I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 436 Burning money to buy users

After Wang Dongni fell asleep, Du Caige went over to chat with Chen Fan. m.kanxs.me

Chen Fan was also drowsy at this time and couldn't keep his spirits up.

Du Caige didn't say anything serious when he saw it.

After a while, Chen Fan also fell asleep, Du Caige went to the car, took the laptop and guitar, and then returned to the ward.

He put his laptop in the corner of Wang Dongni's hospital bed, and sat there carrying Full-time Master.

There were a few phone calls in the middle, all of which were problems during filming, but nothing that he had to deal with personally.

I don't know how long it took, when his neck was sore and he raised his head and twisted his neck, he saw Wang Dongni blinking and smiling at him.

I don't know if Wang Dongni was a beauty before, at least now she can't be called beautiful. The eyes also looked dull and dull.

you're awake!

Well, Wang Dongni, who was still a little weak, squeezed out a pale smile, Are you writing a new book?

Yeah. A book about online games.

Ah, I also play online games! What is the name of this book?

Call a full-time expert.

Say what?

The story starts with an e-sports player who was forced to retire. This e-sports player was once the No. 1 player in the game Dungeon Brave...

Chen Fan was awake long ago, and at this time he listened to his story with relish.

I really want to see you finish this book... Wang Dongni said quietly.

Du Caige closed his mouth.

Wang Dongni was reluctant, but tried her best to pretend to smile happily: It doesn't matter, I already know the ending of this book before anyone else! I'm Luckygirl!

She glanced at Du Caige's guitar and said in surprise, Are you going to sing to me?

I don't sing well, but I can play a few tunes for you.

With that said, Du Caige took out his guitar, and after fiddling a few times, he started to play.

Played a few pure music that is suitable for playing with guitar, such as Castle in the Sky, Flower, Juvenile Dream, Time Travel, Miracle Mountain, Mirage, Lan, Purplehighway, Poem of Wind, Wings,…

One after another.

At this time, he didn't think about whether he had registered these songs and whether they would be stolen.

I just want to use these music to add some light to the last days of Wang Dongni's life.

From time to time, nurses would stop by the door of this ward, and even pretended to come in to check on the patient's condition. When they came in, they couldn't leave. Their eyes turned into the shape of love, and they wanted to swallow Du Caige in one bite.

sounds amazing.

Wow, this is the best song I've ever heard.

My boyfriend is a genius!

My God, this song is so beautiful!

Wang Dongni was full of praise.

When Du Caige was tired from playing and stopped to rest, the nurses reluctantly left.

Chen Fan recalled: Your musical style is really changeable. You have just played any type of music. It's really hard to imagine that it was created by the same person.

Du Caige shrugged. It's not the work of the same person, I'm just a porter.

In other words, your fingering has regressed a lot. Chen Fan continued to comment.

I haven't practiced much now.

Yes, Chen Fan nodded, you have too many things to do.

Taking advantage of Chen Fan's current condition, Du Caige told him the shooting plan for tomorrow.

It's actually just a few simple shots.

Chen Fan nodded slowly: I should be fine, I can do it.

He smiled and said, I don't need to act anyway, it's just my true character.

That's it. By the way, our Ghost Face Band can gather together tomorrow, and then we will give you a surprise. Is it convenient for you? Can you leave the ward?

Of course you can, Chen Fan really looked surprised, I've probably guessed what you are going to do, you shouldn't tell me!

Du Caige said: It doesn't matter, even if you're not shocked, at least you will feel happy.

That's true.

Looking at the time, it was almost 5 o'clock, Du Caige said, I'll go and order. Let's eat together in the evening. Brother Chen Fan, can you eat seafood?

No problem, what else can I not eat? Chen Fan tried his best to smile brightly, but it only made people feel more heartbroken.

Du Caige didn't order takeout, but drove to a nearby seafood restaurant to order a few dishes, especially Wang Dongni's favorite Pippi shrimp.

Wang Dongni's father silently peeled the shrimp for his daughter, while Du Caige helped pick out the meat from the snails.

Wang Dongni didn't know whether it was because of the unbearable pain or poor appetite. Even in the face of her so-called favorite Pippi shrimp, she only ate a few bites and couldn't eat any more, so she could only smile apologetically to Du Caige.

After eating and sitting for a while, Du Caige got up, I'm back, there are still things to deal with.

Go get busy, Wang Dongni smiled, Remember tomorrow's arrangements.

Well, I remember.

According to the strategy formulated by Wang Dongni, tomorrow they will hold hands, take pictures, and then use a pair of earplugs, one for each person, and listen to music together.

By the way, let's talk about celebrity gossip.

These are very simple, Du Caige will naturally prepare in advance.

The guitar is here, Brother Chen Fan, you can play with it if you want.

Is it really possible? This is the treasure of Master Custer. There are hundreds of thousands of guitars, what should I do if I break it.

It's simple, I'll fix it if it breaks.

Returning to the hotel where the crew stayed in the evening, Du Caige went through the material for today's shooting again, and it was almost 10 o'clock.

Then when I was on the phone with Yan Yingzhen, Yan Yingzhen said that the dust was basically settled on her side.

At the end of the year, there will be a general meeting of shareholders, at which time she will announce her resignation and transfer power.

Although she tried her best to use a relaxed tone, Du Caige could naturally hear her melancholy and unwillingness.

If you really don't want to leave, don't give up. The company you founded by yourself is sure that most people will support you. Du Caige advised.

The situation is not good. It's not as simple as you think. Now my situation is too difficult, and my brother can't help me.

How should I put it, if I really don't want to leave, it's not impossible. But in that case, the company will be more divided, and it's almost impossible for me to push forward something, so it's better to leave and start anew.

So you have to worry more about WeChat, how can WeChat quickly occupy more market share? I now count on WeChat to help me turn around so that I can watch their jokes from a high place in the future. Yan Yingzhen's mood was actually much better than before, and she didn't complain much.

Du Caige could only say: I'll try my best. I just don't know much about it. I only have some fragmentary thoughts.

Why don't you record those fragmented thoughts without any format, just write whatever comes to your mind, and send it to my mailbox when you're done. By the way, by the way, at Blue Bird Music, you can also make some suggestions.

Yes. Of course Du Caige would not refuse.

After talking about these trivial matters, he mentioned the business again, asked about Caiwei's life and study, and then wanted to have a conversation with Caiwei.

Caiwei's voice was a little confused, the child was very sleepy.

Baba, I miss you so much, when will you come to see me!

I want to buy a marshmallow, rainbow-colored, but Aunt Chen won't buy it for me.

Baba, I learned the piano piece LuvLetter you wrote today, come and play with me, I'll play it for you!

Without saying a few words, the little guy took the phone and fell asleep.

With a pleasant smile, Du Caige listened to her even breathing for a while before hanging up.

Opening the laptop, Du Caige began to think about how to complete the homework given by Yan Yingzhen.

WeChat... How to quickly acquire users and occupy more market share?

Yan Yingzhen and Fan Youqiao's previous plan was actually quite good, using the game Brave the Dungeon to get LL's friend list.

But it can be faster and more aggressive.

Just be willing to spend money.

In the Internet field of Bluestar at this time, there is almost no simple and crude business behavior of burning money.

But in fact, this is the easiest way to get users, no one.

Du Caige thought about it for a long time, but couldn't come up with any good idea, only the trick of burning money.

Sign up and send cash, 5 yuan per person.

Too little? It doesn't matter, log in for 7 consecutive days and get another 15 yuan.

It's not over yet.

Log in for one month and get another 15 yuan.

All are cash red envelopes!

That's 30 bucks.

No other preconditions required, no hidden pitfalls!

No restrictions on any usage!

Directly delivered to your WeChat Pay account!

Oh, WeChat payment doesn't seem to be ready yet. Then let Fan Youqiao concentrate on making WeChat payment as soon as possible!

If you can harvest 100 million billion.

This is no small sum of money.

Tenda Network simply doesn't have that much money.

Not to mention 3 billion, they can't come up with 30 million in cash.

But it doesn't matter, you can let Rouzhi Investment lend money to Tenda Network.

It's a loan, not a capital injection.

If it is a capital injection, it will dilute the equity of the founding team and weaken their enthusiasm.

So it is better to borrow money. to pay interest.

Then there are some other conditions, such as absolute priority in the A round of B round financing.

3 billion is enough? Far from enough.

Also, invite 10 friends to sign up and send another 20 yuan in cash.

Don't be afraid of counterfeiting, because WeChat requires identity verification and name registration, one person is one account.

In addition, it is linked with the games under Yuanguang. Log in to WeChat to send props of popular games, use WeChat to reach a certain level and send props from time to time, invite friends to register and send props, and complete achievements to send props...

With such a combination of punches, I do not believe that WeChat will not be able to gain market share.

When there are enough registered users, are you afraid that you will not be able to win the position of the leader in the social field?

If WeChat can become the leader in the social field.

Not to mention 3 billion. Even if it burns 30 billion, it is a big profit!

Because it can earn hundreds of billions, trillions!

Well, even if WeChat is really poorly run.

As long as you sell your shares in time during the C round of financing, it is estimated that Rouzhi Investment will not lose any money, and even make a small profit.

I just want to copy books quietly

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