I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 384 This is our sincerity

Liu Mengxiong's face darkened.

There were 7 people present, 4 from Banana Station and 3 from Cultural and Creative Entertainment.

So you say vote? EXCUSEME?

After hearing the proposal for a show of hands, everyone did not react for a while.

No one even looked at the faces of others.

It seemed that everyone was ready to confront the proposal with silence.

There was a dead silence in the conference room.

After at least a minute or so, Liu Mengxiong said, Sorry, I'll make a call first.

Geng Siyuan nodded: Everyone, just rest for ten minutes.

The three of Wenchuang Entertainment immediately got up and walked out of the conference room together.

Several people from Banana Station moved closer to Geng Siyuan.

Old Geng, Tan Yaohua's qualifications are older than Geng Siyuan, and he has a higher-level background, so although the official position is not as good as Geng Siyuan, he can not be too polite in front of Geng Siyuan, What do you think? Vote? They can't be. Agreed.

When they cooperated with them before, they made it very clear that although we can increase the number of us at the decision-making level of the program group, any resolution cannot be passed on the basis of 'the minority obeys the majority', but must be passed unanimously.

It's okay if they don't agree, give me a plan. Geng Siyuan said.

As the only woman, Deputy Chief Director Tang Beilei has been taking minutes of the meeting just now.

At this moment, she pursed her lips and smiled, At this time, whoever can come up with a plan, who dares to come up with a plan! Whoever takes the plan will be blamed!

She has a deeper background, speaks without any hesitation, and even makes clear the unspoken rules.

Geng Siyuan frowned and said, I'm not looking for someone to take the blame now.

I know, I trust you, Tang Beilei shrugged, but everyone is still worried. Brother Zhou, what do you think?

Zhou Qiduan smiled apologetically: I have no idea, I will resolutely obey the leadership's arrangement.

Tang Beilei pouted. Although she looked down on him, she didn't bother to care about him.

Comparing with this kind of person is too disgraceful.

What do you say, Brother Tan? Tang Beilei asked again.

Tan Yaohua pulled his tie, Old Geng is right, it's time to come up with a result, we can't continue to stand still.

The problem is, we don't want to compromise, and they don't want to compromise either. Tang Beilei said.

Geng Siyuan said firmly: They have to compromise.

Several people at the Banana Station were silent.

You say they have to compromise, but why should they cooperate with you?

They are not under our jurisdiction, and Wenchuang Entertainment has a cooperative relationship with us.

We're committed to putting more money into production next season, giving them more power and giving them more concessions in terms of splits.

Exchanging the future for the present? Tan Yaohua thought thoughtfully.

He thought that this year was a critical period. There were rumors that the director was about to be transferred, and Geng Siyuan's voice had always been very high for the candidate to take over as director.

If the show he is in charge of can reach a rating of 7, it will undoubtedly add a strong stroke to his competitive resume.

I see, I'll go talk to them. Zhou Qiduan stood up.

He can only stand up.

This kind of exchange of interests is not placed on the negotiating table, and it is a private exchange.

If it is not negotiated, or if this exchange of interests leaks out, he will definitely be the one to blame.

If Geng Siyuan acts as a rogue next year and doesn't want to fulfill his promise, he will be the one to blame.

But if he wants to go further, he has to carry the pot.

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

Zhou Qiduan walked out of the office to have a private exchange with people from Cultural and Creative Entertainment.

Tang Beilei shrugged.

She is more neutral in dress, and she looks very chic when she does this action.

Director Geng, what conditions are you going to offer to Hemingway?

Geng Siyuan didn't answer directly: Are you willing to go to the Magic Capital?

His agent is not like that.

It's better for you to run.

Tang Beilei thought for a while, then smiled: Of course I would,

There are not many opportunities to establish a personal relationship with such a big man.

Then you have to take advantage of the opportunity, Geng Siyuan said. Have you seen the micro-movie made by Hemingway?

I've seen it. No.

Said to have seen Tang Beilei.

Geng Siyuan glanced at her: What do you think?

A work of genius.

Yeah, even you said that, it seems that he is indeed talented in making movies, Geng Siyuan sighed, Hey, although I don't want to do it, it can only be like this. The person in charge of statistics dismissed, the deputy producer was punished, and the program team publicly admitted that there was a mistake in the work and apologized.

Tang Beilei and Tan Yaohua's eyes widened.

Banana Channel and Dream Dream Entertainment have formed a strategic cooperation alliance and will work hard to help Dream Dream Entertainment promote their artists.

Correspondingly, in the 14th episode, Duan Tianhou must appear for him. In the 15th peak concert, both he and Duan Tianhou will be present. In the next season's program, he and one of Duan Tianhou must serve as mentors. Of course we will give more favorable terms.”

In the future, the artists of Dream Chasing Entertainment, including Duan Tianhou and himself, will actively participate in variety shows on Banana Channel.

In addition, he wants to acquiesce to us hyping up the grievance between him and Su Manqian.


After a long while, Tang Beilei shook her head and smiled bitterly: This, Director Geng, how courageous!

Tan Yaohua did not say anything.

He and Geng Siyuan have known each other for a long time, and he used to be Geng Siyuan's superior. He is very aware of Geng Siyuan's gambling nature.

There are almost no major events in this world that can be done in a steady way.

If you want to accomplish great things, you must have the courage to gamble and the vision to bet.

Geng Siyuan undoubtedly possesses these two qualities.

When Hemingway announced his departure from the show, everyone thought it was a crisis, but only Geng Siyuan saw an opportunity in it!

Geng Siyuan is betting that Hemingway will continue to dominate the music scene and even make a big name in the film field.

He is betting that Dream Chasing and Mutual Entertainment will become a powerful force in the entertainment industry, and even become one of the eight majors, becoming a behemoth.

Tan Yaohua sighed inwardly.

My original condition was better than Geng Siyuan, and I started earlier than Geng Siyuan, but now it is Geng Siyuan who has climbed to the top of his head.

Although it's a bit uncomfortable, but thinking about it, isn't this a necessity?

If people like Geng Siyuan were unsuccessful, it would be the biggest injustice.

I will go to appease Zhou Qiduan's emotions. The statistics team will be dismissed by me, and the aftermath of the dismissal will be arranged by me. Tan Yaohua said.

Although the statistical data team has to bear the blame, the people of this team cannot be abandoned at will, and must be handled properly, otherwise, the people of the grassroots in Taiwan will be shaken and everyone will be in danger.

Lao Tan, I'll leave it to you. Geng Siyuan smiled.


Brother, look at Weibo.

Du Caige is in the upper stage, and inspiration bursts out in his mind.

The script has been written, and he's seizing the window of inspiration, trying to draw some sub-shots.

At this moment, Fan Yuhong's phone call came, and he said without thinking.

Du Caige's mind was all on creation. At this time, his attention was very narrow. Hearing this, he was a little stunned: What Weibo?

The official website of the new power of music.

Oh, good. Du Caige answered absentmindedly, hung up the phone, and continued to draw the scene.

After an hour, he was already drawing sore back, and he got up and shook his hands and twisted his neck.

This body is fine with everything else... it's just too old. I miss my 30-year-old body on Earth, although it's not as handsome.

By the way, I seem to have received a call just now.

He picked up the phone and looked at the call log.

Brother Fan called, what did he say?

Fortunately, he had the camera memory, and he immediately recalled, Let me go to the official website of the new power of music.

After exercising, he returned to his desk, turned on the computer, and logged on to Weibo.

In our 12th episode, the staff who counted the audience's SMS voting data made a serious error, resulting in the wrong calculation of the scores of Yu Yu and Xie Yunzi in the Hemingway group. After our verification, the scores of Yu Yu and Xie Yunzi were It should be higher than the opponent. Here we express our sincere apologies to Yu Yu, Xie Yunzi and Hemingway, and have dismissed the staff involved. The program team promises that the data will be strictly reviewed in the future to ensure that no more A similar error occurred.

After reading it, Du Caige immediately called Fan Yuhong back.

Why did you just call?

Du Caige was embarrassed to say that he almost forgot about it, so he told a little lie that didn't matter: I was thinking about this matter seriously just now, thinking about what to do next.

How did you think about it?

Du Caige smiled and said, I'm surprised how they suddenly became so sincere.

Oh, they also have conditions.

What conditions did you promise them on my behalf?

They haven't formally offered the conditions yet.

Uh, but they apologized first, aren't they afraid that I won't accept their conditions?

They said that this is their sincerity. Then the deputy director of the program group, Director Tang will fly with me to the Magic City today and discuss the next cooperation with you.

Okay, Du Caige was very satisfied, Let's talk about it when we meet. You go to meet Xiao Xie and Wang Qian for me, and encourage them to practice well.

Paralyzed, I'm also very busy!

Brother, big brother, you are my brother, you are already in the stage!

Knowing you is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

After finishing the call with Fan Yuhong, Du Caige thought about it again and felt that it should be fine, so he put it aside for the time being and waited until he met Tang Beilei.



Du Caige came to the agreed hotel lobby, but did not see the figure of the fat man.

He was looking around when a tall boy in a hotel uniform who looked less than 20 years old came up to him and whispered, Sir, a gentleman wants me to give this to you.

Said and handed a note.

Du Caige took it, took a look, and laughed dumbly.

Just as he was about to follow the instructions on the note, he saw the tall boy looking at him eagerly.

Okay, that bastard let me tip, right. Du Caige took out two 10-yuan bills and stuffed them into the big boy.

Thank you! The tall boy stepped aside.

It's as mysterious as the underground party connection, this fat fat... Du Caige muttered and walked into the elevator.

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