I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 626 Don't Affect My Song

YouandI, ridingthesky, Keepingthefirebright,.

Gignac was driving his old Pontiac convertible, his left hand sticking out, tapping the door lightly to the rhythm of the music.

This red car is old, but it's doing great.

The sound of the engine, like a bull gasping for breath.

The leather cushion was as smooth as the skin of a young girl.

This is his second biggest gain in the Stars and Stripes.

The biggest gain is his daughter.

Fabulous! Gignac exclaimed in English with a distinct foreign accent.

Although he is of Gallic nationality, he has lived in the Stars and Stripes for more than ten years. He can speak English very well, and he has mastered a lot of vocabulary.

For example, when complimenting others, or when he feels okay, he will say Awesome, Wonderful, and sometimes Great. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Eh, when he said Great, he was somewhat perfunctory.

And then when he's really feeling great, he'll say Splendid, or Excellent, um, is also a word he loves to use.

He would say Fantastic, or Marvelous, or Amazing, only when he thought it was exceptionally good.

As for Fabulous... His understanding of the word is, This is so real? How can it be!

When his daughter was born, his girlfriend asked him, Do you think our baby is cute?

His answer was, Fabulous.

Besides, he hadn't used the word in more than ten years.

The admiration blurted out at this time, I wonder if he was admiring his Pontiac, or was he admiring the song playing on the radio?

Gignac shook his head, listened to the song, and was driving on Route 66, when suddenly the siren of ah hoo ah woo sounded behind him.

Gignac looked in the rearview mirror and saw that there were no other cars on the road besides him and the police car.

The sirens were clearly aimed at him.

Damn it! He glanced at the dashboard.

No speeding!

However, he had no idea of ​​confronting the police, so he slowed down obediently, pulled over, and put his hands on the steering wheel to avoid misunderstandings.

The police car stopped behind his car, and the two policemen got out of the car one by one and flanked him.

Gignac was just a little puzzled, but not nervous.

Although there have been several big news recently, after the police stopped the black driver, because of a misunderstanding, they nervously and because of mistakes shot the other side.

But after all, he is white.

White people don't get shot casually by the police.

Sir, please show your ID and driver's license. No, no, don't turn off the engine. A policeman came out of his driver's seat, and another supported him from a distance, chewing gum.

Gignac was a little surprised.

Because according to the procedure, when the police come to check the driver's certificate, they will immediately ask the driver to turn off the engine and put their hands where they can see.

Because the Stars and Stripes is a country full of guns,

If you don't follow this process, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of police officers will be killed by lone traders and blacklists every year, right? First release www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

But Gignac didn't say anything, but slowly turned out his ID and handed it over slowly.

Hey officer, I don't seem to be breaking the rules, do I?

Perhaps. The police officer lowered his head.

He noticed that the policeman seemed to be looking at his documents absently, but not seriously.

And looking over and over again, there is no intention to return the certificate to him.

The music is still there, and the chorus is again sung to this great epic.

Burnthepageforme, Icannoterasethetimeofsleep, Icannotbelovedsosetmefree.

Only then did the police return the ID to him, seeming to ask casually, Hey, man, what's the name of this song?

Gignac immediately understood why he had been called off.

Not because of the law at all!

I don't even know what the song is called, it's the Grammy opening, it's a new song. It's Duan, the songwriter, I guess Hemingway.

The part where you sing Hero?

Bingo. Officer, can I go now?

Can you wait a minute and let me finish listening to this song, the policeman said embarrassedly. Our car radio can't listen to this.

Gignac smiled. No problem.


Ortega curled up on the shabby sofa, staring intently at the 29-inch TV screen.

Duan's voice like the sound of nature floated: Iknowyourname, Iknowyourface, Yourtouchandgrace.

In the room, the father and the woman were arguing loudly again.

Is this the first time today?

It is estimated that my father will be divorced for the third time soon.

Ortega frowned, picked up the remote control, and turned the volume louder.

Only music can give him a moment of freedom.

Damn it! Damn stupid woman! I don't want to talk to you anymore! The dark and fat father pushed open the bedroom door angrily.

Clap! Clap! He slammed the door shut, shutting the woman's cursing voice behind the door, his chest heaving violently.

Ortega quietly moved away.

At this time, my father's anger has not subsided, and he must remember not to attract his attention, or he will go to school tomorrow with a swollen butt...

Father stood there on his hips, breathing heavily with his mouth open, his eyes were round, and he looked around, as if he was looking for something to vent his anger.

Please, please don't see me, please don't see me...

Ortega curled up hard, reducing his size and presence.


Still here, Ortega lamented.

But to his surprise, his father said, What are you listening to?

Grammy, opening performance. Ortega replied without hesitation.

Who's singing? Looks like an oriental beauty.

She is Duan from Dahua, and she has become popular in the past six months.

His father sat down beside him, his huge body sunk deep into the sofa, his chin resting on his hands, and he stared intently at the screen.

Good to hear.

Yeah, it's shocking. I absolutely love this song.

I like it too.

Son, it seems like we haven't had a good chat for a long time.

Nothing to talk about, I still have to do my homework.

The homework can be written later. Why don't you just talk to me about this paragraph, and the Hemingway you said, he is very good, right?

Ortega immediately came to his senses, Speaking of Hemingway, it's not a question of whether he is great or not, he is really the kind of musician who can always surprise you...


Can you be faster? You see there's a long queue behind you, Jeremy complained.

His chick was waiting for him in the car and they were about to have a hot and lively night.

Of course, in order for this night not to have some unwanted consequences, some necessary protective measures are necessary.

So he's here with his condoms waiting to check out while that damn nerdy cashier with glasses is watching the TV screen! What catches your eyes!

Okay, okay! The nerdy cashier replied, but he kept looking at the screen, focused, and the movements of his hands were surprisingly slow.

You! Jeremy was about to get angry when the man behind him patted him lightly.

Dude, keep your voice down, don't interfere with my listening to music!

I can't wait to bombard it with Italian cannons and listen to Nima's songs!

But being interrupted by this, Jeremy also noticed the music playing on the TV.

Soturnthatpageforme, Icannotembracethetouchthatyougive,.

The chorus made him shudder.

This is so beautiful too!

And let no one live!

Jeremy stopped urging, and listened quietly with the long queue behind him.

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