I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 479 Duan Xiaochen, conquer Sakurajima

Du Caige walked for a while, and compared the songs stored in his mind with the styles of some songs he heard tonight.

For example, there is a song that he likes very much, not to mention the problem of language barrier, that style of music is absolutely unacceptable in the music market of Dahuaguo.

But Sakurajima might like it very much.

On the one hand, there is Sakurajima, which is greatly influenced by the music of Starstripe and Europa.

In addition, their musicians are more daring to explore.

Of course, Du Caige only thought a little about this musical issue.

In fact, he hopes to have more contact with the filmmakers on Sakurajima.

On Earth, Japanese movies are also quite stylized and once dominated the Asian region.

They have animated films with unique styles, live-action comics, etc; out of his own style.

Du Caige can close his eyes and speak out dozens of Japanese movies that left a deep impression on him without breathing.

Samurai movies Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Zatoichi, One Point of the Samurai, Twilight Seibei, Thirteen Assassins.

Very individual and special aesthetic films such as Battle Royale, Extremely Evil, Icy Tropical Fish, Sin of Love, Black Gospel, Brain Man, Library War and so on.

There are also some thought-provoking or tear-jerking movies such as The Undertaker, I heard that Kirishima is going to retire, If the cat disappeared from the world, Flower and Alice and so on.

Unforgettable animated films Spirited Away, City in the Sky, The Witch's Delivery Service, Ponyo on the Cliff, The Wind Rises, Your Name, The Girl Who Traveled Through Time, Centimeters per Second Evangelion...

As well as the excellent comic book movies , Rurouni Kenshin, Hot-Blood High School, Parasitic Beast, Gintama...

Of course, we can't forget that there are also the horror films The Grudge and Midnight Bell, and Utsunomiya-sensei's Investigator series... Well, it seems that something strange is mixed in.

In Celeste, Sakurajima's film industry is a little behind, but some solitary-style things still fascinate him.

there is a chance later,

Still have to come over and make some interesting movies with the filmmakers here.

There are some good scripts based on Japanese culture, which can also be invested by Dream Dream Interactive Entertainment and handed over to the excellent directors of Sakurajima to shoot.

After all, the cultures of Dahuaguo and Sakurajima are still different. It is very difficult for the director of Dahuaguo to capture that charm.

But the director of Sakurajima can understand the small thoughts, small tastes, and small connotations of those Sakurajima people.

It's a good idea, but it's still a good idea to sift through director candidates.

Time passed quickly.

As Duan Xiaochen's appearance got closer and closer, Du Caige was already a little tired and numb, but at this time he continued to cheer up.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, and when he took it out, it turned out that Duan Xiaochen had sent a text message.

So nervous! Please hug for comfort.

Du Caige smiled and typed back quickly, You have experienced concerts with tens of thousands of people, so what are you afraid of. Those poor people in Sakurajima, they have unfortunately never heard your sound of nature before, so hurry up and conquer them. ears!

Order! Duan Xiaochen replied briefly.


Du Caige smiled and sat up straight.

It's past eleven o'clock.

The first round of battle begins.

In this round, although the singers of the red group have long hair and long skirts, they are dressed in fancy dresses, and they are painted with thick smoky makeup, which looks charming and beautiful.

But he, yes, it's him, not her! This is not a female singer, but a male singer in women's clothing!

Women's clothing is very popular in Sakurajima. At present, there are many male singers who like women's clothing in the pop music scene in Sakurajima, and there are a lot of diehard fans.

Du Caige is a little hard to appreciate, but in Sakurajima, this is a kind of pop culture, so this year's red and white song festival, for the first time, allowed male singers to take the stage in women's clothing and join the red group to sing.

With a very neutral voice, the singer put on a splendid performance and won the house.

Immediately after the first round, the white group singer came on stage. His performance was not long, only more than a minute, and he sang to the end soon.

Beside Du Caige, a person from the cultural circle who just met said, Du Sang, Miss Duan is going to appear. I hope she can play well!

Thank you!

Just after this simple conversation ended, the host of the red group had already announced Duan Xiaochen's appearance.

The prelude sounded.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Duan Xiaochen did not show up, and the singing had already echoed in the studio hall.

The snowflakes that started to fall covered the footprints.

There is only a single me in the white world.

The wind whispers in my heart.

Du Caige heard it clearly, and several audience members around were dumbfounded and murmured Si Guoyi.

At this time, Duan Xiaochen finally appeared on the stage.

Of course, she was wearing the long blue dress of Princess Elsa in Frozen, which was ordered by Du Caige after she learned that she was invited to participate in the red and white song party, but it took a lot of money. less money.

Of course, the effect of wearing it is also worthy of the expensive cost.

The gorgeous blue dress was slightly adjusted by the costume designer according to Duan Xiaochen's body shape and skin tone, and it fit perfectly.

With every move and every move, there are jewels swaying, just like the Snow Queen came to the world.

And her agile eyes are not inferior to the jewelry on her body.

The person sitting next to Du Caige murmured, The voice is so beautiful, and the person is so beautiful... When God was blowing her breath to give her life, he accidentally gave her too much divinity...

This guy is also a deeply westernized Sakurajima, and he is God when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth.

Du Caige simply closed his eyes and concentrated on Duan Xiaochen's singing.

There is a saying on the sports field Mr. Big Scene, some athletes, the more they are in the key game, the better they can play.

Duan Xiaochen is the same.

In her concerts, she performed at the highest level, even surpassing the level in the studio.

And this time, on the highest stage of Sakurajima, she also showed a higher level. Her voice made people feel erratic, and her mood fluctuated with the ups and downs of her voice.

Dancing in the sky depicts memories.

Blooming ice flowers seem to be frozen.

Resolve to shine, and that's fine.

Start liking yourself and that's fine.

Then soon, Duan Xiaochen seamlessly switched to the English version of singing, ,.




Du Caige clearly heard someone whispering next to him, Is this an English lyrics? It's so well written! I really hope this version can be poured into it!

Such a positive energy song made the audience intoxicated. Most of them seemed to be hypnotized. Even though they didn't know how to sing this song, they swayed their bodies and shook their heads to the rhythm.

The charm of music is fully reflected in this moment.

After singing, Duan Xiaochen didn't stop. The music was re-arranged by her and smoothly transitioned to the prelude of Millions of Possibilities.

After the audience applauded for a while, when she saw that she was about to sing again, they quickly stopped applauding, for fear of disturbing her.

Duan Xiaochen smiled, her eyes did not look for Du Caige, and she sang confidently, In the past, Zhuang Zhou dreamed as a butterfly. Dreaming, a butterfly is vivid.

Floating, Die doesn't know Zhou.

When you are awake, you will be stunned.

After a few years, finally once again, Chinese songs were sung on the stage of the Red and White Song Festival.

The people of Sakurajima in the audience could only be amazed with their mouths open.

Since the culture of Sakurajima originated from the culture of Dahuaguo, people in the cultural circle of Sakurajima are proud to know the ancient culture of Dahuaguo.

A person from Sakurajima, if he does not know a few lines of Tang poetry and Song poetry, such as Boundless Falling Trees and Xiaoxiaoxia, Smokes in the Desert, Straight Rivers and Sunsets, will not cite scriptures and say a few words It is a pleasure to have friends from afar, Shooting If you don't do it, you will seek for yourself, then you are embarrassed to say that you are a cultural person.

Like what historical records, Zhouyi, like what a hundred schools of thought, are the points that hit them the most.

Looking at the lyrics typed on the big screen and seeing the allusions of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie perfectly integrated into the artistic conception of a popular song, the Sakurajima people present did not know how to express their excitement except for Siguoyi. .

They all understand and know how wonderful the lyrics are.

And this Million Possibilities, on the one hand, the song is really good, and on the other hand, the lyrics make them feel unknown and serious.

I always feel so awesome, so awesome.

Especially when Duan Xiaochen sang Zhuang Zhou dreams of Hu Die, and Hu Die is Zhuang Zhou. One becomes more and more easy, everything is good, and you drift with the cold flowers.

I know that the Penglai water is clear and shallow again.

Rich and noble are like this, what do you ask for, the wind blows me away...

The strong cultural flavor and the feeling of being full of force made even the most reserved Sakurajima people couldn't help exclaiming and applauding.

Du Caige felt that he should be more objective. He clearly heard the warmest applause storm tonight.


When Duan Xiaochen left the stage, the applause continued for a long time.

The audiences in front of and behind Du Caige were discussing the song enthusiastically.

The cultural person who greeted him before smiled and said, Toussaint, I used to like this song you wrote. If you are free in the next few days, please allow me to visit and ask you for advice.

No problem, I have your contact information. When the time comes, we can come out to drink sake and talk about music. Du Caige replied casually.


Although Duan Xiaochen has already withdrawn.

The audience still used waves of applause to express their love and reluctance to her. I hope she will continue to stay on this stage and present more beautiful songs.

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