I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 213 You're a good dad

After Du Caige got home, he took a shower and moved for an hour.

Then go to bed when you are ready to read a book.

But at more than 10 o'clock, Yan Yingzhen made a phone call.

What's up?

Yan Yingzhen's tone was cold: Caiwei can't sleep, I want to hear you tell stories and sing nursery rhymes.

Du Caige only felt that her head was about to explode, No, she's already in elementary school, and she still wants to listen to bedtime stories and nursery rhymes?

I'm up to you. I have something to do now. I've given her the phone. Tell her yourself.

Then soon Xiao Caiwei's sweet, crispy voice sounded like the tip of a lotus root: Baba, I miss you so much.

I miss you too, baby. Du Caige didn't feel nauseous at all when talking to her daughter.

Baba, I can't sleep, Caiwei said pitifully, Can you tell me a story?

Du Caige said immediately: Okay, wait for Dad to think about it.

Why shouldn't you listen to bedtime stories and nursery rhymes when you're in elementary school? nonexistent.

A daughter can act coquettishly in front of her father for a lifetime.

Not to mention 6 years old, even if she is 60 and she is 90, she can still call and ask for bedtime stories on demand.

After thinking for a moment, Du Caige said, Dad, let me tell you a story about Pippi Longstocking.


Long socks, Du Caige said slowly, Pippi. It's a little girl named Pippi. She likes to wear stockings.

Xiao Caiwei said in surprise: Mama also likes to wear stockings at home! Baba, please tell me!

Your mother is not called stockings, it should be stockings... Du Caige is very sure that he has no silk foot control, but he is still very curious to see what the beautiful Yan Yingzhen looks like in black silk.

She must have been a royal sister-in-law.

Okay, this story is very long. Dad will tell you about it for 10 minutes, so you go to bed obediently. Dad will continue to tell you tomorrow.

Okay Baba, I'm very good, tell me quickly!

Cough! Du Caige cleared his throat and quickly recalled the content of Pippi Longstocking.

Pippi Longstocking is the representative work of the Swedish female writer Astrid Lindgren.

This is Sweden's best-selling children's book with over 100 million sold worldwide - u1s1, the money for kids and women is so good.

This fairy tale is not Du Caige's favorite story. For boys, Lindgren's Carlson the Flying Man and Naughty Pack Emile are obviously more appetizing.

However, Du Caige used to fill in that his marital status was still married and before he was divorced, he thought about showing this book to his daughter in the future.

Because Pippi Longstocking is really a good book for little girls to read.

Pippi Longstocking is a little girl who looks real but isn't real.

She was full of red hair, her braids were sideways, her face was freckled, her mouth was wide, and her teeth were neat and white. The long socks on her feet were one brown and the other black.

She designs and sews her own dresses, and her shoes are twice the size of her feet. She is mighty,

Can easily lift a horse and a cow over his head.

Pippi Longstocking not only looks strange, but also lives strangely.

She lives alone in a big house with a horse and a monkey. She said her mother was an angel who always watched her from heaven; her father was a black king who left her with inexhaustible gold coins.

Of course, no one believed her. In the eyes of adults, she should go to school and go to a children's home, but Pippi insists on living alone.

She lived a happy life without her parents to take care of her. She had a monkey and a horse as pets, a large chest of gold coins, and two little neighbor girls who always visited her with adoration.

And what does this little girl want to do most?

She most wanted to be a pirate...

Of course Du Caige didn't want Caiwei to become a pirate in the future.

But he hopes that Caiwei can be positive, optimistic and full of courage like Pippi Longstocking. Both bravely resist, but also humbly accept criticism.

Listen, baby. Ahem, a long time ago, there was a small town. There was an old orchard in the town, and in the orchard was a little house. This little house lived in this man we're talking about. Pippi Longstocking.

Pippi is 9 years old and alone. She has no father and no mother.

Baba, Baba, Caiwei asked in a hurried voice, Why doesn't Pippi have Baba?

Listen to me slowly, don't worry.

All right.

What about Pippi, she doesn't have a father or a mother. She actually thinks it's pretty good. When she's having fun, no one will tell her to go to bed—

Good children should go to bed on time.

I know Caiwei is a good boy, but Pippi is not a bad boy. Listen to me, don't interrupt.

Okay Baba, I won't interrupt.

—when Pippi wants to eat mints, no one will force her to eat cod liver oil. Pippi had a father, and she loved her father. Of course she had a mother, but that was a long time ago. . Pippi's mother died very early—

What does it mean to die, Baba?

Death means that this person is no longer alive. Dead is a euphemism.

Wow, Pippi is so pitiful, she has no mother at such a young age.

...Do you still want to hear it?


Pippi's mother died very early, when...

Ten minutes later, Du Caige said, Okay, it's time for you to sleep.

Baba, talk for another 10 minutes! They don't want to sleep yet!

Du Caige's tone was a little stern: Speaking counts, 10 minutes is 10 minutes. If you still make trouble, I won't continue talking tomorrow.

Caiwei howled twice, seeing that Du Caige was unmoved, so she stopped begging, and instead pleaded: Baba, I still can't sleep, please sing me a song!

... This is a little embarrassing for me.

Du Caige said tentatively, Let your mother sing for you?

There was a car to pick up Mama just now. She is going to work overtime. She has something to deal with.

Only then did Du Caige know that Yan Yingzhen was not evasive when he said something happened.

Then who else is with you now?

Auntie Chen is with me.

This Aunt Chen... should be the second sister of that Chen Fufang.

She used to be a nanny for Yan Yingzhen, and now she is a nanny for Cai Wei.

Calculate her age, at least 50 years old.

Then let Auntie Chen sing for you.

Caiwei said in disgust, She sings so badly.

Baby, be polite.

I don't like listening to Auntie Chen sing.

Du Caige could imagine her pouting.

Baba, you sing to me, I haven't heard you sing for a hundred years! I really want to hear you sing. Baba, you sing so well! You are the best Baba in the world!

I go, who taught you the skill of blowing rainbow farts?

Haven't heard me sing for a hundred years... 100 years later, are my bones still there?

Forget it, since the little girl is so looking forward to it, let's sing a song.

I'll sing you a song...

Originally, he wanted to sing a little girl picking mushrooms, but when he thought about it, it seemed like a bunch of boring people had made the song too dirty, and he was not in the mood to sing it.

In this way, sing a Lu Binghua.

The stars in the sky don't speak, the dolls on the ground miss their mothers. The eyes in the sky are blinking and blinking. Mother's heart is Lu Binghua...

After singing, as expected, Caiwei clapped her hands and applauded, Baba, you sing so nicely! My kindergarten teachers never taught this song before.

Then he said, One more Ma Baba.

No, Du Caige refused decisively, It can't be endless.

One more song, the last one, please Baba, my favorite Baba.

Then do you love me more, or do you love your mother more!

Xiao Caiwei let out a string of silver bell-like laughter, Of course I love Baba more!

Although I know you're making me happy, I'm still very happy. In this way, I'll sing you three more songs, and then go to sleep after singing, and don't make any more noise, you know!

Okay! Let's pull the hook!

This one is Penghu Bay. The evening wind blows gently in Penghu Bay, and the waves chase the beach. There is no coconut forest with the setting sun, just a blue ocean!

There is a vine in front of Amen, and the green land of Anen has just sprouted. The snail is crawling up step by step under the heavy shell...

I'm a painter, and I'm good at painting. I want to paint that new house even more beautiful. After painting the roof and painting the walls, the brush is flying. Oh my little nose, it's changed.

After the three songs were sung, Xiao Caiwei did not applaud.

Du Caige listened carefully, and Xiao Caiwei's even breathing came from the microphone.

This child...

After quietly listening to the child's breathing for at least ten minutes, Du Caige hung up the phone.

Then the next morning, he was woken up by the vibration of his phone and forgot to mute it last night.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Yan Yingzhen's number.

He thought it was Caiwei again, and after connecting, he said casually, Baby, what's the matter?

The other side was silent for a while.

After a while, Yan Yingzhen's voice sounded: I won't care about you this time, and next time you keep yelling, I'll ask someone to cut your network cable.


Thank you last night for helping me put the little beast to sleep.

You're welcome, that's my daughter too.

Your daughter? Yan Yingzhen sneered, Stop dreaming, she is not in your household registration book. And she is my surname, you can hear it clearly, her name is Yan-Cai-wei, her surname is Yan!

Anyway, what a surname is a trivial matter. She is my daughter anyway. Du Caige wouldn't give up in this regard.

Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with you. By the way, Caiwei told me, you sang a few nice children's songs to her?


Your dad is pretty good. I'll take care of you in the future and give you 1 yuan of pocket money every month.

Thank you.

Seriously, find a time. I'll arrange to take you to record it. After recording a few songs, I'll play it to her before going to bed. I can't call you every night.

Du Caige actually doesn't want to coax her daughter to sleep every night. Coaxing her once is fun, but coaxing her every day is torture, but he still pretended to say, No need, I'll call her and sing it to her. It's definitely better.

Don't come here, don't think I don't know you. Stop talking nonsense, hang up, I have something else to do.

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Du Caige was a little unconvinced.

You may know the original owner, but that doesn't mean you know me.

Recommend the new book of the city god Lao Shi:

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