I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 221 Just a little singer, male

Question: When is the cutest time for a child?

Answer: When he (she) falls asleep.

On the one hand, children are too energetic, noisy, and rushing around. Adults must follow closely, otherwise they may put children in danger. And children always have endless problems that adults can't cope with. So exhausted adults often feel that children are the cutest when they are asleep.

On the other hand, because every child, regardless of beauty or ugliness, is extremely cute when sleeping. The innocence, that kind of satisfaction, that kind of carefree feeling, let adults see it, and suddenly feel that the mind that has become more and more impetuous in this metropolis finally has a place to rest.

After Caiwei fell asleep, Du Caige watched her sleeping. It didn't take long to see him, and he just sat beside her for two hours.

I wonder if this Children's Day will leave an indelible impression in Caiwei's heart?

The first day with my daughter was perfect.

But it happened the next day.

Baba, your braids are so ugly! I don't want it! I won't go to school, and my classmates will laugh at me. Caiwei looked at the mirror, her mouth so small that she could hang three oil bottles.

Du Caige took two steps back and admired his masterpiece, um, is it ugly?

As a director, although he has not studied makeup systematically, he has never eaten pork, and has seen pig run. He showed his skills when shooting promotional videos for Ning Yuerong and the others before.

He is obviously an honest craftsman, why is he rejected by his daughter, why?

Why don't you tie the braids? Du Caige asked tentatively.

No, my hairstyle has to be braided to look good. Caiwei shook her head solemnly.

Are all children so mature now? Du Caige always felt that he was dealing with a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl.

Why don't you tie it yourself?

I haven't learned the technique yet. Baba, come on, I believe you can do it!

Du Caige didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He said: You are busy with other things first, the problem of braids, I will find a way to help you solve it later.

He asked Caiwei to pack her schoolbag and eat breakfast, then quickly ran to grab her phone and called the assistant Sun Yaling.

The other party was quickly connected, with an official tone: Hello Mr. Du, is there anything I can help you with?

Are you busy now? Du Caige said, I don't know how to tie Caiwei's braids. Can you meet me at the gate of her school and help her tie her braids.

After a few seconds, the other party responded: Okay, I'll go right away.

Du Caige was actually a little uneasy.

The personal assistant of the richest woman in the country of Dahua, if released, she would definitely be a senior official of the frontier. It is not at all a problem to be the general manager of a branch company, and it is appropriate to have an annual salary of several million and enjoy equity incentives.

It seems... a little embarrassing for me to treat others as a messenger.

Finally, he hurriedly took Caiwei into the car and drove to the elementary school where Caiwei was studying.

After more than ten minutes of driving, Caiwei said in the tone of Peppa Pig, Oops.

What's wrong?

I didn't bring the sheet music. I'm going to learn the piano after school today.

Dad will remember to bring it when he picks you up.

Okay Baba, Caiwei said in a mature tone, in a milky voice, Mama often says that you need to think about things and prepare well. You can't make such mistakes again.

Being taught a lesson by a little girl, Du Caige could not laugh or cry.

Near the school, Du Caige found a high-paid parking lot to park the car, and then went to meet Sun Yaling.

Seeing Sun Yaling hug Caiwei and put two cute pigtails on her in less than ten seconds, Du Caige had to admit that he still had to learn.

Mr. Du, do you remember? It doesn't matter if you don't remember, just call me next time. Sun Yaling said with a tight face.

That's embarrassing, you're quite busy with work.

It is my job to assist Mr. Yan with all official and personal matters.

Sun Yaling said flatly.

Du Caige looked at her and hesitated.

Mr. Du, if you have anything to say, just say it.

No, nothing.


Ah, that's it, you and you, President Yan, Du Caige made a random gesture, pointing to his face, are you always so unsmiling?

Sun Yaling suddenly stuck out her tongue and made a face.

Du Caige: ... The wind was messy.

Caiwei said next to her, Baba, you are too rude. Sister Sun usually likes to laugh. She looks good when she smiles!

Sun Yaling smiled and touched her little head, Caiwei's mouth is so sweet.

Is it so obvious to treat differently? Du Caige rubbed his chin and smiled bitterly.

Sun Yaling glanced at him, took out her mobile phone and typed quickly.

Du Caige felt the phone vibrate, and took it out to see that it was Sun Yaling who sent a text message with only two words.


Good guy, this means that she thinks that I am Yan Yingzhen's ban, so she does not dare to talk and laugh with me...

I went.

Am I reduced to a little white face who eats soft rice?

Du Caige shook his head with a wry smile, and waved to her, Anyway, I'm sorry to trouble you today. I'll do the rest, and you'll be busy first.

Goodbye. Sun Yaling bent down and kissed Caiwei's face, Bye Caiwei!

Goodbye, Sister Sun!

When Sun Yaling walked away, Du Caige led Caiwei to the school.

He sent her to the school gate smoothly, handed it over to the teacher, and made an appointment to pick her up for piano lessons, and then he turned back.

Looking at the time, Du Caige did not go home, but found a chain coffee shop in Blue Bottle, drank a vanilla latte, and then set off slowly to the bus station.

Half an hour later, he received Liu Zifei, who was in trouble.

Liu Zifei looked exhausted, but she had an over-excited excitement. As soon as she got in the car, she kept talking.

During this time, she has been doing odd jobs at the Hengdian Film and Television Base.

She found the way of her former classmates and teachers, rotated several crews, and set up a title such as drama manager.

Although there is no opportunity for independent directing, occasionally others will give her a face and let her touch the camera.

Judging from her narration, she quickly became familiar with those things from the crew.

I didn't earn the money, but I learned a lot, hehe, I'm living a fulfilling life. Liu Zifei brushed her bangs with her hand, and there was energy in her smile.

When Du Caige first met her, she was an exquisite urban beauty, beautiful, even stunning, properly 90+.

It just lacks something impressive, like a vase without a soul.

And now, her skin is tanned and rough, with bruises on the backs of her hands and slight abrasions on her cheeks.

The jet-black hair that many girls dreamed of had turned into short hair.

The appearance score dropped by more than 10 points.

But Du Caige absolutely prefers her now.

If you choose a hundred times, you will feel that she is more attractive now.

After a while, Liu Zifei felt that something was wrong, Where is this going, isn't it going to your house?

What are you doing at my house, just start work, take the money and leave after filming.

Liu Zifei panicked, hurriedly combed her hair with her hands, and adjusted her clothes: But I haven't put on makeup yet, my face is so dirty, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let me go, I'll go to the hotel to open a room and take care of it first.

Du Caige smiled: Do you still have money to live in a hotel?

Liu Zifei said dissatisfiedly: Hey, don't underestimate me so much, I still make some money, and I can still afford to open a standard room.

Where have you lived all this time?

A classmate's house.

Glancing at Du Caige, seeing that he didn't say anything and didn't care, Liu Zifei pouted and explained, It's a woman. She is from the Academy of Fine Arts, and now she specializes in costume design and prop design.

Du Caige controlled the steering wheel, What about your friends last time?

They all have their own business, some run around with the crew, Guodong is still studying at school, and Hanyi works here in the magic capital and works in a special effects company.

Du Caige also asked casually, but he wasn't really interested.

Wait, don't change the subject, let me go get dressed first.

Du Caige smiled and said, Don't worry about it, there are professional makeup artists over there who will definitely make you beautiful, don't worry.

Only then did Liu Zifei put away a little worry, Who is this MV for?

Just a little singer. Man, you play the heroine of the MV. Don't worry, there are no intimate scenes, no exposed scenes, I am the director, and I have the final say.

Liu Zifei was silent.

After a while, she suddenly asked, Brother Du, the last time I called you, you mentioned that you have written songs for several singers recently. Who are they? Anyone I know?

Du Caige thought for a while, You should all know it. For example, Duan Xiaochen.

Liu Zifei's expression remained unchanged.

Du Caige quickly jumped over, Ye Xin.

I know this... Liu Zifei peeked at Du Caige and hesitated, obviously knowing the story of Ye Xin and Du Caige.

Zou Yuzhu.

The name is familiar, but I can't remember it. Maybe I heard her songs somewhere.

Chang Xiaoling.

Silver Star, right? The momentum has been good in recent years, I heard it.

Sun Nianhan.

Uh, I even listened to her songs yesterday, Liu Zifei looked very happy. Her voice is so nice, I like it very much! It turns out that you want to write a song for her! That's great.

After a pause, he asked again, Are all female singers?

There are also men, such as Xu Zhen.

I have the impression that it is a little fresh meat with a very ordinary voice.

Ma Yibo.

Liu Zifei thought for a while, then shook his head and said, I have no impression. New debut?

This one actually looks good, but it's a tough guy type, not the recently popular little fresh meat type, so it's not very popular, but his voice is in good condition. Du Caige explained.

Am I filming an MV for him? Liu Zifei asked.

No, Du Caige turned the steering wheel, it's Peng Sizhang.

Liu Zifei was silent.

After a long while, he said in a half-coquettish, half-complaining tone, Brother, you have learned to cheat people!

Du Caige was a little confused: Did I cheat you?

You said, Liu Zifei emphasized, it's just a little singer, a man.

Du Caige shrugged, Peng Sizhang is a man, could it be a woman?


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