I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Four hundred and fortieth chapters 10 golden songs account for 6 of them

If we talk about the previous awards, there are still some rules to follow, which is a little bit exciting.

So what else? Rock Artist of the Year, Jazz/Blues Artist of the Year, Dance Artist of the Year, Electronic Artist of the Year, Folk Artist of the Year, Group of the Year, Band of the Year, Person of the Year Acoustics, Best Performance of the Year, Best Classical Album of the Year, Best Folk Music Album of the Year... There are dozens of awards, big and small, all of which are used to sit in rows and divide the fruit, ensuring that the artists of major entertainment companies will not fail. .

In addition, there are several once very important awards, such as Chinese Music Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Music Hall Musician, Chinese Music Hall Singer.

These awards were very authoritative in the early years, and those old musicians were proud to receive such awards.

But after all the older generation won the award, and the strongest of the new generation such as Lin Ke and Yu Fei also won such awards, these awards have changed.

For example, last year, Cui Jiaoyan won the Chinese Music Hall Singer Award.

Cui Jiaoyan is only in her 20s, and she has no honors. How dare you give her this award? Just plain funny.

Even for Chang Xiaoling, it is more suitable than for Cui Jiaoyan.

Xu Qingya scanned the post. Of course, fans are all supporting their idols to win Best Male Singer, Best Female Singer, Top Ten Golden Songs, Top Ten Albums, etc.

As for the equally heavyweight awards of Best Lyricist, Best Composer, Best Arranger, and Best Original Soundtrack, almost everyone thinks that there is no suspense, and it must be Hemingway.

Although several songwriters are also very good, such as Yu Fei, the songs they wrote in 2008 were killed by Hemingway in both quality and quantity.

Xu Qingya also thinks so.

If the Golden Melody Awards dare not give these awards to the uncles, it will only affect their own authority. The awards committee should not be so stupid, right?

Time flies especially fast when browsing through posts.

She felt that she had just opened the post bar for a while, and the Golden Melody Awards ceremony on TV had already begun.

Uncle hasn't come yet... Forget it, see for yourself.

She sat on the bed, hugged the pillow, and watched with relish.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the program, important awards and less important awards are issued alternately.

For example, announcing the best new female singer of the year,

Announcing the best vocal of the year, the best performance of the year...

When the Best New Male Singer of the Year was presented, Xu Qingya sat up a little unconsciously.

Because Jiang Youxi was shortlisted for 5 people, and Jiang Youxi's songs were all written by the uncle.

The winner of the Best New Male Singer of the Year...Congratulations to Zong Sheng!

Xu Qingya pouted.

Zong Sheng took his head to compare with Jiang Youxi?

Jiang Youxi is a rookie singer who has set a sales record in the first week of 2008.

Seeing this, Xu Qingya began to think: The Golden Melody Awards jury might be really stupid. Uncle wants to win the award this time? It seems a little suspenseful.

For the rest of the show? Xu Qingya lost a lot of expectations.

She simply dug out the half-embroidered work, while nimbly threading the needle? While listening to the Golden Melody Award awarding process, she paid a small amount of attention.

As for those warm-up song and dance programs? She didn't watch them at all.

Finally came the awards for the best lyricist of the year.

Xu Qingya watched intently.

The winner is... Yu Fei!

When the camera was given to Yu Fei, it was obvious that Yu Fei was in a state of confusion. He couldn't believe that he had won the award.

I hate it! Xu Qingya groaned. Pressing the power button on the remote control, she sped up the embroidery in a fit of anger.

After a while, when her anger subsided a little, she turned on the TV again.

Then look at the door: why didn't uncle come?

Are you busy and forget the time?

She took out her mobile phone and found Uncle's number? Hesitating? Didn't press it.

Forget it, love comes when it comes, and forgets it if it doesn’t.


The progress of embroidery is advancing.

The Golden Melody Awards are also continuing.

The best male singer of the year, the best female singer of the year, the best song of the year and other awards have been opened.

There is no doubt that the best female singer of the year is Duan Xiaochen.

After all, several female singers who can pose a threat to Duan Xiaochen have not released an album this year.

Duan Xiaochen's concert was very successful, and the new song released was also widely praised.

The song of the year was Red High Heels? A little unexpected, but reasonable? After all, the number of downloads of this song is quite scary.

Then it was finally the turn of the best composer, Xu Qingya held her breath...

Best Composer? The winner is Hu Pei! Congratulations to Mr. Hu Pei!

Xu Qingya turned off the TV again? She said angrily, What? The Golden Melody Awards are no longer worth watching? Not authoritative at all, not fair at all!

Sitting on the bed, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She simply threw away the embroidery, jumped out of bed, came to the computer, and entered the Golden Melody Awards.

Sure enough, there have been countless complaints, accusations, and abuse in the post bar, thinking that the Golden Melody Awards are unfair and shady...

It's too late to delete the post.

Most people are complaining about the singers they support, but there are also a considerable number of people who think that it is unfair to award the best lyricist and best songwriter.

Hemingway wrote more than 20 classic songs in 2008. I want to ask Mr. Yu Fei how many songs he wrote? Is there any song that compares to any of Shanghai Mingway's songs? And Mr. Hu Pei, if I remember correctly, Teacher Hu Pei only composed two pieces in one year, and the final word-of-mouth and sales of these two pieces are incomparable to Mr. Hemingway's works.

Xu Qingya felt that she had finally found the base camp and joined the denunciation team.

Before I knew it, it was time for the Golden Melody Awards Gala to end.

When Xu Qingya refreshed, she saw a post with an interesting title: 6 of the 10 Golden Songs were selected, why can't Hemingway get the best lyrics and composition?

She clicked in and took a look, and it turned out that the list of this year's top ten hits has been announced.

Uncle has 6 songs on the chart.

Fairy Tale, Dongfeng Broken, Red High Heels, Silk Road, Invisible Wings, If This Is Not Love.

Emmm... I always feel that the quality of Uncle's songs this year is very high. In addition to these 6 songs, One Night in the North, First Time, Meet Hate Late, Later, Complete, I'm Ugly But I'm Very Gentle Dear That's Not Love, Butterfly Spring, Snail, Green Light, Manse, Million Possibilities, if placed in previous years, all have the opportunity to enter the top ten golden songs.

Netizens' speeches became more intense.

In the top ten hits, 10 account for 6 of them; in addition, the best song of the year is also Hemingway's. The more than 20 songs written by him last year, whether it is lyrics or songs, every song is a classic. Even Hemingway can't do this. After winning the Best Lyricist, Writer and Composer, I don't think there is any need to watch it after the Golden Melody Award.

I just want to ask the people on the Golden Melody Awards committee to open their eyes and see, why can't Hemingway win the Best Lyricist and Best Composer? In addition, I asked Yu Fei and Hu Pei, winning this award is hot. No? Are you guilty? Are you embarrassed?

No, Yu Fei and Hu Pei are still talented, and they have a good reputation. This is not their problem, don't involve them.

The Golden Melody Award is over.

It's better to go to the 'Very Cola Annual Music Situation'. Or the 'Global Golden Melody Awards Ceremony' held by a local station.

Boycott the Golden Melody Award for Garbage, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment!

Xu Qingya was a little relieved after reading the post for a long time.

Looking at the time, it was already 11 o'clock.

Uncle is not finished yet?

She put away the embroidery and left the room into the corridor.

The hallway has been silent.

After a day of shooting, everyone was tired and many went to bed early.

nightlife? nonexistent.

Xu Qingya was actually very tired, so she covered her mouth and yawned a few times.

But she still wanted to see Uncle.

Everyone in the crew is tired.

But the busiest and most tiring person is the uncle.

It's just that he never said, never complained.

When she came to Du Caige's door, Xu Qingya knocked gently on the door and waited.

Some people like to slap the door, and if the person inside doesn't open it, they'll keep slapping it.

Xu Qingya is not like this.

She only tapped lightly a few times, and if there was no movement inside for a long time, if she knocked a few more times, she would leave before there was any movement.

This is what her parents taught her since she was a child, give others a little respect and leave some dignity.

Du Caige opened the door very quickly today.

After looking at the door, although he is not unkempt, his eyes are a bit wandering, as if he is working on creation.

Xu Qingya smiled and said, Uncle, the Golden Melody Awards are over.

Du Caige woke up like a dream: Oh, oh, sorry, I forgot. Come in and sit.

Saying that, he went back to the laptop, Sit by yourself for a while, I'll finish writing this paragraph.

Xu Qingya looked around, and the uncle's personal habits were fine. Although the house was not particularly clean, at least no clothes and socks were thrown around, and there was no paper scraps on the ground. The bedding was also squarely stacked on the head of the bed.

She wanted to help clean up, but looked around but found there was nothing to do.

So she leaned behind Du Caige and craned her neck to take a look.

[What happened?] Ye Xiu looked around in a daze, and found that although the lights on the first floor were not on, there were quite a few people, and even a lot of people were crowding the aisle.

On the wall in the south, there is a 200-inch projection screen hanging high, with light and shadow floating, a video is playing, and the sound echoes throughout the Internet cafe. Everyone is quiet...

It's very graphic, and the text seems to be more delicate than the previous Romance of the Dragon and Snake, Xu Qingya thought.

Without disturbing the uncle's writing, Xu Qingya sat on the bedside and waited for him to finish writing.

After a while, she felt tired, so she took off her shoes, put her feet on the bed, and sat curled up, forcibly fighting the sleepiness.

She just wanted to say a few words to the uncle after he finished writing.

The uncle has been in a lot of trouble during this time, and what happened to Wang Dongni also made him sad.

You have to comfort him, keep him in the best shape and make the movie well.

But...why are you so sleepy...

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