I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 612 I want to see him!

After chatting a few words with these guys, Duan Xiaochen took Du Caige's hand and continued to walk inside.

Du Caige lowered his voice and laughed: It seems that you can make a smooth trip to the entertainment circle of Xingtiao Kingdom.

Duan Xiaochen said in a low voice, No, I'm new here, it's very difficult to get along in this circle.

They're all very nice and friendly with you. You talk to them very naturally, and it's like a queen.

Duan Xiaochen giggled: Friendship is just on the surface. In fact, this is what happens in this circle. On the surface, of course everyone is hello and me, but I don't know how to force it behind the scenes.

He added: When I first came to Xingtiaoguo to develop, I was actually very nervous, apprehensive, and worried about being excluded. Later, I found out that they are no different from those stars in our country. Male stars are all lustful, and female stars are all the same. I also like to tear up. Later, I didn't take them seriously, and my mind naturally calmed down.

Lustful? Du Caige frowned.

Duan Xiaochen was very satisfied with his lover's nervousness towards him, and laughed two small dimples: Don't worry, I won't give others any opportunity to take advantage of it.

They continued to walk inside, and from time to time, big-name stars who could name Du Caige came to greet them.

Moreover, the visitor already knew Du Caige's identity and took the initiative to say hello: Hi, Hemingway, you are here too, Collidio will be very happy!

This is no exaggeration.

Imagine Elon Musk coming to Christopher Nolan's party, and the latter is absolutely radiant and glowing.

As for why they know Du Caige's identity... Now that social software is so developed, Christo Esposito and others who met Du Caige before have already informed other stars.

Then one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and almost everyone at the party knows about it.

Even some people who didn't come to the party knew.


In an Aztec-style restaurant, a dark-skinned woman with a perfect body and a charming smile looked down at her phone and said, Carl, Hemingway was at Collidio's party! Damn, that stupid. The old Italian didn't like me and didn't send me invitations. This is a missed opportunity!

The handsome white young man across from her asked suspiciously, Dear Michelle,

What is this Hemingway you speak of?

Michelle gave him a charming look, Hemingway may be the best songwriter in the world, I want to meet him and ask him to write a song for me. Besides, your brother talks about it every day. A Song of Ice and Fire was written by Hemingway.

Is it him? I remembered, Carl was refreshed. He should be an interesting person. If you want to go, I will take you there.

That's great Karl, thank you! Michelle stood up immediately, bent down, and kissed Karl across the dining table.

This Carl is not her boyfriend, just a rich second generation who wants to get her to bed.

She can't open the door of Colidio's mansion with her face, and Karl can.

If you can ask Hemingway for a few songs... maybe she will have a chance to become the queen of heaven!


A middle-aged white man was lying on a massage table, covered with a white blanket, propped his head up, and swiped the touch screen of his mobile phone with one hand.

Two masseuses pinched on his back and legs respectively.

The indoor air conditioner is open, the temperature is suitable, and a few potted plants bloom delicately even in winter.

At this time, the social software on his mobile phone suddenly popped up a push message: Your friend Sophia has updated a message.

Thinking of Sophia's flamboyant body and pure and lustful face, the middle-aged white man licked his lips, I really want to invite that stunner out to play again. Unfortunately, that woman has too much appetite and has a lot of skills. Play very carefully with her, if given a chance, she will ask for more...

While thinking about it, he clicked on the push message to check what Sophia had updated.

He didn't care, just glanced at it casually, but after one glance, his eyes almost popped out.

I saw Sophia's update: Wow, cool, I finally met Hemingway. He is really a handsome oriental gentleman! Also, guess who his girlfriend is?

Below is a photo just taken.

In the photo, an oriental man with gentle eyes is talking to the famous movie star Leslie; in the past six months, Tianhou Duan, who has become half a star-striped country, is holding his hand and smiling.

Xie Te, when did he come to the Stars and Stripes! Why didn't anyone tell me! The middle-aged white man lifted the blanket and jumped off the massage table awkwardly, startling the two masseuses.

I have to go quickly! Get me some clothes! he said irritably.

Okay, Mr. Mayer! A masseuse quickly fetched his clothes. What happened, Mr. Mayer?

Xie Te, of course what happened, use your pig brain to think about it, I was massaging comfortably, why did I leave suddenly! It must be because I had to leave! Hell! That person has come to the Stars and Stripes, I must go see him immediately!

Who? Who's here?


Who is he?

Meyer replied irritably while buttoning his shirt: He's a writer, a billionaire. The book he's written is the greatest fantasy ever! I want to buy the copyright and make it into a movie!

The masseuse was an old acquaintance with him, and smiled: But you said that he is a billionaire, then what price are you going to pay to buy his copyright?

Fake, so don't make a fuss, I'm thinking about this! How can I impress him! But I have to buy the copyright of A Song of Ice and Fire. If I can't shoot this film myself, I will regret it lifelong!

I think, Mr. Mayer, you are the best director in Hollywood, that Hemingway will definitely consider it carefully. The masseuse flattered.

Sheet, I'm not the best director in Hollywood! Meyer said arrogantly, buttoning the last button, but the greatest!

The masseuse covered his mouth and chuckled.


Yan Yingzhen glanced at the phone, pouted, and threw it away casually.

She sat lazily on the sofa in front of the fireplace with a glass of Dalmore whisky, the cherry wood crackling and exuding a strong fruity aroma.

The firelight jumped on her delicate face, making her look radiant.

Is it okay? Stanley, CEO of Universal Pictures, held a glass with a stainless steel ball of ice immersed in the orange liquor.

It's nothing, Yan Yingzhen smiled slightly, Let's talk about agency distribution.

Stanley shrugged, Dear Yan, if you want to talk about agency distribution, you don't have to go there yourself, just let the people below talk about the little things. So, why don't you tell me directly, what do you want? what?

Yan Yingzhen stared at his brown eyes, took a sip of Da Mo, and said with a smile, You are a smart person, so I think you should have guessed a little.

The old fox smiled slyly: But I can't believe what I guessed. God, do you know how much resistance this will be? And if you really want to do it, don't talk to me, I'm not from Universal Pictures. Boss. You're going to talk about this, go talk to the guys at Comcast.

I will, Yan Yingzhen looked at the fireplace and seemed to turn the glass casually, but I want to talk to you first. After all, even if I buy Universal Pictures, I hope the management remains the same.

God, you really want to buy Universal Pictures. But with all due respect, it's useless for you to chat with me. The parent company Comcast will not sell Universal Pictures to you. Stanley's tone was firm.

Yan Yingzhen looked away from the fireplace and glanced at him indifferently, You are testing me? You don't have to. You know, Comcast is now in debt of more than 100 billion dollars. I think it is very likely that they will sell Universal Pictures. Big.

But Comcast also has $150 billion in assets and has been profitable for three years in a row.

However, Universal Pictures has been losing money year after year.

This hurts so much! Stanley exaggerated, clutching his chest.

Yan Yingzhen sat up a little, I know that the loss of Universal Pictures is not your problem, you are a very capable CEO. If I buy Universal Pictures, I believe you can make Universal Pictures profitable. As for Comcast Will it be sold... I am willing to take over Universal Pictures to help Comcast solve a big problem. Moreover, Comcast and I will have a lot of business dealings in the past and in the future. There is a deep friendship among the top executives of Te. You think they will sell it?

When he heard Yan Yingzhen say you are a capable person, an inexplicable light flashed in Stanley's eyes.

But he still shook his head: Friendship is friendship, business is business, they won't sell it.

Yan Yingzhen smiled confidently: Let's see what happens.

She took a sip from her glass and thought, Of course I know they won't sell it. What I really want to buy is not Universal Pictures either...

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