Thirty-Six Who Can’t Pass?

“Hmph, you guys, go get me a Coke! There are also snacks!”

Sirin, who had returned to the familiar space, embraced that Mu Jin couldn’t see herself like this anyway, so she simply let herself go.

The salted fish was paralyzed on the sofa, and our Miss Fugu ordered the two little guys, Fei Yuwan and Aijiang, without hesitation, turned around and turned on the dead house mode.

“The difficulty of the two of you is too bad.” Sirin looked at the game in front of the screen with an interested smile on her face.

Although I don’t know the reason, after all, this guy is a new partner no matter what, and Ai-chan and Feiyuwan will give some face.

When they came back with hibiscus prepared snacks and happy water for them, they only saw Sirin who didn’t know when to change into other clothes, holding the handle in her hand, with a smug look on her face: “Let you see See what is called a master’s operation!”

Fei Yuwan and Ai Jiang sat beside her one after another, wanting to see how this master’s operation is.

I saw Xilin operate for a while, press the button of the handle hard, and after a fancy operation, the character she operated suddenly had a word of danger appearing on the head in the next second.

After dodging the attack, Sirin just wanted to say that her operation is not good, but because of a small mistake of her own, she accidentally pressed the back and back button too much. As a result, the extremely real judgment of this game made Sirin manipulate The character fell straight down.

Seeing the big characters of “Game Over” shining brightly on the screen, Fei Yuwan and Ai-chan couldn’t hold back, and laughed out loud.

“Is this the operation of your master?”

“Hahahaha!! It actually fell down here! Good food!”

A blush immediately appeared on Sirin’s face, and her mouth was stiff: “It’s judgment! It’s not my problem! Bei…”

She seemed to want to call someone’s name, but soon realized that the person she wanted to find was not around.

“Hmph! I’m sure I can pass this time!!”

Sirin, who was irritated by the stupid operation just now, could only pick up the happy water by herself, drank several sips, and continued the second battle.


I didn’t know that I still took the hibiscus that Xiao Xilin thought of as a little angel just now. She sat on the bed and stretched. She was forcibly sucked by the other party for at least half an hour.

Although there are still a lot of things she wants to ask, seeing that this little guy, Xilin, doesn’t want to talk, she won’t force her to speak out.

I can only test it out bit by bit.

Finally, I have time to get ready to take a look at the character card of Fire Herald.

Just when she was about to click on this character card to use it, there was a knock on the door.

Apart from Yula and the landlord, no one seems to know her address.

She glanced outside the curtain, and found that it was early morning outside, and some vendors had already come out to start doing business.

There were also pedestrians on the street, at least it was much more lively than before.

There was another knock on the door, and she came back to her senses immediately, jumped off the bed without even putting on her slippers, and stepped on the floor with her bare feet, feeling a bit cool, but the problem was not the same. Big.

“Come, come, who is it?” As she walked towards the gate, she made an inquiring voice, wanting to know who could come to her house in the early morning.

“…It’s me, Yura.”

Why did Yula come to her?What about here? Isn’t she very busy?

With such doubts in mind, she pushed open the door of her house, and saw Yula and the breakfast in the other’s hands.

“Don’t invite me to sit inside?” Yula raised her hand, gestured to Mu Jin for the breakfast in her hand, raised her eyebrows, and successfully saw the white-haired dumpling that was attracted by the breakfast.

Hibiscus smelled the aroma of food, swallowed subconsciously, blinked her eyes, with a smile on her face, and turned her body slightly.

“Hey, the room is a bit messy, just find a place to sit.”

It was the first time for Yula to enter the small house of Hibiscus, and looked around. It seemed that it was smaller than her dormitory in the Knights Order.

It fits the style of the little hamster Mu Jin.

The little guy who hoards everything… he looks very cute.

Relying on her height advantage, Yula glanced slightly over Hibiscus’s little head, imagining a different scene in her mind.

Thinking of that scene, Yula’s face was a little joyful. If Hibiscus really turned into a little hamster no bigger than her own palm, wouldn’t it mean that she would be able to hide herself better?

Ahem, Yula, why do you have such thoughts about your friends?

This is not good…

As Mu Jin said, she really didn’t clean up the house much since she fell asleep on the bed after eating yesterday, and she didn’t even put away the bowl.

Yula looked around, except that Hibiscus used some small things that Mora bought to decorate the house, and it really felt like home.

This room is really nice..

It’s just… It’s really a little small… Other than that, it doesn’t seem to have any shortcomings.

Sitting on the chair, she didn’t dare to move around. She always felt that she could break the furniture with just a fist or a kick.

“Why did Yula want to come to my place?” Mu Jin hurriedly cleaned up all the dishes on the table, looking at Yula who was sitting on the wooden chair in an orderly manner, it was rare to see some restrained hands on her body. A look of helplessness.

“Ah…just passing by.” Naturally, Yula wouldn’t say that she bought breakfast from the deer hunter and came here specifically to take a look at Hibiscus.

She just…. misses her a little bit, really just a little bit.

But, she won’t tell Mu Jin these shameful words! Absolutely not! This is not arrogant!

Yula put the packed breakfast on the table, watching Hibiscus busy in this small house, at least getting along with her was very pleasant after all.

If I could be with her all the time…it would be a very good thing.

Hibiscus used her fastest speed to wash up, and immediately sat beside Yula, looking at the breakfast she put aside with a look of great anticipation.

“Yura Yula, can I eat?”

“You don’t need to ask me, I bought breakfast for you.”

Yula watched the dog staring at her hibiscus, resisted the urge to touch the other’s little head, coughed a few times, and could only strategically divert her gaze.

She is so cute…

“Yeah!! Thank you, Yura!”

Hibiscus was like a dog that had been given some food, she cheered directly, and happily opened the food Yula put aside.

Several pieces of fisherman’s toast, plus Tiwat fried eggs, she even brought a glass of warm milk for Hibiscus very thoughtfully.

“Don’t look at me like that, I just accidentally bought more, you know?” Yula didn’t need to turn her head to know how Hibiscus looked at her.

It’s really too enthusiastic.

The kind that was so enthusiastic that Yula couldn’t stand it, and now she can only pretend that she didn’t see anything.

“Yeah, I know, I know~” Mujin saw Yula’s reddened ears, and just snickered a few times.

Even if you don’t need to guess, you know that Yula is being arrogant again~ Sure enough, it’s better not to expose her, right?

After taking a brief look at Mu Jin’s eating appearance, I can only say that she is not at all ladylike, and even very unrestrained.

But Yura is also used to the way the other party eats, and thinks that watching the other party eat will make her feel hungry.

It’s really delicious to watch her eat.

But now there is only one problem that bothers Yula… Where are the two women beside her now? Normally speaking, don’t these two people stay by Mu Jin’s side every step of the way?

“Speaking of which, Mujin, where are your two friends?”

Mu Jin really didn’t expect that Yula would take the initiative to ask Raiden Mei and Alicia where they went. She couldn’t say that these two people got the cards back by herself ().

“The two of them, one is going back to Liyue, and the other is going back to Daozu. After all, they have their own things to be busy in those two places.”


Relying on her own willpower, Yula desperately suppressed the corners of her mouth that wanted to rise, and responded in a very calm manner.

So, is it almost your turn?

When Yula was thinking about something, Mu Jin looked at the person sitting next to her with some guilt, secretly hoping that what she just said hadn’t been fully exposed.

Although they are under the same roof, the thoughts in the hearts of these two people can only be said to be completely different.

“Wow,I’m full, I’m full, hehe, thank you Yura~ I’ll treat you to something delicious next time~! ”

Hibiscus patted her chest, which was not broad, as if you could always trust me. The last time I saw her expression…

It should be the day when the other party went into the kitchen and did that weird looking up at the starry sky.

That weird fish head looks really weird, and it tastes too.

Yula took a serious look at Hibiscus, and then saw the sauce on her mouth the next second, reached out her hand, and wiped it off for her.

“Then I am looking forward to that day.”

Yula wiped her hands with a paper towel, and after seeing Hibiscus eating all the food she brought, she showed a satisfied smile.

She rubbed Hibiscus’s little head, always over a masturbation addiction.

Hibiscus rubbed against Yula’s palm, and she seemed to be enjoying it very much. Think of it as repaying the other party for bringing her food.

Looking at Yula who looked like a cat, her cheeks were inevitably flushed with blush. In order to prevent the other party from seeing her blushing, she could only withdraw her hand with some regret.

“I, ahem, the Knights have something else to do, I’m leaving first, yes, if I have time, I will come again.”

Mu Jin could only look at the other party’s somewhat embarrassed back and left her home just like that. Although she didn’t know why Yula was shy, it should be regarded as her own victory?

Although the few pieces of toast that Yula brought were not enough for Hibiscus to be completely full, it was still possible to fill her stomach. At least she completely threw away Hibiscus’ idea of ​​eating instant noodles this morning.

“I’m full…”

Mu Jin cleaned up the place on the table that she had just stained, then slumped on the beanbag sofa, looking at the ceiling, not knowing what to do today.

Speaking of which, am I planning to use the Fuhua character card to see Noel who is a little bit off?

Mu Jin, who was slumped on the lazy sofa and didn’t want to move, thought of what she planned to do before.

Taking advantage of the situation, she directly clicked on the leaderboard of character favorability, ignoring the three guys who stayed in the top three all the time.

In a sense, Hibiscus is also used to the group of guys with extreme emotions in front of them, and I don’t plan to figure out why these people have such high emotions… I can’t figure it out after thinking about it for so long , simply don’t want to.

Big, at worst, just avoid these people, at worst, you can overturn your car!

Although the rest of the favorite characters are more or less a little bit extreme, they are at least not as outrageous as the first few…at least to the extent that Hibiscus can handle it.

After staying on the lazy sofa for a while, Mu Jin reluctantly stood up from this lazy man’s paradise.

After using the character card of Deacon Bai Ye, Mu Jin seemed to have gotten used to the feeling that her chest would be empty every time she used the Fu Hua character card.

Although she said she didn’t care, Mu Jin still felt some kind of discomfort in her heart.

But why doesn’t he feel this way when he uses Xiaoshi’s character card?

Little consciousness should be of the kind: Herrscher of consciousness has modified your will, and now you think her mind is super invincible and very broad.

If someone really dared to say this in front of Fu Hua… then it would probably be Cunjin·Craniotomy.

With some messy thoughts in her mind, subconsciously, she subconsciously tidied up her deacon uniform and pushed her glasses.

Relax, relax, just go to see Noelle, I will not overturn, nothing will happen.

Hibiscus, who rarely used the Fu Hua character card, felt a little nervous at this moment.

However, how am I going to find Noelle now? At this point in time, it should be in the Knights, right?

Pretending to be pondering, Mu Jin took a step forward, planning to take a stroll around the neighborhood to see if she could be lucky enough to meet someone she knew.

But can I really believe in Fu Hua Shangxian’s luck?

While she was thinking, she didn’t realize that her figure had been spotted by another person.

“Miss Fu Hua!”

“Huh? Miss Barbara…?” Mu Jin turned her head slightly and looked at Barbara who was standing not far away. She could only forget all the bad things about the luck of the immortal just now in her heart.

Barbara trotted to the vicinity of Hibiscus, looking at him with glowing eyes, as if she didn’t expect her to come to Mond again.

While the two were chatting, no one noticed that another pair of dark eyes were also looking at these two people.

Fu Hua…Miss…


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