I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 439 Live performance by the artificial lake

The Grimace band filed in and appeared on camera.

According to the script, Wang Dongni showed a curious expression and hesitated.

Chen Fan heard the sound and raised his head. He was puzzled at first, then surprised and delighted. He pointed at the four of them: You...you...

In fact, his performance at this time was not qualified in Du Caige's opinion.

But Du Caige didn't stop, let him find the feeling of shooting.

And even if his performance has not been up to the mark, it can be corrected through clever editing in the later stage.

Du Caige took off his mask and smiled: Brother Chen Fan, I said, I will come again. Look who I brought!


Sometimes, making a movie is a flash of genius, a spark from the collision of talent and talent, and a highly creative expression.

But sometimes, filmmaking is mechanical, repetitive, constantly polished and slowly improved, and finally a result that is reluctant to accept.

Of course Du Caige prefers the former.

Which director doesn't like it?

A sudden whim, my brain opened wide.

Several actors showed their best state and played with each other.

The photographer tried his best to use the most reasonable lens movements to take the most beautiful shots.

Unfortunately, the latter is the norm.

In the face of half-baked actors, NG kept saying wrong lines, photographers did not move the mirror properly, and the lighting engineer couldn't give the desired effect.

The director himself has no clue. He thinks that this looks good and that is okay, but neither is the best solution.

At this time, in the ward, Du Caige didn't have so many distracting thoughts.

He knew very well that he could not pursue the best results.

The hospital would not allow them to film here all the time, and Chen Fan and Wang Dongni's physical strength was not enough to support repeated reshoots.

So after a few shots, he smiled and said, It's alright, it's done. Let's take another shot in another location.

Tian Ying and the others all looked at each other in dismay.

They had seen how paranoid Du Caige was on the set,

How picky.

The performance just now was so embarrassing that it was far below the normal level several times in a row. They didn't expect Du Caige to agree.

But since the director has spoken, let's go.

Everyone started to pack up.

The next shooting plan is to take Chen Fan to the rockery and artificial lake in the hospital, where the Ghost Face Band will perform an impromptu performance and sing the classic songs of the year.

Because at this time, there are fewer patients near the artificial lake, and the distance from the inpatient department is far away, so it will not disturb the rest of the patients in the inpatient department.

So Du Caige borrowed two wheelchairs from the nurse, Zou Guoyong pushed Chen Fan to the artificial lake, and he planned to push Wang Dongni there.

But Wang Dongni refused to sit in a wheelchair, and just asked Du Caige to support her.

It seemed that she enjoyed being supported by Du Caige.

Along the way, Tian Ying carried the camera to follow the filming, and some of them may be cut into the final film.

This episode, reflected in the movie, is: when the male protagonist Lin He was reading the newspaper, he discovered the news published by Chen Fan in the newspaper, and wanted to see the Grimace Band reunite for a concert before he died.

Lin He immediately rushed to the hospital, saw Chen Fan, confirmed Chen Fan's situation, and ruled out the possibility of a scam.

Then he immediately summoned all his friends back then.

The situation will be explained in the movie. The lead singer of the Grimace Band has changed several positions. Soon after Duan Xiaochen joined the band (following the plot of Those Years), he was picked up by a music company and poached.

The lead singer who then filled the spot was Peng Sizhang.

This time Lin He originally wanted to call Duan Xiaochen, but Duan Xiaochen couldn't get away for the time being, so he called Peng Sizhang temporarily. (But it was Duan Xiaochen who participated in the talent show after that. In general, Duan Xiaochen has more scenes.)

The four met Chen Fan in the ward, and then decided to give Chen Fan a live performance.

But the performance was interrupted because of an accident.

Du Caige also specially called two pungent and generous nurses to interrupt the band's performance by waiting for their true performance.

Of course, the above is the plot presented in the movie. In fact, after the filming, Du Caige and the others planned to sing a few songs to Chen Fan near the artificial lake.

Because Chen Fan in reality may not be able to make it to the concert.

Therefore, if you can satisfy him, try to satisfy him as soon as possible, so as not to leave irreparable regrets.

It's all natural, don't think that this is a movie. We treat this as a documentary. Du Caige urged on the way to the artificial lake.

Although the camera is shooting, it doesn't matter, 99% of these lenses will not be used, and at most a few seconds of footage will be cut out in the end, so you can say whatever you want without taboos.

Wang Dongni walked slowly holding Du Caige's hand, and whispered, It turns out that this is how filmmaking is. It's really interesting!

What you can see today is just a glimpse. If you actually shoot it, it will be much harder than this. Du Caige explained.

It's okay to suffer a little bit, the key is to be interesting, after a pause, Wang Dongni said in a serious tone, If I have a next life, I will try my best to be a director. A great director, I can be as good as you. I want to make a hundred shots. A love drama!

Du Caige couldn't answer these words, so he could only nod his head with a smile, and answered vaguely, Yes.

Next to Xu Qingya was amused by One Hundred Romance Dramas and burst out laughing.

After laughing and thinking for a while, she was a little sad, and looked at Wang Dongni with a sympathetic look.

When we got to the artificial lake, under the command of Du Caige, the shots that were supposed to be shot were quickly finished.

The shots to be taken are actually quite simple.

Story content: After everyone arrived, they set up their postures and prepared for the performance. As soon as they started, two nurses rushed over aggressively to stop them.

The show can only be over.

Finally, Chen Fan said: Forget it, don't bother everyone.

Lin Hedao: That won't work, you must see it.

Chen Fan said: In fact, your performances, I will keep them firmly in my heart, and I will never forget them for a moment.

What I really want to see is for you to show up in a stadium with thousands of people, hold a big concert, and countless people wave their arms and scream for you.

This is what I want to see.

Several of the Ghost Faces were worried. concert? This can't be played.

At this time, Peng Sizhang came up with an idea: there is a talent show that is about to start. No matter what talent you have, you can sign up to participate. The winning individuals and teams can get the Dream Fund, or get the support of the program group to initiate crowdfunding.

You go to the show, crowdfunding for a concert.

At this point, all the shots for today are finished.

Du Caige looked at it and announced that it was over, and then it was the real performance time.

Grimace Band held a small private concert for Chen Fan and Wang Dongni by the artificial lake.

Of course, there must be more than two people in the audience. Many patients and their family members who were walking and resting by the artificial lake were attracted, and soon they were surrounded by three floors inside and outside.

If Du Caige puts a hat on the ground, someone will definitely throw money into it.

Because I didn't prepare in advance, I only sang a few classic songs that the band used to sing: Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty, Feeling Ashamed, Flower House Girl, Returning to Lhasa, Fireworks (Version No. 43 Baojia Street).

Because Du Caige had a good relationship with the Xingzhe Band, these songs were later authorized to the Xingzhe Band, and they sang a version.

Grimace Band hasn't cooperated for so many years, and their singing performance is definitely much worse than that of Walker Band, but Chen Fan still enjoys it.

It's not just him, the melon eaters who are watching also watch it with relish.

They don't know if the performance is good or not, anyway, they think it's quite lively, and it's enough to watch it.

Tian Ying has been carrying the camera to shoot. Although these shots are basically impossible to use in movies, they can also be kept as souvenirs.

In addition, Wang Dongni has been filming with Du Caige's mobile phone.

Du Caige also planned to cut a short section of the video shot with his mobile phone, disguised as a passer-by and posted a post Seeing a doctor in the hospital, I occasionally saw the performance of the Great God to do some warm-up publicity for Old Boy.

The rest of the staff were sent away, not even the lighting engineer.

After singing, Fatty Dong was panting like a blacksmith's bellows. Give him a bed and he can turn into an ooze monster and lie on it.

Although the rest were not as tired as him, they were also sweating profusely.

Everyone is still a little unfinished, the key is that they feel that they are not playing their best, and that there are too many mistakes in the performance.

They looked at each other and jokingly picked on.

When did your finger turn into a radish?

Don't talk about me, Fatty Dong, do you know how bad the rhythm of your drums is?

I'm going to fuck with you. It's all Duo's fault. He played the most basic chords wrong and made me crooked.

I found out that you have a few shots that you didn't take well, Fatty. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

...I made a mistake with the director, I take back what I just said!

Seeing Dong Wenbin speak proficient Chinese, Tian Ying showed an incredible look.

Originally, he thought that Steven Dong was just an actor, making a cameo appearance as the band's drummer, but now it seems that this is not a cameo, but a genuine one.

Judging from the conversation between Dong and the boss, they have known each other for a long time, not just met.

Du Caige specifically found Tian Ying and warned him not to leak it out.

He just nodded.

He was not a talkative person.

No matter what the secret is, he doesn't care, he just concentrates and wants to get the best shot.

Du Caige went to see the picture taken by Wang Dongni again.

Because the storage of mobile phones is limited now, in order to take a complete picture of this performance, the resolution of the shooting is very low.

However, the lens feel is not bad, the proportions and light are very comfortable to look at.

If this girl can still live well and cultivate it, maybe she will be an excellent photographer.

Thinking of this, Du Caige was very sad. Originally, she should have a million possibilities.

But now, those million possible wave functions have all collapsed into a cold reality.

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