Thirteen I really like Ying… Ah, forget it, next one.

After hearing such a familiar voice, Mu Jin trembled and turned her head slowly.

Sure enough, a living General Thunder and Lightning stood behind her and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Mu Jin sadly discovered that she didn’t seem to be dreaming.

Why is the general here! ?

Shouldn’t she be Mond? ! Could it be that he noticed a flaw in his use of the Fu Hua character card?

Although Mu Jin looked very calm, she was panicking inside now.

My head is full of what to do now.

My cheating system ran to upgrade, and the two little guys, Aijiang and Feiyuwan, were already asleep.

Now there are no props to escape, and the point mall cannot be opened now because of the embarrassing system.

Depend on! It’s killing me!

“You…why are you here…wait a minute, if you have something to say, don’t come here!”

“….I’m looking for you.” General Lei Dian wanted to take a step forward, but saw Mu Jin subconsciously backing away, and finally chose to stand where she was, not approaching her any more.

As for a certain yellow hair, let’s not mention it, anyway, the other party is also a light bulb.

Baimao Tuanzi rubbed his hair, and said in a distressed tone, “Why are you looking for me…Anyway, I won’t be returning to Dao Wife during this period of time.”

“As for what you said on the day of the ceremony, I can pretend that nothing happened.”

Mu Jin pursed her lips: “Go back quickly.”

Hearing the obvious intention of expulsion in the other party’s words, General Lei Dian really didn’t want to let go of this opportunity.

If you missed it….

I will regret it for a long time.

This thought suddenly popped up in his heart, General Lei Dian shook his head in front of Mu Jin: “I didn’t intend to bring you back to Dao Wife.”

“I feel… sorry for what I did that day.”

No matter how he imagined how to talk to Mu Jin in his mind, when it came to reality, General Lei Dian’s little head was actually on standby for a moment.

But in the end, he finally said what he wanted to say.

“Wait…wait a minute, what did you just say?”

Mu Jin looked at General Lei Dian standing opposite her in complete disbelief.

That famous General Thunder actually apologized to her? ? ? ?

Did I hear correctly?

She stretched out her hand and pinched her own cheek, but the force was accidentally too strong, and she subconsciously let out a cry of pain.

Oh my god…

It’s really not a nightmare…

General Lei Dian naturally saw Mu Jin’s small movements, and couldn’t help laughing out loud.

She is still so cute.

“…Let’s not talk about this for now…I’m going back to sleep now, you should go back too.”

Mu Jin rubbed her cheeks that were a little red from being pinched by herself, calmed down forcibly, took a step, bypassed General Lei Dian directly, brushed past her and walked away.

General Thunder and Lightning will naturally not let this goOpportunity, before Hibiscus went far, followed.

At night, don’t let her go alone.

Mu Jin really wanted to ignore the footsteps behind her now, without even thinking about it, she knew that behind her was a certain famous rice wife Lei Dian. Mu Mu. General.

She wanted to turn around and tell General Lei Dian not to follow.

But what should I say?

After thinking about it all the way, Mu Jin didn’t think it through, so she simply stopped thinking about it and quickened her pace.

The original ten-minute journey was abruptly compressed by her into five or six minutes.

Just pretend that you didn’t hear anything, Mu Jin took out the door key from her pocket, thinking helplessly.

“I’m already home, you should go back and rest too.”

After leaving only this sentence, she closed the door completely, not intending to take care of General Thunder outside the door.

Her deep purple eyes just looked at the closed door of Hibiscus, and she had already remembered the route when she came…

But if I just go back like this, I always feel a little unwilling.

If he goes back, it means that the yellow hair will also know that Mu Jin lives here, and will even find a reason.

“There’s no place to live, and there’s not even Mora yet. Please, Hibiscus, take me and Paimon~”

Then put on that pitiful expression, and the soft-hearted Mu Jin will let those two guys live in her home.

Just thinking about it, General Lei Dian felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Sour, and a little uncomfortable.

But, what method do I have to use to get Hibiscus to bring her into the house?

General Thunder subconsciously began to think.

Hibiscus in the room leaned against the door, and the tension in her heart did not ease in the slightest.

Covering his face with his hands, he slowly squatted on the ground, trying to calm himself down.

She could feel that General Thunder had not left outside the door, which was one of the reasons why she couldn’t relax.

Her hands were trembling faintly, she took a deep breath, and desperately tried to ignore that person’s aura.

Let’s get some sleep.

What if it will be normal after sleeping.

‘Boom! ‘

A flash of light streaked across the sky, followed by violent thunder and the sound of rain pouring down.

When Mu Jin came back just now, she actually felt that raindrops were starting to tick in the sky.

The weather in summer is always unpredictable.

It was obviously so hot before, but in the next second it started to rain violently on you.

I’ll catch you off guard.

But this rain has nothing to do with Hibiscus who is huddled in the house.

Hibiscus, who was boiling hot water in the room to take a bath, glanced out the window and at the door.

But General Thunder and Lightning outside, should he leave in this situation?

Well, let’s just take a look at whether this guy has left or not, so I don’t feel soft-hearted.

Mu Jin came to the door, and through the door mirror, she indeed saw a certain General Lei Dian who was being drenched by the rain at the door.

Mu Jin didn’t even think about it, opened the door, and dragged the log into her little house without saying a word.

While dragging and cursing: “Are you stupid? It’s raining and you don’t go back and stand in front of my house like a female ghost. Even if you are Thor, don’t act like a child…Oh my God. …Hey.”

At the end, Mu Jin sighed like a worried old mother.

The hot water was almost ready, so Mu Jin forced General Lei Dian, who was looking left and right, onto the sofa, and said in a cold voice: “Sit here, don’t move, if you dare to move, I will throw you out .â€

General Lei Dian just looked at Hibiscus, and nodded unexpectedly obediently.

Rather, it was like a cat grinning at her all the time.

It’s not bad to give General Thunder and Lightning a rare experience.

Mu Jin put the hot water she had prepared in the bathtub, and the bathroom door was not closed tightly, so naturally she could see the living room.

The lighting in the living room is also produced by the system’s point mall. It is said that it does not need electricity, and only needs the special battery of the point mall to maintain the lighting. At least it is much brighter than Liyue’s lighting supplies.

Anyway, it’s very cheap, and I don’t lose money.

If you really want to use candles for lighting, although hibiscus can be used, it always feels a little uncomfortable.

After putting hot water in the tub, Mu Jin walked out of the bathroom and came to General Lei Dian: “The water is ready, go take a bath.”

“This body…”

“To take a bath.”


General Thunder walked to the bathroom. After closing the door, he took off his rain-soaked clothes and put them aside.

“I put the clean clothes by the door, and the towels are on the right side of the tub.”

Mu Jin said through a door, whether to let General Thunder and Lightning sleep on the sofa at first.


This is not revenge.

After all, facing a person who used to be coquettish to him, Mu Jin has to be on guard no matter how soft-hearted he is. The embarrassing system went to upgrade, and Mu Jin, who can’t see the character’s affection at all, at least now won’t be as careless as he used to be in Dao Wife. What the lungs look like.

General Leiden, who was soaking in the hot water, loosened his long hair, lowered his eyes, and looked at the reflection in the water.

Hmm…Although I have entered Mujin’s house, what should I do next?How to do it?

She really wanted to hold the white hair dumpling in her arms like before, and smell the fragrance of the other person.

However, General Lei Dian didn’t expect so much. Just looking at Mu Jin’s attitude towards him now, she is already very satisfied to be able to share the same room with him.

As for going back to Dao Wife…

This matter still needs to be considered.

At least don’t mention this matter to Mu Jin now, or she will hide from herself again.

Moreover, I didn’t see the little chef that Shenzi was interested in… Forget it, do you want to ask me later?

General Leiden was lost in thought.


Ying, who was sleeping soundly in the next room, opened her eyes in a daze, glanced at the window where the thunderstorm was falling, turned around, hugged Paimon in her arms, and fell asleep again.

Although I feel like I’m lagging behind, it’s more important to get a good night’s sleep now.


Mu Jin looked at General Thunder and Lightning, who had changed into short sleeves and shorts, and looked like a standard house girl. She always felt as if she had done something extraordinary.

If General Lei Dian’s appearance was seen by Dao’s wife, the image of Lei Shen would probably be destroyed in his own hands.

…Well, if you think about it that way, it’s interesting.

“I ve done washing.”

Mu Jin glanced at General Lei Dian’s long hair that was still dripping with water: “Why didn’t you wipe your hair, be careful of catching a cold.”

It turned out that when she was in the castle tower, Mu Jin hadn’t seen General Raiden go to take a bath.

But he never expected that the other party would come out without wiping his hair.

She now feels that she is very much like an old woman, who can’t see General Lei Dian who came out of wiping her hair, but actually wants to wipe it off for her…

The other party tilted his head in doubt: “You don’t need to wipe your hair, I won’t catch a cold.”

“Forget it, whatever you want, I’m going to take a shower.”

For General Thunderbolt, Hibiscus can only be left cold now.

If he is as enthusiastic as before, there is no guarantee that what happened before will happen again.

So, be careful.

If the car overturns this time, Mu Jin doesn’t want to expose her ability to transform into someone else.

Now she is facing General Thunder, but she really doesn’t have the ability to resist at all.

After hearing the bathroom door close, General Thunder and Lightning, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the structure of the house and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Although some small decorations are missing, General Lei Dian always feels that this room seems to have been seen somewhere before.

But, I can’t remember.

I have to say that although the house is a bit smaller, it has a different feeling than the grand castle tower.

Perhaps, this is what the book says, the taste of home?

General Lei Dian felt that the most important thing was the existence of Hibiscus. Without her, everything around her would not be particularly interesting.

So, take advantage of the remaining time.

Let Hibiscus see her sincerity, then reconcile, and then she can be like before.

General Thunder’s idea is very simple.

Find Mu Jin, explain why you came here, apologize, and then try to make Mu Jin reconcile with you.


What should I do next? Do you manage the hibiscus like you used to?

Forget it, let’s think about it later.

Anyway, the current General Thunderbolt seems to be lacking some elements, he is listless.

Although I really want to continue hugging Hibiscus…but there is a high probability that the other party will disagree.

Not long after, Mu Jin took a shower and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.


General Lei Dian raised his head, his deep purple eyes and long hair scattered made Mu Jin hallucinate into another person.


No, this is the general.

Really, what kind of stand-in literature are you doing?

“You can sleep in the living room, I’ll get you a quilt.”

Mu Jin turned her face to the side, strode quickly to the fully cleaned bedroom, took out a brand new bedding and pillow, returned to the living room, and handed it to the other party.

“That’s it, good night, go back after the rain stops tomorrow.”

She yawned and returned to the bedroom without waiting for General Thunderbolt’s reply.

After closing the door, turning off the desk lamp, and crawling into the somewhat cold bed, Mu Jin curled up her body, listening to the thunder outside the window, a rare feeling of being unable to fall asleep appeared in her heart.

Covering her head with the pillow, Mu Jin didn’t want to hear the sound of thunder.

In addition to making her unable to sleep, the sound of thunder even made her feel fear.

It’s not that Qiyana’s character card is afraid of thunder, but that Hibiscus was very afraid of thunder when she was a child.

But when I was a child, when I was awakened by thunder, I would always be so scared that I would crawl into my mother’s arms, listen to the song my mother hummed, and feel reassured by patting my back lightly. When I was a child, I felt that thunder was nothing.

When she grew up, whenever there was thunder and rain, Hibiscus would put on her earphones, play the happiest songs, and try to ignore the thunder. Once she got used to it, she fell asleep.

No one is with me now… It feels like returning to the helpless time when I was a child.

Hibiscus, hibiscus, you are a mature adult now, you shouldn’t be afraid of thunder.

While Mu Jin was vaguely recalling the past, the door was quietly opened.A very small gap was opened.

General Thunder and Lightning saw the trembling bulge hidden in the quilt through the gap.

She pursed her lips, clumsily made her movements a lot lighter, and came to Mu Jin’s bedside.

At this time, Mu Jin was about to fall asleep.

Then a warm object got into the bed, causing her to subconsciously turn around and get into the embrace of that object.

General Lei Dian’s body froze subconsciously, hesitated, and finally put his hand on Mu Jin’s waist.

Feeling the softness of the other party, General Lei Dian’s eyes flashed with satisfaction, and he put a little force on the hand around Mu Jin’s waist.

It seemed as if he wanted to rub the white-haired Hanhan who had fallen asleep into his arms.

But after General Lei Dian hugged her for a while, he relieved a little. Now she just wants Mu Jin to sleep well.

The thunder outside the window became smaller and smaller, and then the thunder disappeared, leaving only the sound of rain falling on the ground.

“….I order the world in the ten directions to calm down the thunder. May you sleep peacefully tonight.”

“Good night.”


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1648987982-100278806-108582253.jpg”

Updated! Updated!

Ask for tickets and stickers every day!

Come more, come more!

Autumn Pear Paste!

Liyue Shura Field: Leave Note

Well, it’s Calvin. Please take a leave of absence. I will reply and update tomorrow.

You can’t get out of the closed city, and the children are almost going to be stupid…


Milk tea, my milk tea…

My crispy chicken rice, woo woo woo… delicious… hamburger… fried chicken… oh…


Picture: “Tie Tie”, location: “Images/1649064761-100278806-108586532.jpg”

Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1649064788-100278806-108586532.jpg”

Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1649064811-100278806-108586532.jpg”

Picture: “?”, Location: “Images/1649064832-100278806-108586532.jpg”

Liyue Shura Field:

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