I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 653 Lively group chat

Liu Yuxi has already put on her makeup and is sitting in a corner waiting for the show to start.

She looked around and saw that some of the other guests participating in the variety show were chatting, some were discussing scripts with the program staff, and some were holding their mobile phones, not knowing whether they were chatting or speculating in stocks.

She also asked for her mobile phone from the nanny—yes, she is officially a nanny now—and looked down at the WeChat messages.

After a glance, she saw that there was no news that she had to reply immediately, so she switched to the trumpet and clicked on a group chat Non-Dream Chaser Artists.

The name is Non-Dream-Chasing Artists, but in fact it is full of entertainers who pursue dreams and entertain each other. There are also a handful of trainees with backgrounds.

Why is it called non-dream chasing artists?

Because there is also a dream chasing art group, which is a group established by the company, and there are company bosses in it, so you can't speak casually.

But in this group, people speak more casually.

The key is that everyone chats with a trumpet. Although there are a few who have revealed their identities, the identities of most of them are still secret.

Here you can make complaints about it and make rude remarks without worrying about your image or being afraid of other people taking screenshots.

Moreover, everyone here is from the same circle, and they are all from the same company. They have a common topic, and they understand everything they should know, and those who should pretend they don't know will also tacitly pretend they don't know it.

So speaking here is a rare relief.

Flipping through the previous chat records, Liu Yuxi pursed her lips and laughed silently.

Very coquettish.

If someone else saw this scene, they would definitely describe her vixen-like face as full of love -- but in fact, she was just amused and laughing.

Liu Yuxi quickly typed a line and sent it.

Ying Ning: It seems that I missed the good show. I took a screenshot of the chat just now, @is very small, I will tell Director Du and ask him to leave a door for you at night.

Just now a very small one said some very pornographic and violent words, such as lick the ice cream and eat it, which the innocent girl Liu Yuxi couldn't understand.

In fact, the identity of a very small one is not a secret to Liu Yuxi. She is usually a quiet and innocent girl, and she is a member of a girl group called Dream Huyu.

But on the Internet, many people will show a completely different side from the reality.

A very small one means that Hemingway is a diehard fan. He has said countless times that he must find a chance to sleep with Hemingway, and often tells all kinds of pornographic jokes.

However, according to an insider, this girl has never even had a boyfriend; except when dancing, she has never even held a boy's hand.

A very small one: Okay, just let him try my skills. I have learned a few new tricks recently! If he tries it and thinks it's good, maybe he will let me be his girlfriend.

Ying Ning: Didn't you say before that you don't need to be his girlfriend as long as you have slept with him?

A very small one: It was in the past. He used to change women so frequently. This kind of person has no feelings. As long as he has slept with him, his dream will be fulfilled. You can't expect him to give affection, and he can't be serious. Find a girlfriend. But now you can also see that his relationship with Sister Duan has been very long, more than a year. It means that he has changed, and now he has the opportunity to be his girlfriend.

Ying Ning: I have to remind you that people are different. Having a chance a few days later doesn't mean you have a chance.

A very small one: I hate it, don't remind people, let them continue to dream for a while.

At this point another person cuts into the chat.

Xiao He showed his sharp corners: Xiao Zhi, you are interested in Hemingway's tens of billions of property. Hemingway used to be handsome and talented, but he didn't have much money, and collecting stamps was enough, so it wasn't worth spending too much money on. .Now, hehe. But whoever is a bit confident woman would not want to trap him?

This is a male artist from the company. This WeChat ID is his tuba number. He is usually carefree and never hides his identity.

A very small one: You are a real person, why do you want to expose it! I hate it!

Liu Yuxi laughed as he watched.

She knew this was a very small one, it was really Hemingway's fan girl.

Although he is shy and shy in daily life, when he likes someone, he is also desperate and willing to give everything for Hemingway.

Even if Hemingway is poor, she is willing to follow Hemingway.

In other words, Little One actually preferred that Hemingway was poor so that she would have a chance.

But... A very small one is really too ordinary. In the girl group, it is also the main sister next door character design, because it is not dazzling enough, so I can only play the kindness card.

She is destined to have no chance.

After a few chats here, someone joined in.

There are a million possibilities: There is a gossip, I don't guarantee the authenticity, just say it casually, and you should listen to it casually.

This person is a fan of Hemingway at first glance.

Usually chatting, also showed a look of admiration for Hemingway.

But Liu Yuxi hasn't figured out his/her identity yet.

It is not even clear whether the other party is a man or a woman.

Just judging from the words used in the chat, it feels like this should be a girl.

But Liu Yuxi couldn't match her with any female artist in the company.

Ying Ning: Say it quickly.

A very small one: Say what's related to Hemingway. If it's not, just shut up and swallow it.

Millions of possibilities: It is said that there is a technical expert from the information department. While patching, anti-virus, and checking for backdoors and Trojan horses on Mr. Du's computer, he accidentally discovered that Mr. Du had browsed a diagram showing the growth cycle of a newborn. website, and also registered as a member of a fee-paying website for naming newborn babies.

A very small one: Ah, is Hemingway going to have a baby? His baby must be beautiful and smart, and I really want to give him one.

Meteor: Really? Who gave birth to him?

Mo Xiang: Is it Duan Tianhou? It should be Duan Tianhou.

I'm not Su Manxian: I think it's her too.

I am Duan Xiaochen: !! Not me!

A million possibilities: I don't know anything.

Fangfang: Oh, I know about it, but I can't say it.

Because of a very coincidental chance, Liu Yuxi learned that this Fang Fang was the trumpet of President Du's assistant Fang Muchen.

Although I don't know why he, a big man, would use a female number to chat.

Although most people don't know the identity of Fang Fang, everyone knows that Fang Fang is a well-informed person, and the news is very accurate.

Now Fangfang said, I know but can't say it, which means that this is true.

At this time, a person named Huanyan said something thought-provoking: I can't say anything. But think about it, the company has a very popular female artist. Her career is on the rise. It was originally planned to be in the first half of this year. Du I always personally produced albums for her, as well as important roles in two TV dramas. There are also invitations to some very important variety shows. But now they are all cancelled.

The group was quiet for a while.

It is estimated that everyone is digesting the news.

As for who this Huanyan is talking about, in fact, everyone has a clue in their hearts.

The features are too obvious.

But Liu Yuxi was not surprised.

She had already seen the affection between Xu Qingya and Hemingway.

Although she was not sure where the two of them had progressed, but when she heard that Xu Qingya was pregnant with Hemingway's child, she felt that it was a matter of course, that it would happen sooner or later.

To Liu Yuyan's surprise, she knew who Huanyan was.

This person is Xu Qingya's good friend.

I really didn't expect that the one who stabs the knife in the back is often a friend.

What's more interesting is that Xu Qingya herself is in the group.

Obviously, someone knew what Xu Qingya's trumpet was called.

I’m Duan Xiaochen: “ @Butterfly Canghai really?”

So in fact, everyone knows, but just kept it from me?

This sentence seems very sad.

It seems that the cuckoo is crying, crying blood every word.

It seemed that Duan Xiaochen was really talking.

However, there are many actors in this group, and it is not ruled out that someone is playing role-playing.

Liu Yuxi didn't know whose trumpet I am Duan Xiaochen was.

This id didn't talk much before, and he didn't say a few meaningful words, making it impossible to judge his/her identity.

But I am not Su Manxian is really the queen Su Manxuan herself.

I'm not Su Manxian: Hey, a new generation replaces the old ones. But when the new ones laugh, how can I hear the old ones cry? Duan Tianhou, isn't it?

I'm Duan Xiaochen didn't say anything more.

Hearing the obvious irony of I am not Su Manxian, many people couldn't help thinking, could it be that I am Duan Xiaochen is really Duan Xiaochen himself?

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