Listen to Me Thank You ()

When Yae Kamiko proposed to sleep between herself and Lei Movie, she immediately agreed.

The position assigned now is:

Jiujo Shaluo, Hibiscus, Yae Shenzi, Lei Movie.

Well, it’s perfect.

Although she didn’t sleep in the furthest position, Mu Jin accepted it with satisfaction.

At least keep a fairly perfect distance.

It was only when she was lying on the quilt that Mu Jin realized something was wrong.

You Yae Shenzi, why do you put your hands under her blanket when you sleep? ? ? something is wrong with you! !

Mu Jin could clearly feel Yae Shenzi’s hand, searching bit by bit, as if looking for something.

But if you touch it any further, it will be a forbidden area! ! !

In the darkness, Hibiscus seemed to be able to hear the sound of rubbing the cloth, as well as her own heart beating faster because of being too excited.

She originally wanted to turn her back on Yae Shenko, but if she thought about it carefully, it seemed more dangerous.

In the end, he couldn’t hold back, stretched out his hand, and directly pressed the hand of Yae Shen who was exploring freely on his body.

In the end, as if Yae Kamito wanted it right, Mu Jin’s outstretched hand was directly held by the pink fox lady.

Even if I wanted to break free, I couldn’t.

Even the way Yae Shenzi and Hibiscus held hands was directly changed to interlocking fingers.

Because Lei Yingying and Jiutiao Shaluo were still by her side, Mu Jin didn’t say anything, and could only silently endure the pranks of Miss Pink Fox.

Listening to the overly steady breathing beside her, Mu Jin became calm again because of the disturbed state of mind just now.

As a result, when Mu Jin was about to fall asleep, she could feel a soft body sticking to her body.

Hibiscus, who was startled awake, immediately opened her eyes.

She could smell the familiar fragrance of cherry blossoms, and knew who had sneaked into her bed without guessing.

But she didn’t seem to be able to do anything. In the end, she could only get out of the way so that Yae Shenzi could lie down more comfortably.

As a result, the crumb fox simply shrank into Hibiscus’ embrace, finding a comfortable position.

Mu Jin really wanted to push the pink fox into her own bed, but she was a little worried that the noise would wake up Lei Yingying and Jiutiao Shaluo, and it would be a disaster if something embarrassing happened.

In the end, he could only let this guy curl up in his arms honestly.

The system silently wrote down the small notebook, as if it was still muttering something: [Well, not bad, although the host still looks a little wooden, but there is no resistance to the sticking behavior of favored characters, you can add a little crystal to increase the size dose up. 】

Looking at the plans in the small book, the system is a sign of satisfaction, and I can’t help but sigh that I can simply change the name to [Lily Sticker System].

Come on, wood host, a lot of crystals are waiting for you!

Mu Jin only felt a chill behind her back, as if someone was talking about herself behind her back, which was a bit weird.

Yae Kamiko, who succeeded in ‘making progress’, lay in Hibiscus’ arms, listening to the other’s heart beating faster due to nervousness, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Well, as expected, she still won’t reject herself.

It doesn’t matter, when she was sleeping between His Highness and the little guy, she got into the bed of the person next to her.

Of course, the target is the little guy, not the more wooden His Highness.

Hey, the warm heart of the little guy is really good~ Why does it feel like he’s a little bigger?

“My lord… please don’t touch me…” Mu Jin almost lowered her voice,Some gritted their teeth and lowered their heads and said.

From just now, this guy started to grope on his body. He wanted to endure it for a while, but after groping for a long time, he even pressed on two balls of slime.

It’s not outrageous for a cat to step on milk like this!

Aren’t you a canine? Scrap fox! !

Hibiscus, who had several chances to fall asleep, was also a little irritable, and her tone of voice was also a little hard, not as soft as before.

This made Yae Kamito feel a bit of novelty, she had never heard the little guy speak in such a tone.

Well, it’s quite interesting.

But in order to prevent the little guy from becoming angry, Yae Miko just lay in her arms obediently, without doing anything more.

Yae Shenzi finally calmed down, allowing Mu Jin to fall into sleep peacefully.


Jiutiao Shaluo, who was not completely asleep, could only turn his back when he heard the movement next to him, couldn’t help but blushed, and began to feel annoyed about his overly sensitive hearing.

I didn’t expect Yae Gongji-sama would… sneak into Miss Miko’s bed in the middle of the night.

It’s so enviable… no, it’s too embarrassing!

Kutiao Shaluo quietly turned her head. Because of Yatengu’s bloodline, her night vision ability is not bad in a sense.

After taking a furtive look, Jiutiao Shaluo turned around again, facing Hibiscus’ back.

A bold idea suddenly came to mind, but it was quickly denied by Jiujo Shaluo.

This is not good, it is too bad.

But curled up in an unfamiliar bed, and the uncomfortable fragrance made it impossible for Jiujo Saluo to fall asleep.

She could feel a strange voice in her heart, coaxing herself to implement the idea that popped up just now.

Normally, she should just fall asleep like this, and leave after washing up the next morning to deal with official duties.

But I don’t want to give up so easily…

Jiutiao Shaluo lowered his eyes, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have decided on something.

[Good guy, as expected of the host, the reward crystals can be increased again. 】

In the end, there was only one night without rest, and the observing system knew everything that happened tonight.


In the early morning of the next day, Lei Yingying saw the three people hugging each other, Jiujo Shaluo and Yae Shenzi hugged the hibiscus in the middle together, with a painful expression on their faces, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Although she heard some strange sounds at night, she really didn’t seem to have seen this scene.

A trace of doubt flashed in those deep purple eyes.

Could it be that the Son of God called her here because of this incident?

Is she… an outsider? ?

Realizing the truth, Lei Yingying suddenly felt a little sad, and planned to ask this little witch for a few more puddings after getting up later!

The kind that can’t be coaxed well.

The thought of still having that soft and sweet pudding after breakfast made the expression on Lei Movie’s face less aggrieved.

After carefully taking a look at the expression on Mu Jin’s face, Lei Movie still paused as he was about to wash up.

Maybe it’s because of selfishness.

All in all, it seems that Lei Xinghua, who has decided on something, intends to help Hibiscus.

“Son of God, let’s go, get up, getting up early is good for your health.” She dragged her family members up without hesitation, and dragged away the fox lady who hadn’t woken up before she realized what was going on. I went to wash up.

Yae Shenzi who was not awake at all: Huh?

After the two left, there were only Jiutiao Shaluo and Hibiscus clinging to each other left in the room.

Jiujo Shaluo, who had always been a light sleeper, quietly opened his eyes after Lei Yingying and Yae Shenzi left.

It’s too embarrassing for the general to see this matter…

Quietly loosening the hand around Hibiscus’ waist, Jiutiao Shaluo sat up slowly, and stretched out his hand to cover his cheek.

The enthusiasm on his face couldn’t be ignored at all.

Oops… Miss Miko’s body is really soft…

Jiujo Shaluo, who was too skeptical about life, secretly took a look at Mujin, whose face had improved a bit, and quickly looked away.

Her heart was beating violently for some unknown reason.

All I can think of is that she is so cute and I like it so much.

After patting his cheek with his hands, Kutiao Sharo, who forced himself to calm down, immediately changed his clothes, lightly tidied up the quilt he was lying on just now, and finally left in a hurry without even washing up.

She looks like a ruthless scumbag who pulls out her fingers.

Only Hibiscus, who dreamed of being sandwiched between two giant slimes, slept in the room with a painful expression on his face.

Yae Kamiko, who hadn’t woken up in the first place, was forced to wash up under the leadership of Lei Yingying, and then sat in the place where he usually handles official business (plus reviewing novels), and looked at Lei Yingying, who had been drinking tea early in the morning, with a resentful expression on his face. yawned.

“Ying… aren’t you sleepy?”

Lei Movie looked back without feeling guilty at all: “I’m not sleepy at all. After reading through the book the general brought back from Liyue, I have a more comprehensive understanding of life.”

Yae Shenzi twitched the corners of his mouth: “Which book are you talking about?”

Lei Movie thought for a while.

“”One Hundred Kinds of Health Preservation After Retirement”Method”, the author’s name seems to have been obliterated, and only Zhenjun without a wallet was written. ”

“This author’s pen name is really strange.”

“But the things written in the book are very useful. After resting for a few days according to the method above, I really feel relaxed physically and mentally.”

Your Highness seems to really like this book.

It’s rare to see His Highness so happy, and it’s not in vain to bring her out from the general.

Yae Shenzi leaned on his face, watched Lei Yingying conveying the health knowledge he read from that book to himself, and suddenly said, “By the way, why don’t you read the book of Yae Hall?”

As soon as this was mentioned, Lei Movie’s body stopped, and he lost a lot visible to the naked eye.

“They were all taken away by the general, saying they were affecting the handling of official duties.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, it’s so miserable~”

Yae Miko who smacked her lips intends to help her get it back. This is His Highness’s revenge for dragging her out of the warm blanket.

“Son of God…”

But seeing His Highness’s pitiful look, Yae Shenzi still couldn’t bear it, and he didn’t know where he took out the novel, and handed it to Lei Movie at will: “If it is taken away this time, I don’t care oh.”

How do you feel that His Highness has become more and more like a house girl since Yixin Pure Land came out?

Recalling the first time I saw His Highness, although I was still very optimistic, it was not like what it is now.

Although Yae Kamito was a little puzzled, seeing that the book she handed out was the one contributed by that little guy, she secretly blamed her for being sloppy.

But there is no way, if it is taken back now, it seems that it is not the same.

I can only hope that His Highness is not interested in the content. I guess she can’t stand the chilling plot in it.

Yae Shenzi was secretly looking forward to it.


Mu Jin, who finally woke up, woke up an hour after the three of them left.

He opened his eyes in a daze, looked at the empty room, and the messy quilts that hadn’t been cleaned up in time, and frowned slightly.

What’s going on, could everything that happened last night be a dream?

No, the quilts next to her have not been tidied up in time, where are they?

Mu Jin had just recovered from the nightmare of being served a sandwich by the slimes, and what happened in reality made her a little dazed.

ã€Congratulations to the host! The task issued yesterday has been successfully completed! Rewards have been issued to the system mailbox! Please get it! 】

Listening to the tone of the system, it seems that there is still a trace of satisfaction?

Mu Jin yawned, clicked into the system mailbox, and then saw 400 crystals, and the title of that ghost animal.

Why are there so many rewards?

[Of course, in the process of completing the task, as long as there is physical contact with the target of the task, of course negative distance contact is also acceptable, then the system will judge, and the reward crystal will appear according to the judgment of the mission result. 】

Ignoring the weird words in the previous paragraph, this is where you updated?

ã€Ok! This system is still very useful for the host! 】The voice of the system sounds much more cheerful.

Mu Jin thought for a while, as if she didn’t feel bad about herself at all.

By the way, I have a question I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time…

ã€Excuse me, what’s the matter? Host? 】

Do you know that what you say now will be mixed with some nasty jokes?

ã€Ok? This system thinks it is normal, but what you said does exist. A previous senior, who installed the store with the end point card, said nothing, but he thinks it is normal. But, if you observe carefully, The predecessor’s code has been affected. 】

So the love × store you installed before, could it be…


He was silent for a while.

[Perhaps, probably, yes. 】It seemed that he understood why his companions looked at his system with those indescribable eyes at the beginning, and suddenly became a little guilty. He seemed to have forgotten this before.

No wonder the system seniors above asked him several times if he wanted to confirm the installation.

This wave, this wave is me cheating myself.

Mu Jin sighed helplessly. It seems that she has to get used to the system of talking dirty jokes as soon as possible. She thought that the words that appeared a few times before were the system’s malice towards her, but now that she has found the source, it is hard for her to say anything.


“About the system that can tell nasty jokes, do you like it?” ”


Me? .jpg


Ask for tickets and stickers every day!

Come more, come more!!

Autumn Pear Paste! !

Today’s Mother’s Day, I took my mother to the streets for a long time, and I was already tired and stupid (

Returning to Rice Wife:

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