Barbara Ducks!

“I didn’t expect that Miss Mujin has been to many places like a traveler! These two little guys are just like Paimon!”


Mu Jin gestured to Yula with her eyes, hurry up and say something to divert the child’s attention from her!

Yula said that there is nothing she can do to help, so please do your best.

After all, Yula herself can’t stand Amber who is too enthusiastic sometimes.

Even if she said she held grudges or something, Amber was like a brown candy, sticking to her whenever she had time.

Over time, Yula also got used to having an enthusiastic little rabbit by her side.

Even sometimes, she would take a cannon ice bath.

So here comes the question, what happens when a (false) straight-ball character meets another (true) straight-ball character?

The answer is that Mu Jin is cowardly. Just like Xiaogong who faced social fanatics back then, she is still a social terror in essence. As long as she meets someone who is more lively than her, she can instantly become a very quiet lady.

“I’m sorry, sorry, I accidentally said too much, hehe, yes, have you had breakfast?” Amber, who realized that he seemed to have said a lot, was a little embarrassed, scratched his long hair, and asked the two of them asked.

“We came here after dinner, Amber, haven’t you had breakfast yet? It’s almost noon.”

“Isn’t this what I’m going to~”

Amber walked forward bouncingly, the bow on the top of her head hopped up and down, which was a bit cute.

It looks like a lively little rabbit.

Looking at the figure in front of her, Mu Jin was silent for a while before she spoke: “…your friend…is indeed…very enthusiastic.”

Yula didn’t seem to expect Mu Jin to say that. Normally speaking, isn’t she quite lively and active? Why did she calm down when she met the more enthusiastic Amber?

Could it be because Mu Jin is shy, she will settle down in front of people she doesn’t know, and let herself go when the two get acquainted?

Thinking about it carefully, Yula recalled that when she first met Hibiscus, she also had a gentle and quiet look. After getting acquainted with her, she gradually revealed her true nature.

I’m afraid the current Amber is also confused by Mu Jin’s appearance.

But I have to admit that Yula really thinks Mujin’s current appearance is very deceptive.

It’s completely unimaginable that this is a girl who can eat several meals of others, or even a horse with strong strength.


In the end, Yula finished her amber and left here ahead of time due to the task of the Knights.

It would be better if Hibiscus was left alone and didn’t know what to do.

“Why don’t you buy a Monde travel guide…Although I know the library is there, but…”

Mu Jin thought of a certain big sister of the Lei family that could make people feel numb, and she resisted in her heart.

After seeing Lisa’s affection for her from the ranking list, Mu Jin became skeptical of this big sister who had only seen her once but had so much affection for her.

After all, it’s definitely not a good thing to have such a high initial liking.

Mu Jin had already suffered a lot, and she couldn’t get overturned in Mond.

Thinking about it carefully, if he really overturned in Mond, he might have to go back to Liyue.

But the terrible thing is!

If we go back to Liyue, there’s still a covetous guy like Ningguang staring at the character card of Qiyana!

“…Forget it, if the car overturns, then change to a character card and continue…”

Hibiscus, who frowned slightly, muttered softly.

I don’t have anyone I know to play with me in Mond City, so it’s not interesting, so let’s make some food for the two little guys, Ai Jiang and Fei Yuwan.

Hibiscus, who was immersed in her own thoughts, didn’t notice the figure that appeared around the corner.

When she came to her senses, she found that she was on top of a girl she didn’t know.

Actually, it can’t be said that they don’t know each other at all…

In a sense, Mu Jin was so familiar with the girl under her that she couldn’t be more familiar with it.

Blue-gray eyes, light-blond natural curly long hair combed into double ponytails, a white priest hat on top of the head, and a prayer priest skirt from the Westwind Church, and some fans’ favorite white stockings on his legs .

ã€Ding! The main character Barbara Gunnhild appears! The favorability for you is 5%, please cheer the host. 】

It’s Barbara Duck Duck! !

The eyes of the two looked at each other, and finally Barbara whispered, “Can you… get up first?”

“Wow! Sorry!”

Hibiscus got off Barbara’s body in a panic, and stretched out her hand to pull her up.

“No, I’m sorry, it was not a little while ago.Mind wandering…”

Mu Jin looked at Barbara patting the dust off her body, with an embarrassed expression on her face, and apologized to her.

After all, I was the one who lost my mind and didn’t look the way before bumping into someone. Sure enough, it’s better to apologize first.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, the main reason is that I didn’t notice anyone around the corner.”

Barbara quietly observed the girl in front of her. Her long silver hair was combed into a high ponytail. Combined with the expression on her face, she had a different feeling.

“Miss Barbara!!”

The voice from behind brought Barbara back to her senses from the observation, and her body subconsciously jolted.

“Sorry, I’m leaving first!”

After finishing speaking, Barbara ran away in a hurry, leaving only Hibiscus standing where she was.

Just now I seem to have heard the voice of a fanatic Barbara fan…

You don’t need to guess Mu Jin to know that this is Mr. Albert, the president of a certain Barbara fan club, who came to find her.

No wonder Barbara ran so fast just now…

It turned out that I met my fans.

Ai Jiang, who was fighting with Fei Yuwan, didn’t see what happened to her boss just now.

“Boss, what are we going to do next?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet, maybe, do commissions or something?” Mu Jin plans to be lazy for a few days, and then continue to do commissions after a period of rest to gain good impressions.

Think of it as retirement in Mond (?).

Anyway, now I have two S-rank Valkyries, no matter how you say it, I barely have the strength to protect myself.

“Big sister! This place is different from Daomazu…I want to eat delicious food!”

Mu Jin felt a little helpless: “Fei Yuwan…..have you been hungry for more than an hour after eating breakfast?”

“Hey, fried tofu is stored in another stomach!”

“Be careful of getting fat.”

Hiyumaru smiled happily and ignored Ai-chan at all.

For her, apart from eldest sister, there is nothing more important than fried tofu.

Ah, the cabbage head of Aijiang is slightly behind the fried tofu. If this guy can respectfully call himself “Master Hiyumaru”, her ranking can be raised a little bit.

“It’s so silly to laugh.”

“Cabbage head!”

“Eldest sister is weird!”

Seeing that the two little guys were about to quarrel again, Mu Jin smiled. It had been a long time since she felt so relaxed.

When I was in Inazuma, although it looked like I was actually indulged by General Raiden and Yae Kamito.

But after all, she felt as if she was being manipulated by someone or something behind her, and every decision she made made her feel too fucking weird.

Sure enough, in Dao’s wife, he was almost blinded by the scumbag woman.

It doesn’t matter, anyway, now that I am in Mond, there will be no strange people.

“Hello, miss, please wait a moment.” The man with light-blond short hair stopped Mu Jin who was passing by him.

Mu Jin’s blue eyes were full of doubts: “What’s wrong?”

The man coughed lightly: “Excuse me, have you ever seen such a tall and cute girl passing by here?”

Ah, so it’s Albert. It looks like he ran here to look for Barbara.

She shook her head: “No, I’ve been standing here for a long time, but I haven’t seen the girl you mentioned.”

“Is she really that cute?”

“If it was that cute, I would have seen it long ago.”

Albert looked at the silver-haired girl standing in front of him, took a deep breath, and the expression on his face looked extremely serious.

“I have to introduce to you, our cutest idol in Mond City, Miss Barbara!”

He didn’t know where to take out a picture album, which was full of photos of Barbara.

Singing songs, healing people, talking with people, and even photos of people praying in church.

With sharp eyes, Mu Jin saw a burgundy figure on the photo of praying.

The nun’s expression looked extremely helpless. It was obvious that she was arrested and forced to pray here.

Seeing Rosalia’s expression in the photo, Hibiscus felt that she was in a better mood when she was teased by this guy yesterday.

I didn’t expect her to have such an expression.

Rosalia, who was tasting the wine, felt jittery, her hand trembled, and she almost missed the wine bottle.

“…Why does it feel like someone is talking about me?”

“Miss? Miss? I’m serious about promoting our world’s cutest No. 1 idol to you! Are you interested in joining Miss Barbara’s fan club?”

Albert’s expression seemed to be getting more and more frenzied. It was obvious that the other party had fallen into a state of frantic preaching.

Listening to what he said, Mu Jin could only pretend to nod: “From your description, Miss Barbara is indeed very cute.”

“But as an idol, Ai-chan is the cutest in our family! He is proficient in singing and dancing!”


“That’s right, that’s right!”

Although she didn’t understand why the boss suddenly brought this matter on her, Ai-chan still stood up bravely with a proud look on her face.

Albert looked at Hibiscus with eyes that were too indescribable.

Although he didn’t say much, Mu Jin always felt that his eyes were expressing “You actually like this type of little guy, I really misread you. ”

All in all, I can be regarded as delaying Barbara’s escape for some time, right?

“Forget it… I wouldn’t have told you these things if I knew it earlier. I’m going to find Miss Barbara.”

Albert put away the photo album in his hand, and left here with a face of regret, obviously frustrated because he failed to preach.

“Is this kind of illegitimate meal…”

I have seen how difficult the other party is when I played Barbara’s invitation mission before.

Rather, Barbara’s fans are all like this.

The only thing is not to do anything to hurt Barbara.

Mujin turned around and was about to leave Mond City with Ai-chan and Hiyumaru.

As far as the matter between Barbara and Albert was concerned, it was just a small episode for Mu Jin.

Anyway, in the next period of time, I will stay in Mond for a longer period of time, so I can get some good impressions if I can.

When you reach the limit, you will stop collecting favors to prevent the car from overturning.

After walking a certain distance from Mond City, Hibiscus asked Ai-chan and Hiyumaru to pay more attention to their surroundings, while she huddled in the grass, clicked on the Raiden Mei character card, and chose to transform.

The increased intelligence of Ranger no longer makes her yell “transform” when she is alone.

Thinking back on what I did in the past, it is simply a living dark history.

Damn, am I that stupid? ? ?

When the intelligence is low, will the middle and second degrees increase in reverse?

Speaking of secondary school…

She thought of a certain little Amy.


“Hmm…? How did you get there…”

Yae Kamito opened his eyes and looked towards the opposite side of the sea.

She can vaguely feel that the little guy is in Mond now.

Then, in the next second, even this only vague perception disappeared in an instant.

She frowned slightly. The silver-haired girl disappeared, and her little guy also ran to where Mond should be…

It can’t be that these two little guys have discussed elopement together, right?

Yae Kamiko, who had no intention of reading the novel at all, put the light novel aside and sighed faintly.

If they really eloped, the General might not be the first one to go to Mond to catch him back.

But one day passed, and there was no rain or thunder, and the castle tower was very quiet.

Is it what happened to the general and that silver-haired little guy?

Caused a conflict?

However, there is a high probability that the general, Tie Hanhan, wanted to confess his love, but in the end he scared the other party away.

Yae Kamiko thought helplessly, walked out of the room that only belonged to him, and came under the god cherry tree step by step.

Standing here, her heart will always calm down.

As the breeze blew by, listening to the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves in my ears, my agitated mood temporarily calmed down because things were out of control.

However, there is still a little bit of discomfort.

“Oh, oh…. This feeling of being out of control… Tsk, I’m really uncomfortable.”

Yae Kamiko smacked her lips. She is a member of the God of Thunder, and now that guy Ying doesn’t come out at all, so she does most of the work.

Originally, when the little guy was around, he could tease and tease him to ease his mood.

Now this kind of messy thing has happened.

Linghu is really tired.

However, the only good thing now is that the filthy thing seems to be taken over by the blond traveler.

…Well, I can rest for a while.

“Sure enough, let’s take one step at a time.”

It’s no use thinking about it all the time…

No wonder!

If you think about it carefully, you still have to let the shadow come out.


“…Miss… are you okay?”

The purple crow looked at the blond girl who was in a panic now, with a worried tone.

“I…I’m fine!”

The ghost knows that she will be so unlucky in this investigation mission that she doesn’t know where to throw the food she brought. Before the mission is over, Fischer can only look for wild apples and other edible food to satisfy her hunger.

She hasn’t been late for fresh food for almost several days.

Fischer sniffed the smell in the air, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he even secretly swallowed.

“I can smell food…”

“Miss, please be careful, I’m going to explore first.”

If it wasn’t an illusion, Ozzy even heard the sound of slapstick. Seeing that Fischel was in a bad state, he finally chose to find the way for his young lady.

The one who cooks in the front is naturally Hibiscus who uses the Raiden Mei character card.

With her keen hearing, she naturally sensed that someone was approaching here.

I could only silently cancel the option to change back to the Qiyana character card.

She took out her sword and observed everything around her vigilantly.

After all, it is in the wild, and it is possible to meet anyone.

It is possible for the Qiuqiu people and the treasure-robbing group to go together.

Even, even slimes that look harmless and even soft may suddenly attack.

Although the group of guys who attacked Hibiscus usually did not end well.

At this moment, the grass behind the hibiscusCong suddenly heard a strange noise.

“Excuse me…..”

“Crimson Jade Ball! Breathe fire!”

“Etc., etc!!”

Before Oz could finish his words, a ball of scorching fire rushed towards him.


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1646044978-100278806-108428001.jpg”


Ask for tickets and postings every day! !

Come more, come more!

Since my stomach still hurts a bit today, I thought I could make two updates today, but failed…I’m sorry, huh.

Mond Daily: Please leave me a note!

I’m asking for a day off today. I’m going out later. I don’t know when I can code ()

Think of it as a rare chance to touch fish, hehe

————————————————– —

(Want to eat sweet, want to eat watermelon, want to eat puffs, want to eat barbecue, want to drink milk tea)

Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1646112957-100278806-108431788.jpg”

Picture: “Bad Yeh (“, location: “Images/1646112985-100278806-108431788.jpg”


Picture: “Drink your milk tea madly (“, location: “Images/1646113025-100278806-108431788.jpg”

Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1646113118-100278806-108431788.jpg”

Daily life of Mond:

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