I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 637 Why do women make it difficult for women?

After a few words with each other, Duan Xiaochen felt that he had taken advantage of it, so he accepted it and took the initiative to change the topic: Will you let Caiwei study abroad in the future?

Yan Yingzhen felt that she had taken advantage of all the advantages, and she did not want to gain power and be unforgiving. Bullying this old star and old woman had no sense of accomplishment, so she went down the slope and said, Study abroad must be to study abroad, but I heard that I am too young to study abroad. , have an impact on the mental health of children.”

And when parents are not around, children can easily get lost. Neither a nanny nor a tutor can replace the role of parents, and there may even be other situations. So I think it's too early to talk about this, wait until she finishes reading Let’s talk about undergraduate.”

Duan Xiaochen nodded: Children, especially girls, it's best not to leave their parents too early.

As she said that, her expression darkened, obviously pity for her life.

Yan Yingzhen did not sympathize with her.

Yan Yingzhen knew a little about the situation of her family. She tried to use it against her before, but she gave up.

It's nothing more than those shitty things.

The family prefers sons to daughters, the father does not hurt, the mother does not love and so on.

Speaking of which, Yan Yingzhen's family situation is not very good.

Jia Ci passed away early, and the unreliable father was arrogant and ruthless, and he didn't care enough about their children.

Yan Yingzhen thought to herself that the only thing she was better than Duan Xiaochen was that her family had money.

If you have money, you can naturally solve many problems.

Even if there is no family, no friends, at least...you still have money.

Thinking of this, Yan Yingzhen couldn't help but say, Actually, we have many similarities.

Well? Duan Xiaochen wondered.

First of all, we all have a bad relationship with our families and lack family affection. Yan Yingzhen said.

Duan Xiaochen's eyes were full of narcissism and self-injury, and sighed, Yeah. What else?

Also, Yan Yingzhen smiled, When we were young, we were all very poor. When I started my business, I had to sell the house my dad gave me to get my first start-up capital. I heard that when you were young, you didn't have much money!

Duan Xiaochen: ...

I'm so stupid that I actually thought you were a good person.

Yan Yingzhen smiled happily and won 3:0.

But she didn't go on talking, didn't mention what happened to Duan Xiaochen in the bar.

Such words are not very hurtful and highly insulting.

Even in the Asura field, you should use it with caution, and you will hurt others and yourself if you are not careful.

It's enough to stab the old woman a little bit. If you continue to open the scars in depth, you will appear ungracious.

Duan Xiaochen sighed, being careless and not flashing!

It is now 2:2, and has been pulled back by one point.

She lowered her head and sulked for a while, looking for an opportunity to fight back.

At this time, Yan Yingzhen said, Let's go drink something.


Food and drinks in the playground are very expensive.

But they are all price insensitive.

It doesn't matter if a drink costs $10 or $1. Can't feel the difference.

However, when queuing in front of the beverage store,

Yan Yingzhen turned to look at Duan Xiaochen: But I heard that you artists should pay special attention to body management, right? The drinks here seem to be high in calories, so they are not suitable for you.

again! But this time you're attacking in the wrong direction. Watch me beat and beat! Defensive counterattack!

Duan Xiaochen smiled lightly: Body management or something, no matter if it's a star artist or not, it must be done, after all, it's for your own health, but also for our women's self-confidence. I think Mr. Yan, your waist seems a little thick, it's a little fat, right? Do you want me to introduce you to a few reliable nutritionists and body sculpting coaches.

Yan Yingzhen glanced at her in surprise, After giving birth to a child, your figure will be somewhat out of shape. There is no way. This is the price of being a mother. Do you think being a mother is easy?

Duan Xiaochen immediately bowed his head and said nothing like an eggplant beaten by frost.

She mentioned to Du Caige many times that she wanted a child, but Du Caige never agreed.

Although she played crazy yesterday, she happened to be in the safe period...

After ordering drinks, the two sat under the awning outside the store.

Although there are a lot of people here, Duan Xiaochen skillfully covered himself with hats, masks, sunglasses, etc., so he was not afraid of being recognized.

I said, Duan Xiaochen finally couldn't help asking, Don't you want to keep me running abroad all the time?

Where do you work is arranged by your company, ask me what I do. This time it was Yan Yingzhen's turn to smile.

As for what? Can we speak openly?

That's it.

You have to embarrass me? You have the ability to compete openly. Duan Xiaochen couldn't help but get angry when he mentioned this.

Yan Yingzhen quickly raised her eyelids to glance at her, then looked back, Competition? What are you joking, what do I have to compete with you. Some things that you regard as treasures, I just think they are a bunch of stinky dogs.

After a pause, she said in a contemptuous tone: I took the initiative to leave him back then, and I don't want him anymore. Now I have no plans to reconcile with him. Worried about me robbing you? No need. Beggars always worry about millions of dollars. The rich man robbed him of the two dollars in the broken bowl in front of him, and asked me to say, save it.

It will really put gold in your face! There must be a mocking smile on Duan Xiaochen's face.

Yan Yingzhen pouted unconsciously, her face a little ugly.

Actually, I don't need to embarrass you. You beg me! As long as you ask me, I will no longer embarrass you.

In fact, Yan Yingzhen was joking, not malicious, but Duan Xiaochen felt very harsh when she heard it, reminding her of being in a bar many years ago...some things she never wanted to recall, and would rather forget forever.

A lowly harmful, highly insulting thing.

Let her not be completely relieved until now.

I won't beg you even if I die!

Duan Xiaochen's violent reaction was beyond Yan Yingzhen's expectations.

She lowered her head and took a sip of the drink, and when Duan Xiaochen seemed less excited, she said, I won't target you again and give any instructions deliberately.

Duan Xiaochen was slightly stunned. You still admit that you targeted me before!

What's wrong with me targeting you, Yan Yingzhen said, you dare to ask yourself, you have a good attitude towards me?

Duan Xiaochen was silent. After a long while, he asked, Then why did you change your mind now?

For business. Before on the plane, Lao Du told me that the domestic market is your basic business, and you can't lose it. If you want to develop well, you are a sharp knife, and good steel should be used on the edge of the knife. This year Dream Chasing Mutual Entertainment wants to seek an IPO, whether you will become a dealer for the rest of your life, or continue to be your artist star and be harvested by the dealer, it depends on this.

Yan Yingzhen explained a few words contrary to normal.

Duan Xiaochen was slightly moved.

But when you think about it, you're not happy anymore.

You are the biggest shareholder, no matter how I make money for the company, I will make money for you in the end!

Yan Yingzhen pursed her lips slightly, her lips like petals: I have always been a winner.

Duan Xiaochen sneered: Are you also a winner in love?

Yan Yingzhen gave her a deep look, as if to turn her gaze into a long arrow and pierce her heart, What about you, cover your chest and say, are you?

Duan Xiaochen's eyes immediately panicked, and he quickly took a few sips of drinks to cover it up.

After a while, she said listlessly, We are all losers. So what are we arguing about here? In the end, you didn't do anything wrong, and I don't think I did anything wrong.

Yeah. It's all the fault of some scumbag.

Well, Duan Xiaochen nodded vigorously, it's all his fault.


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