I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 475: The favored are always fearless

When you think of the word Tokyo, what comes to your mind?

In the lively Akihabara, people compete for beauty; in the feasting Kabukicho, blurred eyes and flaming red lips.

The colorful sky tree (Tokyo Tower), and Ueno Park with cherry blossoms dancing in the sky in spring.

Sensoji Temple and Meiji Jingu Shrine are said to be responsive. But which one is more amazing? It's always right to go to worship and ask for a magic talisman.

Shinjuku, Elements and Shibuya, which is more fashionable?

In another time and space, Du Caige has also been to Tokyo, but only in a hurry, there is no time to stop and enjoy it carefully.

Of course, this time, he didn't have much time to hang out.

Therefore, when making the itinerary, he did not add items such as going to Sensoji Temple for signing and going to Akihabara to buy a figure in the itinerary.

Instead, I plan to act on a whim, and if I can find time to come, let’s see where it is convenient to go.

When he walked out of the airport exit, he was still thinking about where to play when a fiery red figure flew over and flew straight into his arms.

Du Caige was caught off guard and could only hug Yiren tightly.

But when the beauty in his arms asked for a kiss, Du Caige took a half step back and gently pushed her away to express his rejection.

After all, this is a public place, so it would be bad if someone took pictures.

And not everyone in the company knew about his relationship with Duan Xiaochen.

For example, the few staff members who came here this time, except for Xiao Fang and Han Yi, all opened their mouths in surprise.

In a foreign country, Duan Xiaochen seems to no longer hide her passion, and Du Caige doesn't know if this is good or bad.

After a long time, Duan Xiaochen came out of his arms and held his hand.

Du Caige smiled and greeted Ouyang Jin and Jiang Juan who were accompanying him.

Ouyang Jin is now not simply Duan Xiaochen's manager, but the department manager of the artist's brokerage department.

And he was only transitioning in this position, Duan Xiaochen promised him a higher position.

This time, he accompanied Duan Xiaochen to Sakurajima for development.

It is also because he and Duan Xiaochen are quite familiar with each other and cooperate tacitly.

But he won't be here for long.

In the next six months, Duan Xiaochen will stay in Sakurajima most of the time, except to return to China to participate in the promotion of Old Boy and to rehearse a concert with the Grimace Band.

And Ouyang Jin will return to China with Du Caige.

Out of the airport, they immediately divided into two groups.

Under the leadership of Ouyang Jin, Han Yi and the ordinary staff took a minibus rented by the company to the apartment building rented by Dream Dream Entertainment in Tokyo.

Their level is not enough, and they are not on short-term business trips. They will stay here for as little as three months, and as long as a year and a half.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for them to live in a star-rated hotel every day.

Du Caige, together with Duan Xiaochen and Jiang Juan, took a luxury car to the hotel where Duan Xiaochen stayed.

It was already dark at this time, the northern time was noon, and the Tokyo time was noon.

The bright lights along the road, the endless crowds, the prominent billboards and neon lights on the street, all tell the richness and prosperity of this city.

In the entire Asian region, Tokyo is definitely a metropolis that can be seen in three places.

The first two are naturally the Magic Capital and the North.

Brother, I miss you so much! Duan Xiaochen leaned on Du Caige's shoulder and said in a silly tone.

Du Caige looked up at the driver.

He's from Sakurajima and doesn't understand what we're saying! Duan Xiaochen naturally knew what he was thinking.

Du Caige nodded, I miss you too.

Really? Duan Xiaochen bit his lip and looked at Du Caige with a half-smile, I thought there was little sister Xu with you, you don't have time to think about me at all.

Du Caige didn't know how to answer, so he just kept silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Duan Xiaochen became more courageous, and said resentfully, Look at me being considerate. When you took Sister Xu to the awards ceremony, I didn't bother you on the phone. Although I always wanted to You, I miss you, I just want to fly in front of you and hold you tightly. But I still hold back.

Du Caige continued to be silent.

Duan Xiaochen was a little uneasy, looked at Du Caige's face secretly, moved his lips a few times, but stopped talking.

Seeing her expression, she seemed to want to apologize.

Therefore, the favored is always fearless.

Obviously, when she was working hard to make money outside, Du Caige, a scumbag, was flirting with girls in China, and she didn't keep her husband's way.

But Du Caige did not speak with a sullen face, but she began to reflect on whether she did something wrong and spoke too much.

After a long time, Du Caige said, Let's talk about this at the hotel. Long time no see, tell me about your recent affairs first.

How long does it take, it's only more than ten days. Duan Xiaochen's mouth curled into a beautiful arc.

Jiang Juan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat in front, also breathed a sigh of relief.

As a woman, of course she was upset for Duan Xiaochen.

But as a member of the company, she only hoped that the two bosses of the company would not quarrel; even if it was inevitable (she felt that it would definitely quarrel), at least not to tear her face.

When she saw Duan Xiaochen die, Jiang Juan was actually so shocked that her eyeballs fell out.

Because these days, she and Duan Xiaochen get along day and night, and she is the person who knows Duan Xiaochen's emotions the most.

Duan Xiaochen is busy, participating in various shows and fan meetings, trying to become one of the most influential singers in Sakurajima as quickly as possible, sleeping less than an hour a day.

Duan Xiaochen is naturally miserable. He often shouts that he doesn't want to do it. If he wants to go back, he would rather not be an international queen...

Of course, after venting, she will continue to receive various announcements in a sullen mood.

She said that since this is what Du Caige hopes, she must do her best, even if she is tired, she will take care of herself in the future. Du Caige is ambitious, and he must not hold him back.

In Jiang Juan's view, Duan Xiaochen is one of the few good women in the world.

Obviously she is the queen of heaven, with hundreds of millions of net worth, beautiful appearance and sweet voice, and such a great figure.

And it is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a gentle and kind heart, delicate, considerate, and know how to take care of people.

It is not too much for such a woman to be spoiled by a man on the moon!

But how did this genius Hemingway treat us Duan Tianhou?

Duan Tianhou attended events during the day and night, and was too busy to touch the ground.

When I get back to the hotel, I have to listen to his love affair with a certain person, and spend every day with a little girl who is less than one year old.

Now those people in the northern cultural circle think that Xiao Xu is someone's serious girlfriend.

How can this make Duan Tianhou feel bad?

Not to mention washing his face with tears, but these days, as far as Jiang Juan has seen, Duan Xiaochen is indeed depressed and sighed all day long.

He also cursed and swore that when Du Caige came to Tokyo, he would make him look good.

But now...

Du Caige really came to Tokyo, and Duan Xiaochen immediately turned into a tiger without claws, as docile as a civet cat that just ate dried fish.

Du Caige's face was a little stern, but Duan Xiaochen didn't dare to come out.

Jiang Juan really couldn't see it from the side.

You can't be so humble when you love someone!

But this kind of thing, although she was full of righteous indignation, she really wanted to comfort Duan Xiaochen, and then pointed at Du Caige's nose and scolded him.

But there is no place for her to speak.

After all, she is only Duan Xiaochen's life assistant, not a close friend.

As for the scolding pointed at Du Caige's nose... She said that her current job is quite satisfactory, and she doesn't want to change jobs.

Brother, Xiao Xu... Duan Xiaochen couldn't help but speak.

Du Caige frowned slightly, Let's go back to the hotel.

Duan Xiaochen came down like an eggplant beaten by frost.


So...the current situation, how to deal with it? President Shen, please give your instructions. In the smoky office, Rongke, the operation director of the Duolaimi music platform, looked very haggard.

Not only were his eyes red, but he had obviously not had a good rest for several days. There were also obvious blisters on the corners of his mouth, and his eyebrows were drooping.

The rest of the people, although their expressions are not good-looking, but not to this extent.

After all, the Duolaimi music platform was ordered to stop operating for rectification, and he was the first responsible person.

On the contrary, Shen Jinsong's expression was calm, like a pool of water without waves.

Although everyone knows that the Duo Laimi platform suffered the most damage, he was the one who suffered the most.

Subconsciously tapping on the table with his finger, Shen Jinsong finally said, The person who should be looked for has already been found, and the relationship that should be run has also disappeared. All I can say is that I want to bypass this matter and try to solve the problem. Very likely.

The whole room was frowning.

Shen Jinsong took a deep breath, Director Rong, I have wronged you. Next, you will be transferred to the performing arts department. Please continue to work hard in your new position.

Rongke lowered his head ...Yes.

Taking this matter seriously, he took the blame for Shen Jinsong.

After all, it was Shen Jinsong who proposed to ignore the lawyer's letter from Hemingway and continue to use Hemingway's songs.

And now, they have tasted the bitter fruit of doing so.

Rongke was interviewed, and the Duolaimi music platform stopped operating for a month for self-examination and rectification.

After one month, the relevant departments will come to check and accept. If the rectification fails, the shutdown time will be extended.

Manager Han.

Han Peilin, the technical manager of the Duolaimi music platform, cheered up, Mr. Shen!

You temporarily take over the Duo Laimi platform, follow the instructions of your superiors, and make adjustments as soon as possible. The music that should be removed will be removed, and the money should be paid. In short, there can be no more copyright problems... No, there can be no problems. Yes. Even if the other party wants to pick on the thorns, they won't be able to pick out any faults.

Understood President Shen, I will do it well. Han Peilin replied seriously.

That's it, adjourn the meeting. Shen Jinsong announced with little interest.

His heart was not so calm on the surface.

You could say he was bleeding.

He knew very well that the Duo Laimi platform was over.

It's basically impossible to come back to life.

This is a loss of hundreds of millions to him!

I really don't know where the little brat surnamed Du got so much energy.

If I had known this earlier... I would have dealt with it more cautiously!

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