I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 421 Adu, I have difficulties

Xu Qingya took a peek at Du Caige's expression.

Du Caige's attention returned at this time, and heard Jiayong Yixi's question.

Because Jiayong Yixi asked politely, he thought about it and nodded slightly.

Xu Qingya smiled and said, Well, uncle wrote a few songs for Yu Yu to learn and refer to. These songs are all new and have not been registered. Yu Yu, that silly girl, was not wary and sang in front of Wu Xing'er. , was heard by Wu Xing'er.

That Wu Xing'er is also good at seizing opportunities. When he saw that those songs were not registered, he immediately squatted.

Uncle doesn't keep any evidence here, there's nothing you can do about her, it's very annoying!

Jiayong Yixi said thoughtfully, That's right. No wonder Brother Du is so angry. If it were me, I couldn't forgive him.

Saying that, he glared at Tang Jinlin. Did the person who coaxed you to question Brother Du told you about the situation?

Tang Jinlin spread his hands: I'm not stupid. If you know this, how can I speak for the thief.

Jiayong Yixi taught him a lesson: So you can't be like this in the future. Xiao Xu said today that you are right. You are in your 40s, and they say that you are not confused in your forties, but you should listen to the wind like rain. .

Tang Jinlin estimated that he had been scolded for a long time before, and now he has a bitter face and doesn't want to say anything.

Jiayong Yixi looked at Du Caige again: No wonder you don't dare to say it clearly. There is no evidence. If you publicly say that Wu Xing'er stole your song, it is estimated that Tianyi's legal team will be annoyed to death.

I have this concern, Du Caige admitted. The key is that I don't think it's worth taking risks for this person. I've seen a lot of people who take shortcuts and engage in crooked ways, and basically they won't end well. Moreover, It can't be true, what level she is, and it will eventually be exposed after a long time. When the tide recedes, you can see who is swimming naked at a glance.

They chatted hotly here, and Chang Xiaoling, Liu Yuxi, and Xu Qingya were also laughing constantly.

Three young and beautiful girls are sitting together, and every move is a scene.

Among them, Chang Xiaoling is the oldest, the first to debut, and has a lot of knowledge. She is like a big sister, telling the two little sisters all kinds of stories in the circle.

Su Manqian may be a self-proclaimed queen, and she doesn't want to get along with them, so she speaks a little reserved and arrogant.

The three girls ignored her. Later, when she wanted to interject, she found that others ignored her. In embarrassment, it was difficult for her to even smile.

Chang Xiaoling told the two little sisters a joke, which was vivid and vivid, and Xu Qingya and Liu Yuxi laughed.

Uncle, uncle! Xu Qingya laughed, Sister Ling'er just said something very interesting!

Du Caige, who was accidentally lost again, was drawn back to his attention, What's the matter?

Xu Qingya's flawless white face had a slight blush, and those big bright and moving eyes were full of malicious and teasing smiles, and she said loudly: Sister Chang just told us a joke, it is said that A real thing. I want to hear how you would react if this happened to you.

Du Caige suddenly felt bad.

But in front of so many people, he was too embarrassed to even answer a little girl's words, and immediately smiled: What's the matter?

It is said, it is said that there is a male star whose girlfriend is very beautiful and sexy, and everyone praises him as a blessing. But one day, when he expressed to his girlfriend that he wanted to go further, his girlfriend showed off. already.

Xu Qingya's exaggerated tone, clear articulation, and sweet voice attracted everyone's attention.

His girlfriend said in a showdown: Actually, I'm Lara. I don't hate you, but I can't live without my girlfriend. If you want me, you must accept my girlfriend together. The two of us You can serve you together, but you can't tell other people this secret.

Uncle, how would you react if it was you?

Du Caige is still stunned,

Next to him, Zou Guoyong patted his thigh and laughed wildly: If it was him, he would definitely say: Wait, you all pose first, let me take a picture first!

Zou Guoyong's words caused a lot of laughter.

Du Caige's forehead full of black lines: ...This is the brother?

There is a picture! Jiayong Yixi clapped his hands and smiled.

Xu Qingya smiled until her eyes curled, Uncle, do you have a picture in your mind?

Du Caige tilted his head: No picture.

Then imagine, Xu Qingya put her arms around Liu Yuxi, look at us, if I and Sister Liu are a pair, then we will showdown against you.

Du Caige didn't say anything, Xu Qingya giggled and said, I know you have a picture in your mind just by looking at your expression!

There is indeed a picture. What came to Du Caige's mind was the startling glimpse of Xu Qingya when she was out of the bath that night...

Everyone made fun of Du Caige for a while.

After the meeting, it was Su Can who helped Du Caige. He asked, I wanted to ask you this morning, but you interrupted me. Didn't you promise to write us two songs? Are there any songs suitable for girls to sing.

Du Caige glanced at him, thought about it, and smiled, It may or may not be there.

How to say?

If you want it, you won't have it.

Su Can hurriedly said, I want it, of course I want it.

Du Caige teased him: Do you want it? Have you learned Lolita?

Hahaha! Tang Jinlin laughed wildly beside him.

Su Can glared at him, and then said to Du Caige dissatisfiedly, Give me a song, don't be stingy.

Du Caige didn't answer right away, he turned his eyes away with a smile and looked at Su Manqian.

Because it was very obvious that Su Can was asking for a song for his cousin Su Manqian.

Su Can loves this cousin very much. The relationship between brother and sister has always been very good. Everyone has made fun of him, saying that he is a sister-in-law.

Su Can became uncomfortable: Look at what she does, I asked you for a song.

Du Caige sighed and quickly weighed in his heart.

The four members of the Walker band really have a very good relationship with each other, not the kind that look alike.

Therefore, if he rejected Su Can, he would be rejecting the four of them.

Of course, there are very few people in this world who Du Caige can't afford to offend or dare not offend.

Even if there is, the Walkers are not among them.

Just, it's not necessary.

After all, many years of friends.

Just to sell him a face.

Du Caige opened his mouth slightly and was about to agree when he heard a clear voice say, Adu, let's talk alone.

Naturally, it was Su Manqian who spoke.

As soon as she finished speaking, she had already stood up and walked towards the door of the box.

Du Caige was a little strange, why did Su Manqian stand up at this time?

She should know very well that she will not sing to her.

Of course, when Su Can spoke, it was another matter.

Su Can smiled and said, The beauty calls you, so hurry up!

Jiayong Yixi also squeezed his eyes: Old Du, Lao Du, it's up to you!

Only Tang Jinlin had a sad smile on the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and lowered his head to drink.

Du Caige hesitated for a moment, then got up and walked over.

Su Manqian opened the door and walked out first, leaving only a faint body scent—or the scent of perfume.

Straight men are hard to tell apart.

Du Caige followed, a few steps behind, he didn't want to walk side by side with Su Manqian.

Su Man turned around and did not go downstairs to the lobby.

As a diva, she is well-known enough to dominate the screen all the year round, and it is easy to be recognized by others.

She led Du Caige to a bench next to the banquet hall on the second floor, and sat down by herself.

Du Caige sat down on the other end of the bench, far away from her.

Su Manqian twitched the corner of her mouth, showed a wry smile, shook her head, and searched for a while from her shoulder bag.

Du Caige thought she was going to touch up her makeup, but she took out a pack of ladies' cigarettes, took out one, put the thin and long lady's cigarette in her mouth, and then lowered her head to search in the bag to find a lighter.


The flames jumped out, and the flames dyed her short hair and bangs golden red, which was reflected in her eyes.

Those eyes are not big, but they are beautiful enough, and the double eyelids are very delicate, as if they were drawn by the creator with a ruler.

When did you start smoking? Du Caige asked absentmindedly.

After breaking up with you, Su Manqian said in a flat tone, I felt very uncomfortable at that time, and I often lost sleep.

Du Caige felt a little sympathy in his heart, and there was a sense of gloating—he felt that he had suppressed these feelings.

You don't need to have any feelings about this woman, good or bad.

Smoking only makes insomnia worse.

Maybe, Su Manqian lowered her head, but at that time, I wouldn't think about it so much.

Du Caige stopped talking, not knowing how to answer.

Su Manqian also fell silent.

After a while, Du Caige said, What did you want to say when you called me here?

Just chat. Su Manqian's voice was laziness.

In the past, Lin Ke liked this tune the most.

Su Manqian is always strong, energetic, sunny and cheerful in front of outsiders.

Only in front of him will he show a lazy and sexy side.

But Du Caige does not eat this set.

He said ruthlessly: I'm not interested in chatting with you. I'm talking to you today, just to see their face. If you're okay, I'll go first.

Saying gesture to get up.

Wait! Su Manqian's beautiful eyes finally looked over, and complex emotions flowed in those eyes.

Du Caige didn't understand, and didn't want to understand.

[No matter what your thoughts are now, it has nothing to do with me. 】he thinks.

Adu, how did we get to where we are today? Su Manqian's voice was pleading.

Du Caige just wanted to laugh out loud. Su Manqian specially went to learn funny jokes, right? How do I know, or you should ask the aunt at the vegetable market.

The implication is that when you offered to break up with me, even the aunt in the vegetable market knew.

Su Manqian understood the irony, and she smiled bitterly: I know, you are blaming me. But what can I do, the company at that time...

She threw away the cigarette and began to narrate at length.

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