I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 217 Selling crazy!

Du Caige looked at the calendar display on the phone.

2008, May 31.

Looking back on the upcoming May, what impressed him most was not that Ghost Blowing the Lantern broke multiple records; it was not the fascinated look at Duan Xiaochen's concert; nor was he recognizing the lovely Caiwei and his daughter.

It was yesterday's signing.

Because the selection committee of the Baiyang Literature Award finally announced the list of shortlisted works for the 2008 Baiyang Literature Award, The Old Man and the Sea is on the list.

At this time, Xinya Publishing House finally released Zhu Xian after covering it for a while.

The latest masterpiece of Hemingway, author of the Topol Literature Award!

The cross-border work of the strongest music songwriter!

The Strongest Voice in Online Novels in 2008!

Ten years of life and death are boundless, an adventure, an unforgettable love, the origin of Zhuxian!

The bells are choking, the flowers are withering, the figures are getting thinner and the temples are like frost. Deep love is bitter, life is bitter, infatuation is only ruthless suffering. 2008's most sadomasochistic masterpiece is coming!

Du Caige did not interfere with these propaganda copies.

After all, although he used to be the boss of Xinya Publishing House, now the boss of Xinya, including Zhizhen Culture, is his daughter Xiao Caiwei.

Specific managers are hired professional managers.

From the information that Du Caige and the management of Xinya Publishing House have contacted and learned, they do not know that Caiwei is their daughter, and even only a few senior executives know that the real boss is Caiwei, and most people do not know who the boss is. Who.

Just based on the resume of the professional manager, it can be speculated that Zhizhen Culture and Yuanguang Group are related.

Du Caige also has no intention to show off his relationship with Caiwei. Although Zhizhen Culture is very profitable now, JUMP magazine is selling hot, and every year, he can always find some hot-selling books to publish, and the profits are very high.

But the toys that Du Caige gave to her daughter will never be taken back.

Du Caige also didn't want to make the relationship too complicated.

I will write the book with peace of mind, and you can honestly publish it for me.

If the account period is shorter, it will give me face, and everyone else will take care of it. Don’t get involved too much. For business, it’s better to be pure.

It is estimated that the management of New Sprout Press thinks the same way.

If Caiwei is the queen who has not yet ascended the throne, Du Caige is the emperor who has given up.

The Supreme Emperor, generally speaking, is actually the most difficult to serve.

The people at Sprout Publishing House were actually quite nervous before.

For fear of the former boss pointing fingers.

The former boss is the most embarrassed to point fingers and so on. Listen, where is the current boss?

If you don't listen, isn't that too disrespectful? After all, Xinya Publishing House is only a subsidiary of Zhizhen Culture, and a large group of middle and high-level members of Zhizhen Culture are the former department of the former boss.

So after discovering that Du Caige was quite good at talking, the people at Xinya Press were almost ecstatic.

Then the capitalist attributes prevailed, and several executives gathered together and arranged a grand signing meeting to desperately squeeze Du Caige's residual value.

That day's autograph session, placed in front of a large mall, was really crowded.

Not only the local fans of Zhu Xian and The Old Man and the Sea, but also many fans came from all over the country.

The signing party started at 2:30 in the afternoon. First, some cultural and entertainment performances were carried out, and some 18th-tier starlets were invited to sing and dance.

Then Du Caige almost fainted due to intensive phobia after arriving at the scene at 4 o'clock.

That's at least 3,4000 people in line!

And as the signing ceremony went on, the number of people in line not only did not decrease, but instead increased!

Many people originally came to visit the Mall, but when they saw that many people stopped here, they came to inquire. It turned out that it was a new writer who was shortlisted for the Baiyang Literature Award at the signing party. With the Sea) also comes with a signature.

The Chinese people's mentality of watching the fun and taking advantage of it prevailed, and many people who had never heard the name of Zhu Xian also came to line up.

It was a hot day, and Du Caige was soaking wet after a while.

After finally signing one or two thousand copies, he shook his slightly swollen hand, looked up, and almost fainted.

However, the queue waiting for autographs is longer.

Next to him, someone from Xinya Publishing House laughed and encouraged him in a low voice: Haida, at this rate, you will have to sign 10,000 books today. This is a good thing! At this speed, we will print for the first time. 220,000 copies, maybe it will be sold out in a week or two, so we need to reprint quickly. It's all money!

Du Caige almost rolled his eyes.

Is this encouragement? This is a reminder!

After I signed more than 1,000 copies, I was about to enter the hospital with heat stroke. If I signed 10,000 copies, I would not be allowed to go directly to the morgue!

By 6 o'clock, Du Caige had signed 3,000 books, and he was so tired that he didn't want to move his fingers, but there was still a long queue behind.

Fortunately, some book fans and people watching the excitement couldn't help being hungry and went to eat.

Du Caige rested for a while, drank some electrolyte-replenishing beverages, and continued to sign the sale.

Sign and count.

A set of 5 volumes in the hardcover edition is priced at 299 yuan.

A set of 5 volumes in the paperback version is priced at 199 yuan.

He gets 14% royalties.

So if the first 220,000 sets are sold out within two weeks, the total sales of the 20,000 hardback editions will be 6 million, and the total sales of the 200,000 paperback editions will reach 40 million.

He will be able to share the royalty income of 6.44 million.

Of course, 20% of the tax has to be paid, and the actual hand is a little more than 5 million.

But this is just the beginning.

If it is true that 220,000 sets can be sold in 2 weeks, then the total sales of this book will be 8 million, or even 10 million.

This is not a book that costs more than ten yuan or twenty yuan!

This is a hugely expensive set of books, both priced at 199 yuan in paperback!

And if in the next few years, the sales of Zhu Xian can really exceed 5 million, or even reach 10 million, then the social attention it brings will be enough to support the box office of a fan-oriented movie, and you can shoot it with your eyes closed. The one that doesn't lose money.

Even if Du Caige wasn't really that keen on money, after thinking of those numbers, he couldn't help but his heart beat faster, and he felt that his vitality had returned to his body, and his swollen wrist was no longer painful.

The signings continued until 10pm, with a total of 8,500 book signings.

There were some small episodes during the period, but no major accidents happened.

When the signing was over, Du Caige's hands kept shaking. He felt that he would not even think about eating with chopsticks in the next 3 days.

And the clothes he was wearing had been changed several times, and they were all soaking wet after changing each time.

Fortunately, the organizer was considerate and prepared a few more clothes for him, otherwise he would have to get seriously ill.

Du Caige was really scared. He had never been so tired running a road show in his previous life.

He didn't want to do it a second time in his life.

He went back to sleep and fell asleep until three poles in the sun before he woke up.

When I got up to look at my phone, my hands were still shaking and it was extremely sore.

Because the phone was turned to mute, even though there were dozens of missed calls and countless text messages, it didn't wake him up.

The text message was nothing more than congratulations on his hot sale of Zhu Xian, and Xinya Publishing House also sent him the latest sales statistics of Zhu Xian.

In Bluestar Dahuaguo, the physical sales statistics of books are mainly through the sales of chain bookstores Dahua Bookstore, Huaxia Graphics and several large supermarket chains, as well as e-commerce websites WOI and Taobao based on sales data.

According to statistics, in the Dahua Bookstore alone, the national sales volume of Zhu Xian yesterday exceeded 80,000 copies (because some buyers did not buy the full set, so the book was used to measure. The hardcover version can only be purchased in a complete set, However, the paperback version can be purchased in separate volumes).

The total online and offline sales, plus the 8,500 sets sold at the signing event, have reached 380,000 copies.

The biggest sales are not offline channels, but online channels.

A professional business book, similar to the WOI network of Dangdang.com on the earth, the sales volume of Zhu Xian exceeded 100,000 copies.

On the comprehensive e-commerce website, Taobao.com controlled by Yuanguang Group, the first-day sales of Zhu Xian also exceeded 70,000 copies.

Only 220,000 sets, or 1.1 million copies, were printed for this first print, so after a day, the stock was cleared by half.

Of course, Zhu Xian is actually a fan-oriented novel, which is far from being on a par with the classics.

Therefore, Du Caige estimates that in the next 10 years, its sales will be between 5 million sets and 6 million sets.

It is not realistic to think more than 6 million sets.

Unless movies and TV series are released in the future, the reputation is very good, and some fans of TV series and movies will be driven to buy books and collect them.

380,000 copies! Zhu Xian is selling like crazy! On the first day of its release, it was in the top 3 of the best-selling list of Da Hua Wen Cui and Southern Literature, and the top 10 of Mingde Daily. Mr. Du , please reply as soon as possible, we want to buy the physical publishing copyright of your Ghost Blowing Lamp, and then discuss the printing of Zhu Xian. At the same time, the headquarters called and wanted to put Zhu Xian on 'FINDER' for sale. Discuss this topic.

This message was personally sent by Lei Qifeng, the general manager of Xinya Publishing House.

Du Caige ignored him for the time being.

To negotiate the conditions, it is also Brother Fan who will negotiate, and he will definitely not be able to go into battle by himself.

After a little bit of understanding, Dahua Literature and Southern Literature are both best-selling newspapers in Dahua, and these two newspapers will count the best-selling lists of literary books.

And Mingde Daily, as the top 10 newspapers in Dahuaguo, its ranking includes all book categories, not only for literature books.

Relatively speaking, the best-selling list of Mingde Daily is more authoritative.

In addition, FINDER is an e-reader, similar to Earth's KINDER, which was released by Zhizhen Culture and is an e-reader that currently occupies 80% of the e-reading market.

Needless to say, Zhizhen Culture belongs to Caiwei, so even if the conditions are poor, Du Caige will agree to sell the electronic version of Zhu Xian in FINDER. In addition, the publication of Ghost Blowing the Lamp will definitely give priority to Xinya Publishing House.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

But he didn't intend to be too eager. Let Brother Fan talk about the conditions.

The royalties of Ghost Blowing the Lamp have to be 18%.

This is not the wool of his daughter, he is also waiting for the rice to cook.

If you want to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible, and bring your own funds into the group to shoot movies, then you must not be lenient with the money you should earn.

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