I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 640 In the future I see

Mama doesn't allow me to kiss you, saying that I will infect you with a cold. Cough, I'm going to the hospital. Goodbye Baba!

Du Caige stood on the front steps of the house and waved goodbye to Yan Yingzhen and Caiwei.

The mother and daughter got into the car, and the bodyguard drove the car steadily out of the driveway.

Du Caige thought to himself, did the bodyguard hear anything last night?

Soon he burst into laughter.

What if you hear it.

Let's think about how to deal with Duan Xiaochen first.

He took out his mobile phone, and there were only 4 missed calls on it, the latest one was from Duan Xiaochen at 0:30 in the morning.

That's good, she probably didn't stay up all night.

After checking WeChat again, Duan Xiaochen sent a few messages:

Not back yet?

Is Caiwei okay?

Answer, I'm worried.

Take good care of Caiwei, and have a good rest yourself. I'm sleeping. Good night.

Du Caige was both moved and guilty.

After thinking about it, he made a phone call.

The person who answered the phone was a woman who spoke fluent English: Hello, is this Mr. Du? I'm Ms. Duan's assistant, Jessica.

Hello Jessica, I'm Du Caige.

Hello Mr. Du, Jessica said. Ms. Duan is at work. She said that you can do your own thing at ease. She will call you back when she is free.


It's better to meet later.

Du Caige called Dong Wenbin. According to the plan, they will visit several star-studded entertainment tycoons living in California in the past few days.

A little touch, mixed face familiar.

If Du Caige is just an ordinary musician, an ordinary filmmaker, of course he can meet these tycoons, but he must make an appointment long in advance.

During the long wait, when the other party thought of him by chance, he suddenly became interested, and then called him over for afternoon tea or a salon.

At this time, as a billionaire, he can meet these tycoons at any time.

When it was almost noon, Duan Xiaochen called.

How was your morning? Her voice sounded normal.

It's alright, I met a few people and chatted about some unhealthy things. Get familiar with people in this circle! How about you?

Work, it's not like that. Duan Xiaochen chuckled.

There was really no difference in her voice, but Du Caige was clueless and said, Caiwei must have me stay last night...

I know that children are very annoying. President Yan and I spoke on the phone, and she said that Caiwei is in good condition and has no fever now.

Du Caige was taken aback and said hesitantly, You and her? What did you say?

He was a little worried that Yan Yingzhen deliberately called to demonstrate I put your man to sleep, and worried that Duan Xiaochen called to ask questions because he was suspicious, but Yan Yingzhen leaked.

But Duan Xiaochen smiled calmly: I just asked her why you didn't go back, and she said that Caiwei kept you. Then they chatted a few words about work, she said that this time I will go back with you for the New Year, and I will come to Xingxing after the new year. The country ran a wave of propaganda,

Then you can go back to work for a while. In the second half of the year, Xingtiaoguo will release a new album. Then she said that in the first half of the year, let me participate in two TV dramas in China, release a few singles, not receive too many announcements, and maintain a proper popularity, that's all.

Du Caige stopped talking.

Nothing else, I'll hang up first! Duan Xiaochen said, the time for dinner is very short, and there are other jobs soon.

Wait, Du Caige hesitated, Last night...

Duan Xiaochen interrupted him, I was very tired last night and slept very early, but the quality of sleep was not very good. If there is anything else, I'll talk about it when I return to the hotel at night!

Listening to the call has ended on the phone screen, Du Caige was a little stunned.

It always felt that Duan Xiaochen should have guessed something, but she deliberately avoided the question because she didn't really want to confirm it.

Maybe she is also worried, if she is really sure, what should she do.

If it is confirmed, she must come up with an attitude: is it acceptance or forgiveness? Still not accepting it, making a fuss? Or just pack your bags and leave and never contact again?

There has to be an explanation.

But if there is no certainty, there is no need to say anything. It's business as usual.

Of course, Du Caige couldn't be stupid enough to ask her again: Do you know?

She is willing to pretend to be confused, and Du Caige will naturally cooperate.

He is just worried, will Duan Xiaochen hide all the negative emotions and stagnate in his heart, what will happen?

After being stunned for a while, Du Caige silently put away the phone and continued to run around with Dong Wenbin.

Caiwei's body recovered quickly, much faster than the doctor expected.

According to the original plan, Yan Yingzhen found two international students who were excellent in both character and study. These days, they accompany Caiwei specially, take Caiwei to visit various attractions, museums, etc., and be responsible for the explanation.

Of course, Yan Yingzhen himself did not come forward.

So the two college students only knew that this was a child from a rich family, but they didn't know Caiwei's life experience.

Yan Yingzhen is also very busy herself. It takes more than ten hours a day for large and small meetings, and she also takes time to communicate with people privately.

After Bai Nuo voted for Du Caige once, she seemed to have forgotten about it. She chatted with Du Caige in the past few days, and only talked about work and Caiwei.

Speaking of which, I've always been curious, why do you seem to be able to predict the prophet? The things you predicted to me have basically come true. Yan Yingzhen said suddenly during the call that day.

Haven't we discussed this issue?

You haven't fully recovered your memory yet?


Of course... I haven't communicated.

I'm curious, why did you do the layout as I said. Are you not afraid that I'm wrong?

Yan Yingzhen laughed in a low voice: I'm afraid, why not? At that time, I sold the house my father gave me to start a business. If I lose money, I can only go back and listen to his arrangements. Even Caiwei has to accept him. Arrangements. He's a domineering man, you know.


But at the time, I thought what you said was quite reasonable when analyzed. I thought the possibility of doing it was very high, so I tried it. It also proved that you were always right afterwards. In fact, you are the kind of very People with foresight, like those famous futurists and sci-fi writers in history, can see small things and have very accurate predictions about the future.”

Seeing that she had already made up a very credible conjecture, Du Caige smiled and said, Maybe, the river of time is always flowing, and the fish are all in the water. And I am a special fish who can jump with great effort. Since then, I occasionally see some glimpses downstream.

Cut! Yan Yingzhen sneered, Do you think I haven't watched 'Honghuang. The Legend of the Great Sage'? The setting of Yu and Time Changhe is very exciting, the kind of 'omniscient, omnipresent, able to cross time and space and kill opponents' The setting of Yu Weak Hours is also very scary. In other words, did you make a move across time and kill all my competitors, so that I succeeded in starting a business so smoothly?

No, Du Caige said earnestly, I have seen thousands of futures. As long as you do not die halfway through accidents or illnesses, you will have great achievements. So I know that you It's someone who can make things happen, that's why I tell you that information.

After a moment of silence, Yan Yingzhen smiled and said, I almost believed it. Then tell me, what happened to the thousands of future you, Cai Wei, and me and you?

Du Caige didn't know how to make it up for a while, um, ah, ah, after a long time, he didn't say why.

Yan Yingzhen spat: You don't care about making up the story. You at least make up the story completely, right? It's perfunctory. Forget it, for the sake of making me happy, I'll give you an extra 10 million next time.

Finally on this topic. Du Caige asked hesitantly, Did you tell...

No, Yan Yingzhen cut off his words, it's not. I, Yan Yingzhen, do things upright and disdain to use crooked ways.

Du Caige breathed a sigh of relief, I knew it. But then again, it seems that your relationship with Xiao Duan has gotten better?

Yan Yingzhen's tone was faint: Who said that? I still don't want to hear you mention this name. As soon as you mention it, I want to bully her.

Okay, I won't mention it. Du Caige changed the subject, made some arrangements with her for the New Year, and hung up.

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