Can Old Antique Do It? !


Even though Hibiscus had good physical strength after trying on so many clothes at Kokuraya, she couldn’t resist keeping a cold face all the time, and had to listen to Mio Ogura’s little request to shoot.

She rubbed her face, then stretched and moved her body.

“These photos are very good, Miss Sirin, here, this is the reward.”

Ogura Mio looked at Hibiscus with a look of discovering treasures, and handed her a bag of tens of thousands of moras.

“If the subsequent response is not bad, I will continue to trouble you in the future.”

“Ah, um, it’s okay.”

Compared to fighting and killing every day, there is also cooking for that large group of people.

You can make money by being a ruthless clothes hanger here, and Hibiscus just wants to show more.

“Then, be careful all the way.”

Ogura Mio looked at the delicate girl who looked like a doll and just left.

When she turned around and went back to the small barn, she held the camera in her arms and jumped up and down a few times.

“Miss Mei really has a good friend!”

If it can be successfully printed…

The small barn house can definitely explode! The exquisite face of the foreigner and her newly designed clothes perfectly fit to explode!

It’s just…

It’s just that every time Miss Xilin mentions Miss Mei, her expression is a little unnatural.

What happened?

Ogura Mio thought of Sirin’s different expression, and finally shook her head, not intending to think too much.

After all, it was a matter before her friend, so it was hard for her to say anything.

A girl’s adolescence will always have some friction with her friends. She also went through this stage.

Mio Ogura was humming a ditty in a good mood, and she hugged the photo camera that she just finished filming like a baby, tightly in her arms.


Looking at the hibiscus that was getting dark, he thought about it, and chose to make do with the night in the wild.

After all, the merchants here in Daozuma City won’t give up blackmailing after seeing you look good.

Being cheated of money and staying in a hotel for one night, no matter how you think about it, it will explode.

And Qiyana’s character card’s temper can’t bear these things.

After all, it is Kaslana.

So thinking about it carefully, it’s better to let her go to the field to make do with it. Anyway, with the survival in the field, and the role of Leiden Mei who is cooking max is stuck, it’s not a big problem.

It’s so easy today, it’s great.

Hibiscus, who hadn’t touched fish like this for a long time, was finally able to seriously look at everything about Inaozuma.

He casually found a cloying melon that was too sweet to be greasy by the tree, wiped it with his sleeve indifferently, and took a bite.

Leiden Mei doesn’t really like such sweet food.

But Qiyana liked it very much.

She licked the juice from the corner of her mouth, and began to think about where she was going to make do for the night today.


And Ying at this time… She is still on Daozu’s outlying island.

Under the leadership of this young man named Thomas, she is now dealing with what is called the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations.

Ying, who thought she could relax for a while and find the hibiscus, never thought that her bad premonition would come true.

Sure enough… I can’t escape this busy running around anywhere…

Listening to the complaints of the president of the International Chamber of Commerce for a long time, I only felt my head buzzing.

The situation of Dao’s wife seems to be more serious than that of Liyue and Mengde.

Now, like Mengxin who came out of Novice Village, she is trying to accept Dao’s wife who started in hell this time.

If so…

When will she find Hibiscus…

Ying listened to the conversation between Paimon and Gurish, and didn’t know what to say.

Dao’s wife is now very xenophobic towards foreigners because of the lock-up order.

Ordinary people are fine, but the most painful thing is this group of foreign businessmen who have been appointed to oppress them.

The outrageous taxes and unreasonable rules and regulations really made this group of foreign businessmen miserable.

Now, if you want to leave, you can’t leave, and your business will not be good if you stay here, and you will even be bound by a custom-made contract.

Forget about the tax, but according to what Jiu Lixu said just now, the Mora who paid the tax turned into asking for that thing called “Crystalized Bone Marrow”.

Ying sighed. In fact, she really doesn’t care much about how this group of people are doing.

But now she is like a person who must complete the prerequisites before proceeding to the next step of the plot, so she has to do these things.

Ying sighed. Luckily, Paimeng was still by her side. If she was alone, she wouldn’t know where she was.

If he finds Mu Jin next, he will definitely keep an eye on her.

At least don’t give that guy Mu Jin a chance to leave without saying goodbye.

Obviously it hasn’t been long since we met, but in the blink of an eye, it is said that I ran to Dao’s wife.

Ying was very aggrieved. She finally came to Daoqi after solving so many things, and had to solve so many things that gave her a headache.

Ying, who had seen Daozuma’s level of underworld, suddenly began to worry about Mujin’s safety.

To be chased out of Inazuma Castle by the shogunate soldiers…

She…is she alright?

Ying pressed her lips tightly, her eyes were a little worried.

Although her current situation is not good, she is most worried about that girl with a naive smile and a particularly good appetite.

(The naive girl who was about to fall asleep after finding a safe abandoned camp suddenly sneezed)

“Traveler? Shall we take a break? You look very tired…”

Paimon naturally noticed something was wrong with his best partner’s expression.

Ever since they were almost blackmailed by so many Mora, the mood of the travelers was already very strange.

That’s right, I’ve been busy for so long and got seasick for several days. In the end, I didn’t even have a trace of the person I was looking for. It’s normal for travelers to be in a bad mood now.

After solving the matter of the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations, Ying really felt that these soldiers on the outlying islands were too outrageous.

It’s a completely different feeling from the Qianyan Army and West Wind Knights who bring people stability.

“Huh… I’m fine, Paimon.” Ying temporarily calmed down her bad mood now, and smiled.

“Now, let’s get rid of these messy things as soon as possible and go to Thomas.”

The bright yellow exclamation marks on their heads almost blinded her eyes.

Although the traveler said that she has nothing to do, she doesn’t seem to like dealing with these things.

After all, things are so troublesome, there is no Mora to take.

I have to help them run around at night, so I really became a tool person.

Even Paimon, who usually likes to eat, doesn’t want to get involved in these seemingly complicated situations.

And those things that Thomas mentioned just now, Ying wants to understand them all.

What Princess Egret, and She Fengxing…


Hibiscus was covered with a blanket, and she was holding the second volume of “Reincarnated as a Pink Fox, Then Became a Scrap Woman” that she drew out earlier.

Compared with the first volume, this volume did not expect a girl with silver hair and blue eyes to writeIt is the green plum from heaven for the pink fur fox.

How could you lose?

The original love triangle was already very messy, but I didn’t expect another one to pop up all of a sudden.

Good guy, really good guy.

Hibiscus laughed “hehe” a few times after reading it. Compared with the first volume, the second volume is much better written.

There were even three of them together…

Eh, cough, cough… I can’t say much about this…

But the writing is really good.

[The two stood under the cherry blossom tree, one behind the other. The breeze blew past, and the pale pink petals scattered downward.

“I like you.” The silver-white girl put her hands behind her, turned her head suddenly, smiled at her, her eyes were soft, and she even had a little expectation of confessing to the person she liked.

The pink Miss Fox seemed not expecting the other party’s sudden confession, so she blinked her eyes. Those lavender eyes looked a little dazed at this moment, very cute.

Seeing that her little prank was successful, the silver-white girl chuckled a few times, and her azure eyes reflected the appearance of Miss Pink Fox.

She is obviously a witch, but she received her first confession.

For the first time, the pink Miss Fox felt the violent heartbeat in her heart. She only felt her cheeks getting hot.

The silver-white girl looked at her with a grin, and teased, “You’re blushing, so cute, you obviously like to tease me?”


The pink Miss Fox just snorted softly and didn’t answer.

The silver-white girl suddenly trotted in front of her.

“Come on, stretch out your hand, I’ll give you something nice.”

She was a little curious. Although she was still shy, she obediently stretched out her hand.

There was some joy in the girl’s eyes, and she put the thing in her palm.

“Dangdang! Good stuff!”

The pink Miss Fox looked at the silver-white ring in her hand, and looked back and forth at the person in front of her several times.

Although I’m a little excited, isn’t this progress too fast?

She really wanted to say that.

“Don’t worry, this is a symbol of my love for you. If you don’t want to wear it, you can put it aside~” The silver-white girl blinked at her.

The pink Miss Fox didn’t speak, and finally put the ring away.

Then, that silver-white girl completely disappeared in her world.

Only that ring can prove that she has ever come to his side.

A bitter smile rose from the corner of the pink Miss Fox’s mouth.

“What a… liar.”

The second volume is over. 】

Mu Jin finished reading the last few pages with an old man, subway, and mobile phone.

I didn’t even believe what I saw with my own eyes, so I read the last few pages again.

In the end, she still had to accept the reality, watching this dog so proficiently written by the author.

She flipped through the credits mall, trying to find out if there was any follow-up to the next story.

But the most outrageous thing is that there is no third volume in this novel, and even Mu Jin couldn’t find the first two volumes when she wanted to find it.

Then she chose to call the system urgently to ask what was going on.

‘Dog system! What’s going on with this book? ! ‘

The system called out by Mu Jin dutifully answered: [All the items that appear in the supply box, except for the Valkyrie character card, the rest are random. 】

[But this novel…] ​​Thinking about the language systematically: [Maybe it has been reported and taken off the shelves. 】

All in all, this kind of thing really has nothing to do with his weak and helpless system.

‘If you want to say this, then I want to read the follow-up of this book, so I can only find it in the supply box? ‘

ã€yes. 】

Mu Jin thought for a long time. There are so many strange things in the supply box. When will she be able to get the third volume of this novel? ?

She sighed, and put the book in the system space.

I always feel empty in my heart when I see the end.

She didn’t expect so much sugar in the front to be suddenly fed with a knife in the back.

Mu Jin sighed, and looked up at Daozuma’s starry sky.

She muttered in a low voice: “I knew I wouldn’t watch this thing before going to bed…”

The group that made themselves energetic now could even run around Daozuma City twice.


Mu Jin doesn’t plan to revise this novel a second time, so let’s submit it directly with Raiden Mei’s character card tomorrow.

Let this second volume, full of love and hope, spread to the whole Daozuma.

It’s really pleasing to think of everyone’s appearance after reading this book.

Hibiscus raised the corners of her mouth, as if full of hope for the future.

Then he closed his eyes and prepared to squint for a while.

Before going to bed, she still remembered to ask the system to pay attention to her surroundings.

The system responded. Although he was still watching Hiyumaru and Ai-chan playing, he, who belongs to the high-end system, can naturally handle many things at the same time.

For the cricket to look after the children, and to be vigilant about the surroundings, it is a piece of cake for him.

But watching children is the most tiring.

Why does the host like to take care of children…?

The system really doesn’t understand.

The system felt the feeling of Feiyuwan’s cheek being pressed against it, and thought helplessly.



Hibiscus looked at the familiar space around her, I didn’t expect to come here this time in my dream.

“Yo, here you come.”

The Herrscher of Knowledge saw Hibiscus coming to his own small space, and a gleam of joy flashed across his face, but he was still well suppressed by her.

Pretending to be serious, he coughed a few times, and walked slowly to Mu Jin.

“Why are you in a daze? You should be very happy to see my lord?”

The Herrscher of Knowledge stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Hibiscus, but his scarlet eyes were somewhat puzzled.

Mu Jin just blinked, stretched out her hand and squeezed the cheek of the Herrscher of Knowledge, as if she didn’t expect to dream of such a realistic treasure today.

Last time, I seemed to have dreamed about treasures coming… But what was the specific content?

She can’t remember clearly.

I always feel that the embrace of the Herrscher of Consciousness is very reassuring.

Of course, the treasure in her dream also made her feel at ease.

“I didn’t expect that I would really dream of you again… That’s great… Hehe.”

Mu Jin smiled foolishly, and kept touching the Herrscher of Consciousness with her hands.

After having such a realistic dream, I still have to touch it enough.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Hibiscus with Hanhan’s eyes.

That’s all, I am open-minded, so I don’t care so much!

It’s not that she feels happy when touched by her.


Being touched by her is something that even Old Antique can’t do! Hahahahaha!


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1643194177-100278806-108277351.jpg”

Push the book “Miss Killer Whale’s Abnormal World Travel Notes”

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The writing is superb! !

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