I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 593: The style that Du Caige wants

Du Caige doesn't think that there is any action movie on earth that can be called the pinnacle of action movies.

Because he feels that the best action movie is always the next one.

peak? It's far from here.

With the evolution of photographic equipment and the advancement of photography concepts, various methods of skillfully using live footage to create action effects have become more and more mature.

Many dazzling action scenes can be achieved even without the use of expensive special effects.

For example, The Bourne is represented. When depicting the fighting scene, the camera is almost attached to the characters, so that the audience can feel the tension and excitement of the scene and the danger of those close-fitting bunts.

For example, Hardcore Henry, which uses a first-person perspective to present action scenes, is also unique.

For example, Sword Rain combines the shooting of traditional martial arts and some methods of modern new school, and the action design is beautiful.

The part where Monk Lu Zhu taught Drizzle the Four Moves of Swordsmanship, the movements were graceful and like a dragon, is it so beautiful that it makes people cry?

Bourne Bourne has at least one more good story.

The stories of Hardcore Henry and Jianyu are actually quite weak and have problems with logic, but they have been widely praised, which is really because the action scenes are so well shot.

Although on earth, Du Caige is not famous for shooting action movies, but it is not that he has no knowledge of action movies.

Du Caige can stand on the shoulders of giants, and he has valuable experience from many directors on Earth. He can learn from many techniques and concepts that have not yet been developed in Azure Star.

This is a kung fu movie, a Chinese martial arts movie. It doesn't need all kinds of exaggerated special effects, it doesn't need some energy to make an explosion, and it doesn't need the actors to fly around with Weiya hanging.

This is not a traditional martial arts movie. Most of the performance techniques in martial arts movies in the past cannot be copied.

Du Caige can learn from Chinese movies that have unique features in action design and camera usage. Earlier there were Fighting Heroes, and contemporary Slaying the Wolf, Embroidered Spring Knife, Master and Arrower Liu Bai Ape and other excellent works.

In the case of Jianyu, after removing those high-level elements, some motion designs can also be called textbooks.

Excellent foreign action movies,

That's not a lot.

Such as the raid series.

Such as the Bourne Bourne series.

For example, in recent years, the Fast Pursuit series.

The first few Pirates of the Caribbean are actually not bad in terms of action design and camera usage.

There are several Japanese films that can be used for reference, such as the live-action trilogy of Rurouni Kenshin, the Blood High School series and Thirteen Assassins shot by Takashi Miike, etc. These are all realistic styles and are very suitable for reference.

There is also the Witch that Du Caige appreciates. The plot of this film is not evaluated, only the action scenes are mentioned, which can be said to be refreshing.

It is obvious that the protagonist witch has supernatural powers and is extremely powerful, not a normal person, and the effect of fighting is very exaggerated, breaking through walls, smashing steel plates, and squeezing her head with one hand, but the scene looks extremely real.

Your intellect tells you this is fake, but your eyes, your brain, tells you it's real.

Of course, we can't forget Kung Fu Panda. Although the protagonist is a panda and the supporting characters are a group of animals, although there are many magic and fantasy elements, the action design is really unique.

Of course, Du Caige didn't plan to make his martial arts a hodgepodge.

It is impossible to borrow, borrow, and wear away your own style.

No matter what you want to learn from, you must first have your own.

Without something of your own, the style cannot be unified, and the resulting film will be messy.

So what kind of style should the fighting scene of the national art style universe that you want to create?

Du Caige also thought about it for a long time.

First of all, Chinese martial arts should feel very real to people, punch to the flesh, have muscle feedback, have the limits of the human body, can't fly around, can't hit cows in the air - you can spit qi to hit the air an inch, you can grab If someone else's arm shakes, they will dislocate a few bones, but it's really not good to beat a cow in the air.

It is possible to predict bullet dodging in advance, but it must not be described in the way of bullet time.

This is a realistic action movie, not a sci-fi movie.

Well, one of the styles he wants to show is realism.

To feel real.

Secondly, because in Dragon and Snake Romance, the actual combat nature of Chinese martial arts has been emphasized, and Chinese martial arts are divided into practice methods and playing methods.

So how to express the danger of play?

You can learn from The Bourneage and use some short-distance lenses to shoot close to the actors, showing the fast-paced, fierce, and dangerous in the fighting process.

Once again, Dan Jin masters fight, after all, it is not a street gang fight.

In addition to reflecting the danger and cruelty of the fight, they must also reflect their atmosphere and grandmaster demeanor.

Then you need to attach great importance to the beauty of the lens, which can be learned from several action movies in Japan. Especially the Rurouni Kenshin trilogy.

Let's take a look at Kenshin VS Sojiro (the first fight), Kenshin's fight against Zhi Zhixiong is true, Sagara Zuanosuke VS Anci, and Kiyojuro is pointing to Kenshin's profound meaning in the bamboo forest.

The use of light and color, the arrangement of props, are all beautiful.

The design of the combat action is both practical and ritualistic.

It is indeed a movie worth learning.

Otomo Keishi's skill is not in shaping characters.

At least Ken Sato, who played Kenshin (who also starred in If the cat disappeared from the world), did not have a particularly amazing performance under his hands.

However, the texture of the picture and the use of light are really textbook-level, which is worth learning by Du Caige.

Finally, props and post-production special effects should be used to reflect the cruelty of the battle, including blood plasma, broken bones, and residual limbs.

But it should not be disgusting, but should reflect the aesthetics of violence.

This can be learned from the Hot-blooded High School, Thirteen Assassins, even Violent Blocks, Assassin League, etc.

So to sum up, the key word: realism. Dangerous. Sharp. The beauty of the picture. sense of ceremony. Violent aesthetics.

This is the action style Du Caige intends to create in Wulin, and then in the entire martial arts movie universe.

Currently shooting these action scenes of Wang Chao and Huo Linger in Southeast Asia is a very important process.

This is a process in which Du Caige and the action guidance team are familiar with each other and run in with each other.

Let the two action directors really understand what they need, and then let them design the fighting scenes and actions that follow with their shooting style.

Although the time is short, the effect is not bad.

Su Yun and Zhao Zhekun are both people who are willing to learn constantly. They are not conservative. They always want to try new things with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Du Caige's cooperation with them, at least at this initial stage, has been very pleasant.

In addition to filming, Du Caige also revealed to them that he wanted to create a series of Dragon and Snake movies.

He didn't use the term movie universe, which doesn't exist yet on Celeste.

In fact, it is not necessary for him to say, just the name of the movie, One of the personal martial arts of Dragon and Snake Romance, has already revealed his ambitions.

This is properly developed in the direction of a series.

The action guide also has to eat. Knowing that they may get a long-term meal ticket, Zhao Zhekun and Su Yun will of course be more attentive.

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