I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

The four hundred and sixtieth chapters are difficult to distinguish between true and false

Haha, haha, so it is. Brother Hemingway, you are really discerning. Those people still want to play tricks in front of you. It's really a big knife in front of Guan Gong. Then, how did you deal with this matter? Li Minjun's pair doesn't count. In the big eyes, at this time, the eye waves are rippling, and it looks a bit charming.

However, Du Caige suspected that he was disguised as a man, but he didn't feel disgusted.

Du Caige was also a little drunk at this time, and the wine in the cup was refilled again. This was the third cup.

Although each cup is about one or two, he is not a big drinker.

He smiled relaxedly, It's not easy to deal with, after all, there is no one behind the other party. So let them return the money and send the crew. What else can you do? If you really sue, they will be behind the scenes. The face of some people is not good. I am actually very impatient with these personnel matters, and I just want to make movies with peace of mind. But if these things are not handled properly, it will only slow down the speed of filming.

Brother, you are still soft. Li Minjun said.

Du Caige just laughed.

In fact, after chatting for a while, he has basically determined that Li Minjun, the so-called film producer, was either made up or just bragged.

Or, just entered the line.

Because although Li Minjun has no major mistakes in common sense, as long as it involves details, it is full of mistakes and omissions.

What's more, after chatting for so long, Li Minjun didn't say which movie he was the producer in.

A producer without a work, huh, just like the boss of a leather bag company.

Looking at Du Caige's face, Li Minjun smiled and said, Brother, I actually lied to you about something before.

Oh? Du Caige's tone was light.

It can't be said to be a lie, it's just that I didn't tell the truth. Li Minjun raised his glass, and Du Caige touched him.

After drinking the glass of wine, Du Caige smiled and said, Everyone meet by chance, you don't need to be completely frank with me. You can say as much as you want, I don't mind.

Brother, you are so open-minded, Li Minjun smiled, and then said seriously, I don't really know much about movies. My producer? Is it my boyfriend who put a layer of skin on me for some reason?

Du Caige smiled and said nothing.

But it's not that I don't understand movies at all.

I did a group performance in Hengdian? Some small drama theaters on the north side have also played tricks. About acting? About movies, I still know a little bit.

Du Caige nodded: You are not a complete layman.

When I was doing group performances, I saw a lot of interesting things. Brother Hemingway, you are in front of the director? I'm afraid you don't know a lot of things under the hood? Li Minjun laughed? I'll pick a few to tell you.

As he spoke, he told a few short stories vividly, all of which happened to him or to people he knew when he was performing in a group.

Du Caige listened? He tasted it carefully? He felt that these things should have happened in real life.

On Earth, he has heard similar stories in the film and television industry.

I just don't know if Li Minjun really experienced this, or if it was anecdotal and made up as a joke.

At this time, Li Minjun came closer mysteriously and bit his lip? He smiled very femininely.

Du Caige couldn't help frowning, how far away.

Brother Hemingway? Now that we're chatting, let me tell you something I personally experienced. But it's illegal? Don't spread it!

Then, Li Minjun said brightly? He used to disguise himself as a woman? He played fairy dance with his boyfriend near Hengdian?

However, Li Minjun's storytelling ability is good, and he speaks quite interestingly, as if he is in the scene.

Du Caige listened carefully, but he couldn't hear any obvious loopholes. The content of the story was completely logical, and the feelings were very real. Maybe this Li Minjun really played fairy dance...

What the hell, Du Caige thought to himself, your taste is really heavy, bro...or an old girl.

Du Caige was a little unpredictable about Li Minjun's character.

However, as a person who meets by chance and chats to relieve boredom, it is not bad.

So Du Caige didn't comment on his three views, there's no need for that.

Just have fun talking.

In exchange, Du Caige also told him a few interesting things that happened in the crew he had been in.

Originally, Du Caige planned to leave after drinking the third cup, but ended up drinking the fifth cup in a daze.

At this time, Li Minjun also drank a lot. He was no longer so elated, and became a lot more silent, with pain in his eyes from time to time.

What's wrong, brother Li, what unhappy things do you remember? Du Caige asked casually.

Just remembering the past, Li Minjun said with strong emotion, My family of origin is not very good, my father always beats my mother, my mother can't stand it, and I divorced my father when I was very young. .

After they divorced, I spent time with my dad, but sometimes I also went to my mom for a while. My mom didn't remarry, and later found several boyfriends. I was only in junior high school and was very thin. Once I went to my mother, her boyfriend insisted on taking me to drink.

My mother didn't stop me. I got dizzy after a few sips. Her boyfriend asked her to go out to play, and she actually went out to play cards. Then her boyfriend forced me...

After feeling sad, Li Minjun smiled to himself, But it's not a bad thing for me, I didn't endure much hardship, but I was very happy. After that, I realized that I was gay and I wasn't interested in women. , I only like men.

That is, after that incident, I didn't want to study anymore. I came out and fooled around before I graduated from high school. Later, I became a group performer. I met a lot of people. I finally met my current boyfriend.

Saying that, he took another sip of wine.

Du Caige had some sympathy, but after sympathy, he wondered, is this the real thing, or is it a joke made up by Li Minjun?

Du Caige couldn't believe it, and he couldn't believe it at all, because this Li Minjun didn't seem to be lying at all when he spoke, and he was very emotional.

In short, Du Caige finally decided to listen to half of everything, just listen to a story.

As for the truth, let's not look into it.

After drinking his fifth glass of wine, Du Caige stood up, shook it a little, and said, Brother Li, I've almost finished drinking. I have something to do when I wake up early tomorrow, so I'll go back to rest today. Let's have a drink next time. !

In fact, he didn't have much sincerity in what he said. He didn't exchange mobile phone numbers, LL numbers, or business cards with Li Minjun.

Just a scene.

Li Minjun also smiled and said, Okay, Brother Hemingway, I hope to see you again in the future. I will find a way to deal with your lack of money.

Du Caige said casually before that the company still has a funding gap of one or two hundred million, and it was precisely because he did not know Li Minjun that he complained about it.

If it is an acquaintance, he will not say it.

Hearing Li Minjun's statement at this time, Du Caige didn't take it to heart at all. This is obviously just a scene.

If you really want to help, why don't you even ask your own phone number?

He waved his hand and smiled and said, There's no need to force it, okay, that's it, next time we talk.

Said and staggered out of the bar.

He drank five glasses of whisky, all of which were about 40 degrees, and the weight of one glass was about one or two.

With his alcohol capacity, he will be drunk again.

After walking a few steps after going out, he raised his hand, waved a taxi, and returned directly to the hotel.


After Du Caige left, Li Minjun stayed where he was, and continued to drink the remaining wine from his glass slowly.

After a while, he took out his phone, flipped through it, and selected a number to dial.

The other party answered quickly, President Cui, hello, what's the matter?

Li Minjun blurted out, a string of sweet female voices: That's right, you investigate the funding situation of Dreams and the recent operation, and then go to the Ministry of Culture to find out about those film and television projects that Dreams have recently declared. Yes. Evaluate these projects.

Which Dream Chasing Interactive Entertainment? Of course it's Hemingway, the Dream Chasing Interactive Entertainment opened by Duan Xiaochen.

If you have time, leave it to me within three days. All right, that's it.

Li Minjun hung up, put away the phone, his expression was cold, his eyes were sharp, and there was no trace of sadness.

She drank the wine in the glass, put down the glass, and turned to leave.

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