I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

The four hundred and fortieth chapters test their fineness

Xu Zhaoyang secretly looked at Director Hemingway, and sure enough, Hemingway frowned, You... can you control it? If you can't control it, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome to read.

This is an understatement.

Xu Zhaoyang has seen it before, and Liu Pengfei once asked another director for a role, and the other party said coldly, What else are you doing with a big tongue? Do I even write a role for you with a big tongue?

Xu Zhaoyang was worried, but saw Liu Pengfei smiling, Director, don't worry, I can control this. Sometimes, when I'm particularly anxious, it's more difficult to control it. But in general, I can control it.

Du Caige nodded, Then let's try it. Let's go to make up shots first, and then I'll tell you what to shoot next... By the way, do you speak English?

Liu Pengfei said: We can all talk, but I can't talk well, Lao Xu can talk better.

Du Caige looked at Xu Zhaoyang and said, Come on for a while.

Xu Zhaoyang said a few words, hello, nice to meet you, in very simple English.

The pronunciation is not bad, Du Caige nodded in satisfaction. Go.

The two followed Liu Zifei to make up shots.

Xu Qingya stood behind Du Caige and laughed.

Du Caige looked back at her: What?

No. Xu Qingya laughed for a while, then stopped, put her hands on her hips, and was about to say something, when she thought of something funny, she bent over again with laughter.

After a while, he smiled and said, I just think that when I see them, I want to laugh.

Well, their expressions are very happy, Du Caige touched his chin, he was too busy these days to take care of it, and his chin already had a hard stubble, But if it's just a sense of joy, play the road It's narrower.

When he said this, he thought of Wang Baoqi on Earth.

The actor Bao Ying left a deep impression for the first time, probably in the movie A World Without Thieves.

The role of Silly Root is not particularly hilarious, but a very simple, honest, innocent and simple young man.

Also a little silly.

In contrast, in Detective Chinatown, the role of Tang Ren, through the design of makeup, clothing and other modeling aspects, as well as the performance of the actors,

Makes people want to laugh when they see him.

Similar to the role of Tang Ren, there is also the Thai 囧 series, barely speaking, it counts in a good show.

Because of these roles, many people think that Wang Baoyi will only pretend to be crazy and act stupid and force him to be funny.

But probably they forgot, in addition to these roles, Wang Baoqi can also act in real dramas, such as the classic Mr. Tree.

Mr. Hello Tree is a difficult and relatively niche movie.

There are different opinions on the analysis of the plot.

But it's an indisputable fact, whether you understand it or not, Wang Baoqi's acting skills in this play are chilling.

Is there a little bit of fun in the role of Mr. Shu? Just makes me feel sad.

Of course, Du Caige didn't want these two groups to perform according to Wang Baoqi's standard.

That's not realistic, right?

Even if these two groups are really not wide-eyed and can only play funny comedies, they can still become heavyweight actors, can make money for the company, and are worthy of training.

When Liu Pengfei and Xu Zhaoyang went to make up the scene, Du Caige watched carefully.

In fact, it was to make up a few close-ups when they watched the talent show live.

The props group, costume group and makeup group restored their costumes and outfits based on the materials they had taken before. The field manager asked them to restore their previous sitting postures and started shooting.

They quickly entered the state, and the slightly exaggerated performance style was particularly appropriate in this place.

A few pictures were taken very quickly. Liu Zifei came to ask Du Caige's opinion. Du Caige looked at it and said with a smile, Okay, let's do this first.

In fact, these close-up shots are not useful or two. In Du Caige's consideration, there is a high probability that they will not be used.

I just use this as an excuse to inspect these two actors with my own eyes again.

So far, he is quite satisfied.

He asked Liu Zifei to continue shooting other scenes, beckoned to call two actors, and said, I saw your performances, and I want to add some scenes to you temporarily. I don't have a script, so I'll talk about it in general and see your performance. .

Liu Pengfei and Xu Zhaoyang looked at each other with mixed feelings.

The good news is that this is obviously the director Hemingway wants to examine them, does not give strict restrictions, let them play freely, and wants to test their fineness.

Worryingly, they didn't do any preparations in advance. Listening to Director Hemingway's tone, they were about to start shooting, and they didn't know what to do.

How about it, dare you try it?

Xu Zhaoyang immediately responded with anger: Dare, why dare not! Thank you director for giving us this opportunity!

Du Caige nodded with satisfaction: Okay. The content I asked you to perform is like this...

At the end, Ke said, Do you understand?

If these two people say get it all, they're either geniuses or just bragging.

In both cases, Du Caige would stay away.

But fortunately, the two of them have something they don't understand, with a pleasing smile, but they can understand several details.

Du Caige explained patiently.

After confirming that they are no longer suspicious, he said, You guys go to prepare first and practice it yourself.

After picking up the phone and looking at the time, he said, I will shoot your scenes in two hours.

Two hours is a little short, Director, Xu Zhaoyang said with a humble, ingratiating smile on his wrinkled face, Can you be more graceful?

Du Caige smiled and shook his head.

He didn't mean to be embarrassed, but wanted to examine the comprehension ability of the two group actors and the ability to quickly enter the state.

Moreover, the request he just made was also very simple, it only took about 2 minutes of footage.

If 2 hours of preparation is not enough, it can only show that the quality of these two people still needs to be improved.

Of course, this expedition was not one or the other.

It's not that if the two don't meet his requirements, he'll give up on them.

Instead, Du Caige will evaluate them, and to what extent they will be further investigated in the follow-up, and then decide on the strength of their training in the future, the conditions for signing contracts, etc.

For example, the performance is particularly good, that is, it will be cultivated as a pillar of the future of Dream Chasing and Mutual Entertainment, and an A-level contract will be given.

The performance is above average, that is to cultivate as a potential actor and give a B-level contract.

If the performance is mediocre, then give them a C-level contract, and seriously consider giving them some supporting roles that have a bit of drama in the future to see if they can be sharpened.

Even if their performance disappoints him, that's okay, give them a D-level contract first, and then give them some tricks to try to see if they can grow.

After all, there are really limited good comedians now, even if they are crooked, they should sign them first.

First solve the question of is there, and then talk about the question of is it good or not.

Du Caige said with a smile: It's just 2 hours. There is no need to bargain. If you are not ready within 2 hours, this set of shots will not be shot, and it will not be outdated.

Although Du Caige's attitude was very gentle, the two of them didn't dare to refute any more, and they knew they couldn't waste any more time, so they hurriedly said, Then let's go practice.

Du Caige sat in front of the monitor and watched Liu Zifei's conductor seriously.

In a few scenes, when he and Liu Zifei disagreed, he would temporarily take over the command.

This is a very natural and normal thing, and Liu Zifei will not have any thoughts because of it.

During the break, Jiang Youxi ran to him and chatted with him with a smile.

Du Caige made some simple comments on his performance today. Jiang Youxi listened carefully and put forward his own opinions from time to time.

In terms of acting, Jiang Youxi is really talented.

Compared with when he just filmed Those Years, his acting skills have improved slightly.

Don't underestimate this little progress.

If you don't take a few steps, how can you reach a thousand miles?

He is far from a first-class actor, and the gap is not big or small.

If you realize it, you might be able to cross that hurdle by raising your legs.

Of course, although Jiang Youxi is talented, there is still a big gap between him and the level of actor, mainly because he used too little time and energy in acting.

But if he can insist on training, and Du Caige also takes him a few plays to train him well, I believe he will still have the opportunity to touch this ceiling in the future.

But whether or not it can break through the past is another matter.

Du Caige thinks that Jiang Youxi's talent limit may lie in first-class actors.

As for the actor, it is estimated that it is enough.

The reason is that Jiang Youxi is too handsome.

Actors who are too good-looking, because they are very good-looking, often relax their requirements on their acting skills.

As a result, it is more difficult to break through the ceiling of actor than actors with average appearance.

If you look at those heavyweight movie awards, you will find that the average age of actors with good looks (both men and women) when they win the title of best actor (actress) is higher than those of ordinary actors.

When you are free, you still need to find time to find more teachers to learn acting, and practice more yourself. Du Caige urged.

Don't worry, brother, with you watching, I don't dare to be lazy. In front of Du Caige, Jiang Youxi always had a hippy smile without a straight face.

Du Caige smiled helplessly. How is your girlfriend? You didn't say anything on the phone.

It's an ex-girlfriend. Jiang Youxi corrected.

It's beautiful to rekindle old love.

Haha... Anyway, I haven't made a clear statement with her yet, but I've dated twice. She's also very busy with work, and she works in the north, so we don't have much chance to meet. Jiang Youxi looked confused.

Du Caige didn't talk about him either.

When it comes to emotional matters, outsiders are better off keeping their mouths shut.

After the break was over, Jiang Youxi went to shoot again.

Du Caige looked at his phone, but Wang Dongni didn't send him a message.

He sent a message: Is there anything you want to eat tonight? I'll bring some snacks to watch TV.

Wang Dongni did not reply.

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