I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 389: Be confident and remove the

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Sit down and watch it together, what to wear, you definitely want to watch it. Dong Wenbin invited.

Du Caige looked away from the TV and said contemptuously, Do you think I'm as boring as you? I'm very busy.

... Du Yanqi didn't speak, just pointed to his nose, expressing that he was lying on the gun innocently.

Xu Qingya made a face, Uncle, admit it frankly, you are a salted fish!

What do children know? Although I sometimes seem to have done nothing, I am brainstorming in my mind and looking for inspiration. How can an artist's business be called a salted fish!

Uncle...you can tell by the look in your eyes, it's a daze, don't make excuses.

Du Caige hummed and walked back to his room with his head held high.

He has no interest in shows. Compared with the variety shows he has watched on earth, the new power of music is far worse in terms of program form, stage beauty, special effects, etc.

He made up his mind that he would only come out and take a look when Xie Yunzi and Duan Xiaochen sang on stage.

Sitting in front of the computer, Du Caige frowned, carefully considering whether to paint a sub-shot of Old Boy or to carry Romance of the Dragon and Snake. Or, quietly open a video site and find a movie to watch?

His sister's excited and sharp voice interrupted his thoughts.

Brother, brother! Come out quickly! Sister Chenchen is going to sing with Sister Xie!

Well, don't worry about it, I'll make a choice later.

This is to support my own people, definitely not that I want to watch TV.

When he came to the living room and sat on the sofa, the chorus of Duan Xiaochen and Xie Yunzi had already started.

These are two beauties with different styles.

Duan Xiaochen's appearance is very pure, but her figure is too hot. To be honest, it always makes people think of Qingqing.

But Xie Yunzi is full of girlishness, and her outfit today also highlights that lively, dynamic, youthful and invincible feeling.

their voices,

They also have their own characteristics. Duan Xiaochen's voice is the sound of nature, and Xie Yunzi is not bad.

In this way, the chorus of two beauties produces an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

As for the song they sang, it was Red High Heels.

This is a song that Du Caige likes very much, and it is sung by these two voices recognized by him. It sounds like a kind of enjoyment.

He listened with relish, and even had the idea of ​​actually this show is not bad.

But after Xie Yunzi and Duan Xiaochen finished singing, the next thing was the chorus of Su Manqian and Wu Xing'er.

It seems that the program team is determined to create a topic.

Du Caige left the sofa without hesitation and returned to his room.

Because after listening to Duan Xiaochen and Xie Yunzi's chorus, the thoughts in his mind were a bit mixed, so Du Caige carried Dragon and Snake Romance, which was the most trouble-free thing.

After about half an hour, a scream suddenly came from the living room, and Du Caige immediately listened.

Soon, the footsteps approached hurriedly, and the door was pushed open with a bang. Du Ranqi stood at the door of the bedroom and shouted excitedly, Brother, Sister Xie has challenged that woman!

Du Caige nodded calmly: As expected, it's strange that she doesn't do this.

Brother, come quickly, let's cheer for Sister Xie together!

Du Caige was a little speechless: She can't hear you cheering here.

She can feel it! Du Rongqi insisted.

Du Caige actually wanted to watch it himself. After a while, he returned to the living room and sat on the sofa.

He glanced at Dong Wenbin, My wine...

Dong Wenbin burped, Qi Qi gave it to me. Do you have any opinion?

No. Du Caige shook his head decisively.

Du Yanqi asked on his right, Did you write English songs for Sister Xie?

No, Xiao Xie's English is very poor, and her spoken language is even worse. She can't sing English songs without a long training.

Du Caige looked at the TV screen, Xie Yunzi was standing in the center of the stage, and the familiar music prelude had already sounded.

He had been pierced by this magic sound countless times while swiping Douyin, and he couldn't help but tap the ground with his feet.

Xu Qingya noticed it and said with a smile, The song is called Mang Zhong... 24 solar terms? Uncle, you like this song very much, don't you?

Well. The lyrics of this song are quite ordinary, but the melody is very magical, and it suits Xiao Xie very well. I hope Xiao Xie can sing that taste out.

Xu Qingya was obviously stunned. A songwriter said that the lyrics he wrote were very general. What does this mean?

At this time, in the center of the stage, Xie Yunzi was already speaking.

As soon as I think of you and me, Wu~ Kong Hate and don't dream for a long time, Wu~ Burn the paper ashes and bury the smoke willows.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Qingya only felt goosebumps.

No wonder the uncle said, The melody is very magical.

This is really not a question of whether it sounds good or not. In such a short time, it is difficult for her to evaluate whether it sounds good or not. Naikanba Chinese website

Just this melody is really impressive.

And Xie Yunzi's singing is also very interesting, very lively, and the transition is very clear, giving people a feeling of thousands of turns.

The instructors, the jury and the audience at the scene were obviously also shocked by the opening lines of the song.

It really doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not, but this kind of music, at this time of the blue star, is an unheard of style.

So novel!

A fresh song, and Xie Yunzi's voice is so good, it naturally grabbed the audience's attention from the very beginning.

Xie Yunzi's expression was very lively. She did a few simple dance moves she made up and sang: For the fresh branches, the flawless under the withering is the price of getting the answer.

The afterglow is stained, the hair of the traveler...

Xu Qingya listened carefully, her body arched slightly, and she could see that her expression was very focused.

She nods lightly from time to time, but sometimes looks confused.

When Xie Yunzi finished singing Hate love is not long, it is always a prisoner in the sea of ​​bitterness. Xincui stays only, falls in the middle of the shadow. Lovesickness is useless, I laugh at the mountain for a long time, what do I ask for, Du Ruoqi clapped his hands and said: Wow, it sounds so good. !

Xu Qingya's brows were slightly wrinkled, appearing a little tangled, How do I say this song, I think it sounds pretty good, but when I look at the lyrics, it doesn't seem right.

Just say it straight, he wrote an inexplicable song. Fatty Dong is not polite when he speaks.

Du Ruoqi was not convinced, Look at the audience, they are all fascinated. This song is very nice!

Dong Wenbin just shook his head with disdain in his eyes, I can only say that this song does not reflect the level of Lao Du.

It's actually okay, Xu Qingya still stood by Du Caige's side, a few lyrics are still very poetic.

You said it yourself, Old Du. Dong Wenbin turned to look at Du Caige.

Du Caige smiled: Fatty, some people like a song and some people don't. It's normal.

No, Dong Wenbin shook his head vigorously but slowly, everyone likes a song, so it's called a classic. Many of the songs you wrote before were classics.

But I can also occasionally write a song that's not so classic, but is also loved by a certain audience. I can bet you that this song will sell well.

Betting, betting, betting for what? Before Du Caige could answer, Dong Wenbin thought for a while, and immediately became frustrated, and said quickly: Forget it, I won't bet with you. In terms of music, I may not be as good as you.

Be confident and remove the word 'maybe'. Du Caige teased him with a smile.

But I said in my heart, I have the entire culture of the earth on my back, and if I still lose to you, then all the musicians on earth should change careers.

Xu Qingya protested: Uncle, let's talk later! Let's finish listening to the song.

Du Caige opened his mouth, but before he made a sound, Du Qiqi patted him on the back in dissatisfaction. Stop talking, be quiet, and listen to the song!

Du Caige grimaced in pain.

This is really a real sister. The shot seems to be very heavy and imposing, but it is actually the strength of the massage.

Hey, why don't I have a well-behaved and sensible sister who looks like a flower, this is the biggest regret in my life. Dong Wenbin sighed.

By the time Xie Yunzi sang the whole song, there was thunderous applause, and many audience members stood up and screamed and shouted excitedly.

I love you, Zizi!

You are the best, go ahead!

Zi Zi, come on and win the championship!

Through these months of shows, Xie Yunzi has accumulated a group of fans, and many of those who came to the scene today are her true fans.

Before participating in New Power of Music, although Xie Yunzi's Butterfly Spring sold very well, it was only a single after all, just to let everyone get to know her initially, not to mention any fans.

Even if there are a few fans, they are boyfriend fans and husband fans. They are just fans of her appearance, and they don't care what songs she sings, what she does, or what she says.

Just rush to the beautiful photo and you're done.

But the show in the past few months has allowed the audience to understand her, not only her singing, dancing and other strengths, but also her personality - of course, her carefully crafted character design.

Although Xie Yunzi's emotional intelligence is very low and her personality is a bit weird, it is naturally impossible for her to expose those weaknesses when she is photographed by the camera.

In the eyes of the audience, she is a beautiful girl with super high appearance, a little arrogant, very individual, not good at expressing, but very kind at heart.

After singing, Xie Yunzi bowed to the audience, but ignored the jury.

Since the 12th episode of the show, she has not paid any attention to the jury.

For fans who like her, this is exactly how she has a personality.

Du Caige felt that her emotional intelligence was too low (you are qualified to say this...)

In the future, Xiao Xie will still be in this circle. There are many music critics and independent musicians in the jury. It is not good to offend these people (who said that the jury's brains are either broken or their hearts are broken? ).

Du Yanqi quickly took out her mobile phone, called her best friend, and chatted, Your sister is amazing! You sing very well! Remember to ask your sister for an autograph for me!

By the time she finished the call, the host had finished talking, and it was Su Manqian's turn to appear.

Dong Wenbin looked at Du Caige playfully: Don't you want to watch the show?

Reconnaissance the enemy. Du Caige said solemnly.

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