I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 634 Questions on the spot...the answer is perfect

Okay. Du Caige was not at all stage frightened.

There is no reason to refuse.

Because as the other party said... the songs in his bag cover almost all themes and genres!

Whether the other party wants to fly out of space, or go to hell; whether to go to the desert or dive into the deep sea.

He has the corresponding song!

Regardless of whether the other party wants to sing praises to the gods, or to sing love.

Whether to laugh and scold, or to be positive.

He can find suitable songs!

Thompson seems to think it's funny, jumping up and down like... um, absolutely can't be described as monkey or gorilla, otherwise it's racist.

In short, he jumped up and down, and shouted excitedly: Let me do it! Let me do the quiz! Black guys like quizzes the most!

No, Sheldon said ruthlessly, you can only draw a live audience for the question.

At the scene, hundreds of thousands of arms were already raised in black.

Uh, I have an idea, Thompson conjured up a baseball. It's the signature baseball of legendary Celt Reeves who hit three home runs in a game in 1996. It's worth $20,000. Now I'm throwing it up and whoever grabs it can get the baseball and give Hemingway a quiz.

At this time, a staff member has already taken Sheldon's guitar.

Du Caige hung it around his neck and tried a few notes. The sound quality was as good as drinking iced mineral water in the desert.

And there was a lot of noise, Thompson made all kinds of fake moves, and finally threw the baseball high.

The baseball drew a beautiful parabola, and the spectators near the landing point were already looking forward to it, standing on tiptoes, you pushed me and stretched your hands to the sky, scrambling to grab the baseball worth 20,000 US dollars.

Some are short in stature and feel that they have no hope of grabbing it immediately, so they dodge into the gap and wait to pick up the leak.

Some people may even run away because they are worried that they will be trampled and injured by the crowd.

The flight of the baseball seemed slow, but in fact, it only took more than four seconds from Thompson's shot to the fall.

Someone has already been trampled, knocked to the ground, and cursed.

If it was in Dahuaguo, it would definitely not be allowed to play like this at the party scene, because of the fear of an accident.

But the people of the Stars and Stripes are still more bold and unrestrained.

No one thought it was wrong.

After some scrambling, a strong white man with a height of more than 1.9 meters and a weight of at least 90 kilograms firmly grasped the baseball in his huge palm.

His features are Scandinavian, his muscles almost burst his jacket, he raised his arms proudly, and let out a demonic cry.

Oh, this lucky bodybuilder has a baseball worth $20,000! And you can also give Hemingway a quiz. Now would you like to introduce yourself?

While Thompson was speaking, the on-site staff was already struggling to squeeze in and shoved a wireless microphone into the strong man's hand.

My name is Knutson. It really is a very Nordic name, meaning Knut's son.

His ancestor might be some son of the famous Canute the Great.

I am an architect,

Live in New York. I love music and I love LA! OH Caroline North nose are you watching TV? I love you!

With that said, the strong man blew a kiss to the camera.

Well, this obviously can't be Tor.

Hello Knutson, what question are you going to give Hemingway?

Uh, I haven't thought about it yet. Let me think about it, Emmmm, there is. Hemingway, you and Duan, you are in love, right? The Nordic strong man looked at Du Caige.

Du Caige nodded with a smile.

Then you must have written a song about your love, Knutson said. Can you sing one and tell us some stories about when you fell in love with her. (her).

Du Caige thought for a while, I remember. I wrote a very old-fashioned (ion) song before. The song is called When s a woman.

As he spoke, he strummed the guitar strings briskly with his fingers and sang: When s', (When a man falls in love with a woman, he can't focus on anything else)


Mama, has Baba ever written a song for you? Just as she asked, Caiwei knew she had asked the wrong question, and she quickly lowered her head and looked at her toes.

Yan Yingzhen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

But she didn't lose her temper at her daughter, just let the sullen breath echo back and forth in her chest.

She remembered that when the photography scandal broke out, she went to question Du Caige, and after learning that Du Caige was in contact with several women at the same time, she left angrily.

And that bastard didn't even come to her.

Later, she was pregnant with Caiwei, and her emotions were very fragile, and a few times she even wanted to swallow her breath and go back to him.

But when texting him and asking him is there any chance of us reconciling, the bastard responded, I wrote a song.

What song is it?

Go and listen.

It's the song Wait until you forget who I am.

That was the first time in Yan Yingzhen's life that he wanted to swear.

I did. Yan Yingzhen told her daughter with a sneer.

Oh. But Caiwei still felt that Ma Ma's face was wrong.

To be on the safe side, it's best not to talk to Mama for a few minutes.

In Yu Qing's live broadcast room, she sighed.

The sharp-eyed netizen asked, Sister Yu, are you jealous? Do you want Hemingway to write songs for you too?

Yu Qing smiled: Which female star in the entertainment industry doesn't want him to write songs for herself.

That's true.

Yu Qing subtly resolved the embarrassment.

But still a little uncomfortable.

Scumbag! You used to sing this song to coax me to sleep with me!

Although the matter had passed, she had already seen it, but now that Du Cai sang this song for other women in a grand manner, she still felt very uncomfortable.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have helped you deal with Xin Wan. Let her time bomb be in your crew, and it will explode on the spot and kill you, hum.

That said, it's just a mouthful.

Yu Qing herself knew very well that even if time went back, she would still sacrifice Xin Wan to prevent Du Caige's crew from being affected.


What if time went back to the beginning, back when she was a little girl, running behind the ass of Grimace?

Will she still be so desperate to fall in love with a man who has 10,000 reasons not to love and 10,001 reasons to love?

Yu Qing rationally felt that it was best not to think deeply about this issue.

Better not to know the answer.


On the stage, Du Cai sang: ', (Even if she is bad, he will turn a blind eye, in his heart she will not do anything wrong. He will turn against his best friend if this friend speaks ill of her. )”

This song was originally sung by veteran R\u0026B singer Percy Sreggie.

However, when Chinese fans come into contact with this song, most of them hear Michael Burton's cover.

In the 1990s, Michael Burton was in full swing, selling 54 million records worldwide.

His signature hoarse voice is quite tasteful.

Du Caige naturally couldn't learn Michael Burton's vocals and voice.

But fans are not so demanding.

This song expresses a man's mentality of worrying about gains and losses in love, and that kind of humble dedication to the dust, many fans on the scene have a heartfelt feeling when they hear it.

Easy love? Rational love? That's just not enough love.

Love is crazy, it's all about it.

As the lyrics say: When s' ', that', be. (When a man falls in love with a woman, he will spend the last dime in his pocket. In order to satisfy all her needs, he will give up his own Pleasure. He'd even run out to the street and sleep in the rain if she said it had to.)

When you truly fall in love, you lose yourself.

is loss of judgment.

when sry. When a man falls in love with a woman, she can bring him so much pain.

For', . (If she was just using him as a backup, he would be the last to know. Because people in love are blind.)

Those who understood the lyrics gave warm applause.

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