She always had an exaggerated smile on her face, giving the impression that she seemed to be a loose girl who didn't mind getting drunk every night and waking up beside a strange man in the morning.

Every man thinks that as long as he buys a few more bottles of wine from her, just pours some sweet talk and alcohol into her, he can take her to the bathroom to go crazy, or take her to the bathroom at a later date Take out the bar and head straight to the cheap little guesthouse.

Du Caige waited for a long time, and finally saw the girl stop for a while.

Her face was hidden in the shadows and could not be seen clearly, but Du Caige felt that she could feel the momentary loneliness and self-mockery on that beautiful face.

Du Caige hesitated for a moment, then waved to her.

The girl saw it out of the corner of her eyes, and immediately ran over, a pair of trembling heavy chests seemed to open the buttons of the fluorescent shirt.

Hello, handsome, do you want to invite me for a drink? she said with a smile.

She originally had a fresh and refined face, but unfortunately this beautiful face was ruined by heavy makeup, gorgeous and vulgar, like the cheapest street girl.

It's Duan Xiaochen. Du Caige realized immediately. This is Duan Xiaochen, who is too young, only 16 or 7 years old, almost the same age as the current Du Ruiqi.

But he couldn't control himself, let alone shout. He could only act as a bystander, watching how things unfolded.

It was a fragment of memory, he realized immediately.

What's your name? Du Caige heard himself ask.

It's called Lingling. Duan Xiaochen approached with a smile, his big eyes seemed to blink innocently, and there was a hint of madness in his smile, and a hint of seduction.

It's so hot, I really want to drink some wine. She fanned the wind with her hand, deliberately fanning her chest, pulling the man's gaze towards her precipitous chest.

Her eyes seemed to glance at Du Caige's clothes and accessories inadvertently, and quickly made an assessment of Du Caige's net worth.

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