Thirty-Seven Danger Hibiscus Danger

“…Walnut, what’s wrong with Hibiscus?”

Xiangling looked at Mu Jin who was lying on the table with her head sullen and refused to come out, and asked Hu Tao who was sitting next to her curiously.

Hu Tao just waved her hands casually, with a helpless expression on her face: “I don’t know, just now I saw her standing in a daze at the door of your house, and my hall master just dragged her in.”

Then, Hibiscus became like this.

Hu Tao and Xiangling don’t know what’s going on with Mu Jin, and it’s not easy to go up and ask. After all, everyone has privacy.

But Mu Jin has maintained this state for a long time. As Mu Jin’s best friends, it’s not like that if they do nothing.

Hu Tao poked Xiangling’s waist and motioned her to go up and ask.

Xiangling nodded. It seemed that she had completely understood Hu Tao’s intentions. She directly grabbed her hand and rushed forward.


She hasn’t figured out how to face Hibiscus yet! Xiangling, you cheated me to death! !

At this time, Mu Jin was in a very confused state, and she didn’t even know when she would return to Liyue Port.

In her mind, Leiden Yayi gave herself a deep French kiss. After the kiss, her legs went limp, and her brain was stunned. Then the other party directly agreed to release her clone and return to the system space.

I vaguely remembered that the other party chuckled in my ear a few times, and then bit her ear wickedly, making her completely paralyzed in Lei Dian Mei’s arms.

When Hibiscus was in a daze, Leiden Mei seemed to say: “I look forward to the next time you call me, I will be your knife, as long as you need me, I will definitely try my best to help you… …whatever you look like.”

“At most a small interest will be charged.”

Lei Dian Mei stuck to Hibiscus’ cheek, rubbed it slightly, squinted her eyes in satisfaction, put her hands around her waist, and prevented this silly white-haired dumpling from slipping out of her arms Walk.

Hibiscus’ current state is: Who am I? where am I? what am i doing here

After being kissed by Lei Dian Mei, she no longer knew what she was doing with her here, and she was just Aba Aba, and what you said seemed right.

Afterwards, Mu Jin didn’t know what Leiden Mei did. Anyway, she wasn’t too out of line, at most, she would kiss, hug and chew.

After Mu Jin fully recovered, Leiden Mei had disappeared here.

There was still some faint pain in her neck. No need to think about it, Mu Jin also knew that it was a good thing the other party did.

Why on earth did I use this character avatar card?

[At that time, you just wanted to find something to do, host. 】

The sound of the system immediately brought Mu Jin back to her senses.

Good guy, you’ve finally come out, hurry up and tell me what happened to Leiden Mei? ?

The system definitely knows something! Perhaps, he was hiding something about himself.

Mu Jin’s eyes immediately became sharp.

TieTong was silent for a while, and then it became like this.

[Sorry, an unknown virus has invaded this system, and it is restarting!]

(Very standard and graceful Liyue swearing)

Mu Jin immediately realized what she couldn’t know from this deceitful system, and began to think secretly.

This system is definitely not a simple system to let her gain favor. Maybe there will be some weird existence behind it…

But will a serious system install Qing×Space? In some situations, this guy is even more panicked than himself..

Hibiscus didn’t understand.

In the end, he could only return to Liyue Port in a daze, and stood in front of the Wanmin Hall of Xiangling’s house, in a daze. Finally, he was dragged in by a certain Hall Master Hu who walked very flamboyantly.

So the scene changed to what was said before.

After thinking for a long time, Mu Jin didn’t understand. She raised her head slightly, and then saw Xiang Ling who was hesitating to talk to Hall Master Hu, and Hu Tao who was struggling.

“Are you performing mimes?”

Her sudden utterance made the two of them froze in place, and looked awkwardly at the white-haired Hanhan who was lying on his arm with a puzzled face.

Xiangling reached out her hand unceremoniously, and directly poked Hu Tao’s most sensitive waist under the table. After seeing Hu Tao begging for mercy, she let go of her hand in satisfaction.

“No, Walnut just made a fuss again, saying that she wants to try my new dish.”

As soon as the new dishes were mentioned, Hu Tao’s face suddenly became incomprehensible, but she still nodded with difficulty in the face of Mu Jin’s questioning eyes.

“Ah…..Yes, yes, my hall master was going to taste the new dishes made by Xiangling just now!”


Seen by Mu Jin’s suspicious eyes, Hu Tao subconsciously thought of the scene that day, and felt guilty for the first time, but still nodded her head bravely.

After all, Xiangling’s new material should not be slime liquid or something. After all, the excitement should have passed, right?

After Xiangling saw that she had been fooled by this matter, she planned to quietly test what happened to Mu Jin just now, and she turned out like that…

“Speaking of which, Hibiscus, why did you look dumb just now? Did something happen?”

As soon as she mentioned what happened just now, Mu Jin froze back again. She couldn’t tell Xiangling and the others about such things.

Being kissed by someone and being molested… must not let other people know.

“It’s nothing, I just sent a friend away from Liyue, and I’m a bit reluctant…” Mu Jin lay on her arms, her voice was muffled, and she looked depressed.

Tonight we have to settle the matter of General Thunder..

Suddenly I had the urge not to go back.

There are too many things she doesn’t know about the system, and she can’t figure it out at all right now.

A little annoying.

Since I returned to Liyue, the system that has been upgraded has rarely even issued tasks, and the tasks to be issued are all weird.

Seeing the depressed Mujin, Hu Tao and Xiangling looked at each other, as if there was really no way to comfort Mujin.

If you think about it carefully, there is only one way.

After Hu Tao and Xiang Ling stood up at the same time, they walked to Mu Jin’s side, directly held Baimao Tuanzi’s arms, exerted strength, and directly pulled each other up.


“Father! I’m going out!”

Master Mao poked his head out and watched Mu Jin, who looked dazed, being held up by his own daughter and Hu Tao, and dragged out of Wanmin Hall abruptly.

…Young people nowadays really don’t understand, but they are really energetic.

Master Mao shrank back silently, sighed inexplicably, and continued to pick the leaves in his hands.

“What are you two doing??”

“Of course it’s a happy shopping! Only in this way can you feel better! Or you can go to Wuwangpo to relax. This hall master can introduce you to some interesting places~ or find the place where you were picked up at the beginning That’s okay too.” Hu Tao’s voice was a little excited, as if she was expecting Hibiscus to agree to her request.

Mu Jin’s mind immediately thought of the gloomy atmosphere of Wuwangpo, and even the laughter of children, her little face immediately turned pale, and she seemed very resistant to going to Wuwangpo to relax.

If I go here, I’m afraid there will be no people left.

“Don’t scare her, Mu Jin is timid.”

Xiang Ling, who looked at Hu Tao, nodded. What she said was nothing more than bouncing back and forth on Mu Jin’s inexplicable self-esteem. She didn’t know where the courage came from, and Mu Jin said, “Go! Who’s afraid? I’m super brave, okay?”

“Alright, alright, brave man, let’s put aside the matter of Wu Wangpo, it’s better to go shopping first!”

There was a tricky smile on Hu Tao’s small face, she put down the hand that was holding Hibiscus’s arm, and put it carelessly on Baimao Tuanzi’s shoulder, looking like a good sister.

Mu Jin was dazed by these two people, and in the end, she could only follow their thoughts and start wandering around casually.

But after all, girls who are in their best years cannot avoid liking beautiful clothes and cute accessories.

It just so happens that Hibiscus is a very good hanger. Hu Tao and Xiangling seemed to dress up this white-haired Hanhan who didn’t dress up very much a long time ago.

Always wearing one piece of clothing, I am tired of looking at it personally!

Therefore, Hibiscus was very lucky to beBecame a dress-up doll for these two people.

At the beginning, she would feel that the two of Hu Tao would get tired of hanging around for a while, and then she would be free.

She obviously underestimated the perseverance of the girls shopping. In the short afternoon, the three of them never stopped. He and Walnut were dragged up, and continued this shopping trip, which was very painful for her.


Who can help me…

Hibiscus closed her eyes, lowered her head, and sat on the stool. Her body exuded a gray-white aura, and her whole body was completely burnt out.

She was surrounded by clothing bags, all of which were clothes picked out by Hu Tao and Xiang Ling. She obviously didn’t want to accept them, but they were forced into her hands in the end.

For example, the black silk and the white silk, Mu Jin didn’t understand, why are these things so popular? Moreover, Hu Tao and Xiang Ling both wanted to see what they would wear.

It’s one thing to see other people wear it, but it’s another thing for her to wear it herself. It’s a big problem!

But having said that, Kiyana seems to be very suitable for wearing white silk… Obviously her legs are very good.

Hibiscus lowered her head, looking at her thighs that were forcibly changed into dark blue shorts, she stretched out her hands and pinched the flesh on her legs, it was soft.

But no one would have thought that the explosive force of her thighs would be enough to easily break a person’s nose bone.

She suddenly thought of a serious matter.

By the way, is it really okay to wear white silk on the battlefield?

The clothes she’s wearing are already very cool, with black tight-fitting short sleeves, which just reveals her belly without a trace of fat. Just stretch her waist a little, and her beautiful figure will be exposed to the air.

Her silver-white long hair was combed into a high ponytail, which made her look more heroic.

As for the mark on the neck left by Leiden Mei, Mu Jin protected it very well when changing clothes, and did not let the two of them see it.

If he saw it, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

However, although this cool outfit is cool, it just attracts a lot of attention from others…

Mu Jin, who didn’t like the scrutinizing gaze, thought for a while, and took out the coat that Bai Lian had brought with her back then, and put it on herself.

Well, it’s still much more comfortable like this, and the eyes of others are not so dazzling.

Hu Tao and Xiangling looked at Mu Jin’s burned-out appearance just now, and gave her a very rare rest for a while, and the two of them happily went to see other things.

I really didn’t expect these two people to be able to go shopping so much. Obviously, one likes to delve into cooking skills, and the other likes to promote the Hall of Death. Both of them have nothing to do with the interest of shopping.

But yes, girls of this age are all interested in shopping.

But Hibiscus is completely different. She only goes to the street to buy what she wants, and other shops are just passing by for a look, and she never goes in for a stroll.

Until she became an adult, Mu Jin still maintained this habit. For her, having that time to hang out, it would be more interesting for her to go home and lie on the bed with the air conditioner on and watch videos on her mobile phone.

As a result, she still doesn’t like shopping very much, and she doesn’t understand why these girls like to go shopping so much.

Most importantly, aren’t they tired after walking around?

Mu Jin leaned on her face, squinted her eyes and looked at Hu Tao and Xiang Ling not far away, and raised a question from her heart.

“Hutao, did we forget something…?” Xiangling looked at Mujin who was resting comfortably not far away, and only then remembered the main purpose of their shopping this time.

“Ah, what’s the matter?”

Hu Tao put her hands on her hips, frowned slightly, and seemed to be thinking very seriously.

“Didn’t we agree to bring hibiscus to ease the mood?”

As a result, the two of them directly left the client aside, and went shopping happily by themselves.

Isn’t this completely contrary to the plan!

The expression on Hu Tao’s face became a little stiff. It seemed that he had thought of the previous plan, and scratched his cheek in embarrassment: “Why don’t you continue to grab Hibiscus now?”

“Let her rest for a while, she looks very tired.”

Xiangling stared blankly at Mu Jin who had already matched her clothes. The other party was already very eye-catching just sitting there quietly.

After all, everyone likes pretty and cute girls.

Of course, she also likes it very much.

The main reason is that when Mu Jin was not talking, she really had a quiet and girlish temperament, but after their outfits just now, she had a very energetic girlish look from the next door.

It’s quite surprising.

But now Hibiscus is thinking about when to eat, she is hungry.

After sitting there honestly and waiting for a while, Xiangling and Hutao didn’t arrive, but an unexpected person.

It’s the condensed light that was reported to have increased by 10% in extreme emotions this morning.

When Mu Jin saw Ning Guang approaching, she thought she was tired and dizzy, and she was wrong.

It wasn’t until the other party greeted her that Mu Jin realized that she didn’t seem to be dazzled.

“Good afternoon, Miss Mujin.”

“Ah… well, good afternoon…Miss Ningguang.” Mu Jin faltered in response, thinking she was just here to say hello, but ended up sitting directly next to her.”Are you shopping?”

Ningguang seemed to be aware of Mu Jin’s emotions towards her, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

The crimson eyes glanced at Mu Jin’s neck, and then she looked away. The smile on the corner of her mouth became more meaningful. Although she was smiling, the smile in the other party’s eyes was not as good as her eyes.

The surrounding atmosphere began to become strange.

Mu Jin, who responded casually, shrank her neck subconsciously, and silently wrapped her clothes tightly.

The system is still in the process of restarting.. It’s really useless when it comes to the critical moment!

“By the way, Miss Mujin, you accidentally left your clothes in the Jade Pavilion. If you have time, would you like to go to the Jade Pavilion to get them back?”

The smiling gaze on his face extended an invitation to Mu Jin.


Picture: “?”, Location: “Images/1650702310-100278806-108676141.jpg”

Updated! Updated!

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