I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 587 Xiao Xu was scolded and cried

Jokes aside, of course Du Caige wouldn't do anything to Xu Qingya during filming.

But when it came to shooting in the afternoon, he knew in his heart that he really had to comfort Xu Qingya at night.

The shooting in the afternoon has been going on for 2 hours. During this period, Xu Qingya has NG dozens of times, and re-shooting with a different set of shots, but still did not meet Du Caige's requirements.

The staff and other actors present could see that Xu Qingya lowered her head to cover her red eyes, but she barely managed to stop crying, and she was all pitiful.

Although Du Caige didn't say anything rude, but he was stern and sarcastic, even an old fritter can't stand it, let alone a young actor like Xu Qingya.

Especially since her debut, her first movie has been well received, and her first series Love Apartment has also been highly praised.

Now it can be said that she has encountered setbacks for the first time.

What's more, in Xu Qingya's subconscious, she must be conscious that she has a special relationship with Du Caige, and she also hopes to get special attention without having to declare it. There must be such a thought, which is human nature.

But now, in front of so many people, he was scolded by him, showing no mercy at all.

She was in tears at the moment, which was understandable.

Luo Hengzuo couldn't help shrinking his head. He could already imagine the storms that he might encounter when shooting his own scene tomorrow.

Take a 10-minute break. Du Caige suppressed his anger and tried to announce in a calm tone.

Xu Qingya immediately lowered her head and hurried to the nanny car next to her.

Du Caige also closed his eyes wearily.

There are many staff chatting.

Actually, I think Xiao Xu played very well.

I think so too, but Director Du is not satisfied. What can I do? He is the director, so listen to him.

Director Du is too strict. This has been filmed for a few days. How many useful shots have been saved? He also said that it is impossible to finish before the Spring Festival.

He has his own ideas. You should talk less and do more. You still sympathize with Xiao Xu, do you know how many times her salary is yours? You are pitiful when you see her being scolded.

You never thought how cool she was when she received money?

For a different crew, she still has such a high salary and won't be scolded.

After all, it was Director Du who discovered her debut, and if she scolds her a few words, she can only suffer.

Du Caige ignored the gossip, and after a short rest, he began to think about the next shooting.


In the nanny's car, Xu Qingya couldn't hold back her tears, and her tears kept falling like beads with a broken thread.

The nanny Xiao Zhang, who was assigned to her by the company, panicked and kept comforting her, but to no avail.

At this time, someone got in from the back of the car and leaned forward, I knew you were hiding here and crying.

Xu Qingya wiped it off immediately and smiled, You come to see my joke?

How can you, Miss Big Star, in this crew, the only person who is qualified to watch your jokes is Xin Wanxin. I am so transparent, how can I be qualified to see your jokes? Liu Yuxi pursed her lips and chuckled. .

Xu Qingya snorted: Then what if you are qualified?

Liu Yuyan glanced at her, Of course you have to watch your jokes. You don't know, your career is going so smoothly, your debut is the end of many people's struggles, and you are loved by thousands, and you have the number one man in the literary and art world. God spoils you. Everyone wants to see you go downhill!

Xu Qingya stuck out her tongue: Exaggerated.

She knew that Liu Yuyan was joking with her. After all, the two had a good relationship.

Previously in the cast of Zhuxian, Xu Qingya played Lu Xueqi, and Liu Yuyan played Jin Ping'er of the Hehuan faction. They also helped each other in the cast.

But what Liu Yuyan said does not necessarily represent the dark psychology of some people. Even she herself may have had such thoughts.

Liu Yuyan scrutinized her for a while: It seems to be alright.

It's fine in the first place, but the pressure is a bit heavy, let's vent. My master used to scold me for scolding me! Uncle, this is nothing at all. Xu Qingya was still stubborn.

Liu Yuyan smiled and said to the nanny Xiao Zhang, Take good care of your family Xiao Xu, I'll be leaving tomorrow.

Xiao Zhang nodded again and again.

Xu Qingya was a little surprised: You haven't finished filming yet, have you?

I'm going to the Immortal Sword crew, I'm going to play tricks and make some money to celebrate the New Year, Liu Yuyan smiled and leaned forward, rubbing Xu Qingya's little head, I didn't have a lot of scenes here, and there was only one fight scene left. Director Du said to shoot later.

Xu Qingya nodded and said, I hope everything goes well with you.

You should also put your mind at ease. Director Du cares too much about this film, and he will definitely be very strict. You can no longer demand yourself with the previous standards.

Xu Qingya actually thought of this, but the girl's mood was up, and she was somewhat unhappy.

But Liu Yuyan said this with good intentions, and Xu Qingya responded with a smile: I know. I won't make trouble with Uncle.

After Liu Yuxi walked away, Xu Qingya adjusted for a while before letting Xiao Zhang carefully wipe her face with a wet towel, and then went to touch up her makeup.

By the time she got back in front of the camera, she was back to normal.

Du Caige asked her blankly, Have you had enough rest? Do you want to rest a little longer?

I'm resting! I'm in good shape now! Xu Qingya said unconvinced.

Then try it. Game 118, shot 4, get ready.

Stop. Do it again!

Stop. It's a little bit more interesting, come again.

Stop. Didn't you say you're in good condition? That's called being in good condition? Go and rest for a while. Du Caige didn't lose his temper anymore, he just changed a set of shots to shoot, and sent Xu Qingya aside.

Xu Qingya was so angry that she wanted to cry again, but after thinking about it, she held it back, holding her breath and sitting beside her angrily, watching other people's filming.

Next, Du Caige shot a few less important scenes, including Liu Yuyan and Xu Zhaoyang, and they all went well.

But Xu Qingya watched with a cold eye, but felt that Du Caige's requirements for them were very loose.

For example, in Liu Yuxi's performance, if he was doing it himself, he would definitely be called stop and start over by the uncle.

In the end, Liu Yuxi took two shots and it was over.

Xu Qingya was a little unconvinced, but she didn't make a sound.

After another hour, the sky was getting dark, and Du Caige called her over and continued to shoot her.

Xu Qingya felt that her state was not very good. She was tired, lost, and lacked self-confidence. She always felt that something was missing.

But after one shot, Du Caige looked at the monitor, pondered for a moment, and said, It's over. Prepare for the next shot! Makeup artist, touch up her makeup. Props team, check the props!

Xu Qingya couldn't believe it.

She felt that her performance just now was far from being as good as before.

Under the bafflement, she became more and more confused, but surprisingly, Du Caige seemed to be very satisfied with her current performance, and it always passed after one or two times.

After a few consecutive passages, Xu Qingya thought to herself, perhaps her state was better than she imagined, and practice makes perfect.

Thinking like this, confidence is reborn.

But in the next scene, Du Caige was not satisfied, and kept shouting to stop and retake.

Later, seeing that it was getting late, I simply said, Forget it, I'll be here today, and continue tomorrow.

Liu Zifei went to ask him: Do you want to continue shooting at night?

In fact, because the current progress is seriously lagging behind, Liu Zifei is worried that the shooting plan will not be completed on time.

But Du Caige thought about it and refused: Everyone have a good rest and raise your spirits.

He told Luo Hengzuo again, and said, It's up to you tomorrow.

Luo Hengzuo was apprehensive, but he couldn't back down at this time. He could only pat his chest and make sure he was in the best condition.

When eating the lunch box at night, Xu Qingya didn't go to Du Caige.

Instead, it was eaten in silence.

After eating, she thought about it, but she still couldn't do it.

Don't even practice gong anymore, go knock on Du Caige's door.

I knew you would come here, Du Caige saw her standing awkwardly at the door, never seen her like this before, he suddenly laughed and pulled her into the room, Come and tell me, what are your thoughts? .

No idea. At this time, Xu Qingya naturally couldn't be angry anymore, she just didn't understand, I just find it strange, when I feel that I am in a good state, you always say no. When I feel that my state is not good, you Let me go through it once. Uncle, is this really okay?

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