I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 623 This is impossible!

Simon, here! Gaspek, a senior reporter for the Herald, beckoned.

Simon looked around for a while, saw him soon, and squeezed hard.

Damn, I bet this year's Grammys can set a new record: a few people are trampled to death before the official opening. Washington Evening Post columnist and independent music producer Simon Songhua colored tie, complained.

He was a big man, 5-foot-4, 180 pounds, with a wide jaw and thick brown curly hair that Gaspek would envy.

The collar, which was opened by loosening the tie, revealed long black body hair.

His nose and ears are large, and his eyes are relatively small, making him look somewhat comical.

. Gaspek shrugged.

He is Slavic and also has Semitic ancestry. Almost pale skin, curly hair, deep eyes, handsome in appearance and strong physique.

Hey, why are you saying, ''? What does that mean? Shao Yongshi asked in broken English.

Emmmm, the expression means, of course, you're right. Gaspek laughed.

Who is this? Simon glanced at Shao Yongshi.

Seeing that Shao Yongshi was short and thin, with a plain appearance, he couldn't help but despise him a little, and quickly retracted his gaze.

This is my new friend, Shao. He's a great musician, I've heard his work, it's amazing, and I highly recommend you listen to it. You know, Simon, Shao by Hemingway friend.

Simon showed a forgive me expression. Hi Shao, nice to meet you.

Shao Yongshi: Me too.

After a perfunctory greeting, Simon complained to his friend: Today, all day, all I heard in my ears were Hemingway, Hemingway, Hemingway. I'm getting bored! Let me slow down!

Gaspek laughed: No, you don't have to slow down, it's Hemingway and Duan's performance right now. They'll bring a new song at the opening show, but I guess you already know it, after all, your The news has always been well-informed.”

Simon rolled his eyes wide.

He looked at Shao Yongshi again,

Shao, since you're Hemingway's friend, can you tell us what kind of work that '' is? I'll hear it right away, but I'm really curious.

Shao Yongshi had embarrassed written on his face.

He only knew Du Caige, and asked Du Caige for an autograph. At most, he said a few words to Du Caige on the New Power of Music program.

Usually they don't have any personal friendship, he doesn't even have Du Caige's personal mobile phone number! At most, you can only directly contact Brother Fang, Du Caige's assistant.

It was just this time that he came here to watch the Grammys. He was introduced by a friend from an international student to Gaspec, a reporter from the Herald. This gentleman has a feverish curiosity about the culture of Dahua and is very keen to make Chinese friends.

This time, Shao Yongshi borrowed to live on Gaspek's sofa, not to save money.

Saving money comes by the way.

He just wanted to experience the life of a sofa guest.

Then, out of fear of being looked down upon, in order to pretend to be beeping, he boasted in front of Gaspec that he and Hemingway were friends.

When I asked him, he said to keep it a secret. Shao Yongshi stammered.

Simon nodded absently: Oh.

I asked Garrison, and he said he heard a dress rehearsal, he told Gaspek.

Which Garrison?

Staff at Staples Field, inspecting and maintaining electrical equipment.

Oh, what did he say?

He said he had only one word to describe it. 'Shocked'.

Gaspek whistled, WOW, I'm getting more and more curious.

Shao Yongshi interjected: Do you all like Hemingway's music?

Of course. The two said in unison.

Simon added: Who wouldn't like it.

Ha, talking about this, I remembered a joke, Gaspek said. We have a writer at the newspaper called Paulson. I mentioned him to you, do you remember?

Remember, Simon nodded. What happened to him?

We were chatting in the newspaper office, talking about Duan, about Hemingway, and said that Duan's voice is very good, Hemingway is a talented musician, all of Hemingway's works are very good, Brabra's. Do you know what Paulson said?

what did he say?

He said, Duan has only a pretty face, a girl is noise and garbage, and Hemingway is a dog, and Chinese people know what music and so on.

Damn racist, Simon exclaimed indignantly.

Shao Yongshi struggled just to understand, and his reaction was a beat too late, so he didn't have time to express his indignation.

Then I asked him, since you said you don't like Hemingway's music, what are your favorites in the latest pop music.

I bet he has bad taste, Simon said.

No, on the contrary, I found his taste to be quite good. Gaspek laughed.

What kind of music did he say he likes?

He smugly said, like, 'Hero' would be nice.

Simon was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh. Ha ha ha ha!

Gaspek also raised his head and laughed.

Shao Yongshi caught up this time, also showing a knowing smile. Hero! I love this song!

Me too, bro. Gaspek patted him on the shoulder.

It's not over yet. He looked at me defiantly and said, 'What do you think of Hero?' I tried to hold back a laugh and said, 'Okay, is there anything better?'

'Yeah, y's fine too,' he said.

Shao Yongshi and Simon continued to laugh.

'Yes, any more?' I asked him.

He said, 'Emmm, my wife's been listening to Harmony recently. I don't know which singer sang it, but it was pretty good.'

With a teasing smile, Gaspek said, 'By the way,' he added at the time, 'I was in a taxi when I heard a song play on the radio, and it was soul-shattering. Knowing the title of the song, I only know that there are a few lines in it: ','' more.'

(Note: The above is the lyrics of Yesterday Reappears (more).)

Oh God, please don't sing, okay? Then you ruined a classic song like that. Simon complained.

Gaspek defended: I sing well, I was just imitating Paulson's singing!

You sing like a troll, Paulson sings like a slime, Simon commented.

Oh, it hurts. Gaspek pretended to frown and cover his heart.

Shao Yongshi was still laughing: That's why Paulson slandered Hemingway and Duan. However, some of his favorite songs were all composed by Hemingway and sung by Duan, right?

Yeah, Gaspek shrugged, actually I'm sorry, Hemingway shouldn't have packed so many great songs into one album. They should have been released separately.

Simon nodded in agreement: Those songs are all eligible to compete for 'pop song of the year,' or to bring Duan the 'popular female artist of the year' crown. If those songs are released in four or five years, say Maybe she can win three or four female pop singer of the year. It's a waste of time to release it all at once.

Shao Yongshi finally found a place where he could pretend, he smiled inscrutable, raised his index finger and shook it, You are wrong.

What went wrong?

Hemingway is not stupid. The reason why he put so many excellent songs in one album and released them all at once, Shao Yongshi said slowly, just because he still has more excellent songs, which can be released every year. All released an album of no worse quality than this one.

It's impossible! That's how it is!!

It's Simon who says it's impossible.

As a columnist and independent music producer, he knows the quality of these songs.

It can be said that this needs to be accomplished, the melody and lyrics are excellent, and it is by no means a saliva song that can be created casually.

That's why he said it's impossible.

Gaspek blindly believed in Hemingway, Hey, Simon, if it was someone else, it's probably really impossible. But he's Hemingway! Hemingway! Man, believe me, Hemingway can really do it!

Simon still shook his head: It's impossible, absolutely impossible.

Gaspek was a little anxious, How do you believe it?

After pondering for a while, Simon said, Unless, the performance of him and Duan waits to really shock me.

Simon smiled confidently: But it's impossible! I haven't heard any music? How can I be shocked casually.

Bet it, Gaspek said.

Okay, bet on the Hemingway autographed hardcover edition of A Song of Ice and Fire that you have in your collection, Simon said.

Then if I win, I want that 'you' vinyl record that you grabbed at the auction with the autographs of the four of Grimace.


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